Saturday, November 4, 2017

Donna Brazile

David Asman standing in for Lou Dobbs discusses Donna Brazile. Mostly. They actually talk about a lot of other things. I have nothing particularly astute to add to their discussion, except Donna Brazile is a liar. She knew of these things well in advance. She's be caught in her lies then automatically attempts to dodge saying she's not going to be a slave leaving her interlocutor dumbfounded at her simple brazen racism right there at the surface and available as her imagined all purpose trump card. Everything she talks about she was well aware of before she admits knowing and she sold her own soul to become part of what she complains about. Something they say in their discussion caught my imagination. The video that cues up after this one is interesting too. I forgot how interesting these FOX videos can be sometimes since I cut cable a long time ago. Sometimes. The rest of the time, bleh.



Leland said...

Not to detract too much from your post (you're on a roll Chip), but as the Hollywood come out and start telling us about the open secret they kept quiet about for so long and didn't name names. I think about this: "she sold her own soul to become part of what she complains about."

That's not to say they deserved to be mistreated, but the years, really decades, could have been a lot shorter if a few of these women had chosen not to become part by realizing the price was too high. Apparently, the price of their soul wasn't too high.

Totally agree about Brazile being a liar. She was well involved with tilting the DNC scales. And the media knew it when it was going on.

I also wonder what people who really suffered in slavery would think of Donna Brazile's lifestyle being characterized as slavery. Real slaves didn't get an option to make a sale on their soul. It was stolen from them. They don't get to shop around a book deal as a condition to pretend to come clean and feel emancipated.

edutcher said...

What's interesting about Brazile is she's selling out a womyn (more or less). So far it's been all men, but now the sisterhood is starting to crack. Anyone who remembers Watergate knows how John Dean sang to save himself.

Same here.

When the dust settles, (if, of course, it settles in our lifetime) she'd like a future in what's left of the Democrat party. The whole "I was in Switzerland during that war" bit.

I don't think it will work, socialism has never been one for redemption of souls, but she's giving it the old Electoral College try.

edutcher said...

And we've all seen this one a couple of times.

AllenS said...

Very good link, edutcher.

edutcher said...

I've been wondering when women were going to be on the accused end of things.

Well, it begins.

Granted, the babes are enablers in these 2 incidents, but...

Joe Biden, America's Putin said...

"I fed Hillary questions for CNN."

Careful Donna - don't get Sethed.

Methadras said...

They are all traitorous scum-bags. I'm never the least bit surprised by how these Marxists employ treachery to gain power and fame at the expense of selling their country and its citizens out. Every single one of these people should be put in front of a firing squad. It's the only way to make things right. Otherwise, we truly live in a two-tiered system in this country.