Friday, May 5, 2017

"Talking to yourself out loud helps boost brainpower and could indicate higher intelligence"

Via Drudge:  Talking to yourself out loud is not a sign of madness but could indicate a high level of intelligence, a study revealed.

Those who speak to themselves while focusing on a task do better than those who stay quiet, experts at Bangor University found.

Psychologists at the university gave 28 people a set of written instructions and asked them to read them either silently or out loud before measuring their concentration and performance.

They found when people read instructions out loud, their brains absord more of the material than if they only use their inner dialogue.

Dr Paloma Mari-Beffa, senior lecturer in neuropsychology and cognitive psychology, said: “Our results demonstrated that, even if we talk to ourselves to gain control during challenging tasks, performance substantially improves when we do it out loud.

“Talking out loud, when the mind is not wandering, could actually be a sign of high cognitive functioning.

(Link to more)


edutcher said...

I've been telling people that since I was 5.

Methadras said...

But Ed, you were getting a response.

Methadras said...

By the way, Dale Bozio of Missings Persons was hot as hell back in the day. I think she still is.

ricpic said...

As long as you don't say out loud "I can't! I can't! I can't!" when facing a challenging task.