Friday, February 2, 2018

Whose that girl about to get on her Hossaroni?

She was on a memorable episode of Bonanza but she is much better know for proving that no one is an island. Mainly because she is always paired with her friend who was more popular because everyone got it up to her crack. So to speak.

One of the sexiest cuties of the sixties she was on a lot of episodic TV shows as a femme fatale and is still remembered fondly for her coconuts.

Whose that girl about to get on her Hossaroni?


ampersand said...

She was the original Appasionata Von Climax

ampersand said...

She was the original Appasionata Von Climax

ricpic said...

I was in basic training and on a Sunday, I guess it was a Sunday cause even basic was only six days a week, anyway on Sunday we were all marched into an on base movie theater to see The Nutty Professor. When Stella Stevens came on screen a collective groan came up from that audience. Painful in retrospect and painful at the moment. Basic was beyond awful because I couldn't imagine it ever ending. A nine week eternity.

ampersand said...

I meant Whose This Girl was the original on broadway.

langford peel said...
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windbag said...

I'll still take Dawn Wells over her.

ndspinelli said...

I've been to Dan Blocker Beach in Malibu. A beautiful stretch of the Pacific.