Friday, December 15, 2017

Paul Ryan considering retiring midterms 2018

All the links go to Politico article put together by Tim Alberta and Rachel Bade titled Paul Rayan Sees His Wild Washington Journey Coming to an End.

I found the article difficult to read because there is no straightforward declaration. It's all private conversations, supposition, adding two and two, and review of events during Ryan's terms combined with things Ryan mentioned previously. Then, at the very end, "Ryan, will you be leaving soon?" Ryan snaps, "No!" You could call it wishful thinking. Comments to the article on other sites welcome the idea.


edutcher said...

Gateway says it ain't happenin'.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

So Politico is now promoting click bait?

ricpic said...

Don't let the door..................

Methadras said...

Good riddance to the midwestern doe-eyed goober I say.

Amartel said...

Idle gossip, anonymously sourced, probably based on some passing statement by Ryan that was taken out of context, and now the MFM has another fictional distraction to riff off.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

a tweet claims is not true.

thought, if I was not really retiring I think I would go on camera... maybe that's what trump wants? for Ryan to say... I'm behind my president and I'm not retiring?