Tuesday, April 4, 2017

There is a vitally important story that is being totally ignored by the media!

Lawsuit Claims Roger Ailes Said ‘The Five’ Host Will ‘Get On Her Knees for Anyone’

by Daniel S Levine The Heavy Website

In the sexual harassment lawsuit Julie Roginsky filed against Fox NewsRoger Ailes and Fox News Co-President Bill Shine, she claims Ailes said that a female The Five host would “get on her knees for anyone.”
Roginsky, who still appears on the network as a liberal political commentator, claims in the lawsuit (which you can read in full here) that Ailes sexually harassed her on several occasions in 2015 and even tried to have a sexual relationship with her. When she rejected his advances, he retaliated by keeping her from having a full-time position on The Five, the lawsuit claims. In the lawsuit, Roginsky alleges that Shine was also aware of Ailes’ actions.
The lawsuit also provides a behind-the-scenes look at The Five, which is one of the network’s most popular shows. According to the lawsuit, Roginsky was asked to replace Bob Beckel on The Five in early 2015 because Fox News could not find him. After that incident Beckel was taken off the show and Roginsky became a frequent liberal voice.

Ailes also “repeatedly made sexist comments about the other members of The Five,” the lawsuit reads. The lawsuit claims that Ailes told Roginsky that a female host on The Five would “‘get on her knees for anyone.'”
In the lawsuit, Roginsky also claims that Ailes “led” her “to believe that she would receive a permanent position as a host on The Five, stating that Beckel would not return because he was a drug addict.”
(HOLY HEAD BATMAN!  Look this piece of shit is one of my least favorite people in the press. She is obviously piling on and trying to cash in on the sex scandal at FOX. But who is she talking about? Who gets on her knees for anyone? I have my candidate.

But you know what? I think we know who she is talking about:


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The stuff is so he-said / she-said.
Useless, unless there's a witness.

OT: Live on Jackson Square

I'm in the mood for.... web cams.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Mt Moran - Tetons.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

There's something dangerously wrong imagining Roger Ailes with his pants down.

What gives with Fox News? Now O'Reilly is in trouble? Settled with some woman for 9 million?
others? Is it ego-sex-hormone central over there? Get with the program, FOX. Without Fox News, we'd be left with 100% pro-democrat hack state-run D Fake news. Please, pull yourselves together. Get a blowup doll, a porn subscription, a hot horny girlfriend. something.
(not that I really care - I freed myself and dropped cable) (woo hoo)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

*doink* get a new robot sex girl*. On Amazon... delivered by a driver-less vehicle.

Trooper York said...

It is a feeding frenzy. Once they paid off one then the rest glommed on to cash in. That is why you don't pay them off. Big mistake.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

and when you pay someone off - to the tune of 9 million, it sort of makes you look guilty.

rhhardin said...

Women like money.

The rule of Lemnity said...

It's easy money... (see Pence Rule)

ampersand said...

She must have been propositioned for butt sex. With those beaver teeth I wouldn't hazard a BJ.

Methadras said...

I'm beginning to believe that this is a hit job on Ailes to force him out of Fox and this was the sexual harassments vehicle is the easiest way to do it.

Methadras said...

For the record, I would perpetually try to get Kimberly Guilfoyle on her knees. Thank you. I'm a pig.

rhhardin said...

The network of oiled legs with the camera on the floor, to quote somebody yesterday.

Probably trying to make it possible to males to watch with their target-audience wives.

The job attracts serious newswomen.

rhhardin said...

The plan is to get O'Reilly's advertisers to cancel, which is where Fox gets its revenue.

rhhardin said...

Like the left tried with Limbaugh, who lost a lot of advertisers on Sandra Fluke is a slut; most of them wanted to come back and Limbaugh gave them the finger.

rhhardin said...

Limbaugh, if anybody wonders, makes his money on direct response advertising. The advertisers pay for how many responses they get -- there's always a phone number or promotion code.

No outfit that places ads for clients would place them on Limbaugh. So he bypassed them.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It smells like a hit job up until you get to the 9 million dollar secret payment from Bill O.

As for Ailes - Isn't he already gone?

ndspinelli said...

I've worked quite a few sexual harassment cases. My take is there is some truth, some embellishment, and some lies.

bagoh20 said...

You don't make that kind of payoff unless there is something there you don't want aired out, but what counts for dastardly conduct now days is a pretty low bar. Still, you would not pay that much if all you did was ask her out or say something innocuous.

You gotta be amazed how hard and fast the media can hit a story when they want to. I heard this thing on every outlet as if the Russians had invaded Madison, WI.

Why do men with so much money and fame, who have so many other options, hit on women they work with? Why take such chances? That said, it's hard to treat women like equals and talk freely with them when the law considers them delicate flowers able to be crushed with the slightest remark, even a compliment. Many of these women on TV seem pretty tough and sell assured, and then suddenly they can't handle words, or common work obstacles like the ubiquitous asshole. Nobody should have their job used as leverage for sex or anything else besides job performance, but some of these slights can just be ignored or refused diplomatically.

A person in Ailes or O'Reilly's position needs to be superhuman in temperament and self-control. That just goes with the job.

rhhardin said...

I don't know that 9 million is a lot. O'Reilly brings in more than 150 million in revenue.

It's a go away payment.

rhhardin said...

Don't sue for more than they're willing to pay, is the rule for bogus suits.

rhhardin said...

Doctors' insurance companies annoy doctors by paying off claims instead of defending them.

It's cheaper.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I remember when advertisers abandoned Letterman when he was sued for big bucks by one of his producers. NOT.

Trooper York said...


This topic really brought RH out of his shell. Just sayn'