Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Welcome To Slaughter Month!

The Romans had only ten months and November was their ninth one. They counted days between January 1st until the end of February. March restarted the Roman calendar afresh. That explains their November being our 11th month and also our numbering of Superbowls from I to LII.

The Anglo-Saxons, being Germans, named their months for yearly rituals. Accordingly, November was called Blotmonað, the month of blood sacrifices. Livestock unlikely to survive the winter or those which were "overstock" were killed for meat. We do this to turkeys to this day.



edutcher said...

The had to wait for Mr Whirlpool to come along.

Amartel said...

Somebody jumped the gun on slaughter month.
Too soon?

chickelit said...

@amartel: They’re going to claim it’s halal. Wait for it.