Friday, February 3, 2017

Lord please don't let justice ginsburg die

San Fransisco Chronicle: On Tuesday evening, President Donald Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch for deceased Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's long-empty seat. On Wednesday morning, liberals woke up, did the math and realized it was time to be concerned about Ruth Bader Ginsburg's fiber intake. Also bone density. Also exposure to airborne viruses (Madame Justice, what is your flu shot status?), and salmonella, and slippery ice, and also: Has anyone heard how scientists are coming along with a Zika vaccine?

"I'm very interested in this." says Jeanette Bavwidinski, a community organizer in Pennsylvania. "I'm interested in what her daily regimen is. Like, what are you all feeding RBG? Is she getting enough fresh air? Is she walking? Is she staying low-stress? What is she reading? Is she reading low-stress things?"

"Can she eat more kale?" asks Kim Landsbergen, a forest ecologist in Ohio. "Eat more kale, that's all I can say. We love you. Eat more kale.

"I kept thinking, you know, I could organize a bunch of gays," says John Hagner, a consultant for Democratic campaigns who lives in Washington. "I could organize the gays, and we would just make a protective circle around her at all times. We could help her get up and down the stairs. We got this."

Via Twitter: click at this link for more 


Amartel said...

Associate Justice Found Dead in a Pile of Kale, Unemployed Fashion Police, and Good Intentions

Leland said...

I'm for this. I think RBG needs to be surround by the gays at all times. May they go to her now and surround her. Don't let her walk around without a bunch of people around her force feeding her fiber.

I'll just sit back, eat some popcorn, and drink beer.

Trooper York said...

Because nobody knows more about living a healthy and risk adverse lifestyle than the LBGT community.

Great idea.

ndspinelli said...

Amartel, LOL! Has a Supreme ever stepped down because of dementia? The skinny bitch is losing it.

ndspinelli said...

I doubt there is a mechanism to force a demented Supreme to step down.

ndspinelli said...

I teed it up for a Diana Ross quip.

Amartel said...

nd: "Has a Supreme ever stepped down because of dementia?"
Well, on West Wing, which is the lefty parallel universe government blueprint, a crazy old Supreme Court coot died in office. I forget whether it was a Republican or a Dem. Story could go either way: If Dem, was committed to JUSTICE; if Rep, was demented power-hungry bitter clinger. Anyway, it was all very solemn and stupid.

Amartel said...

I think William O. Douglas had some mental issues near the end that were covered up.

Amartel said...

He resigned a year after a having a stroke.

Chip Ahoy said...

Talk about gays being helpful.

Yesterday UPS delivered something to me that belongs across the street. Earlier, but I didn't know this, the hotel/hostel across the street received something that belonged to me. The kids there had already rerouted it properly to our office downstairs. I would learn this upon my return.

It was icy outside in the morning. Slick as it ever gets. We were in a light ice cloud. The portions of sidewalk unsalted were perfectly slick with thin invisible layer of ice and no friction whatsoever. It really was dangerous in spots. But only in patches. Upon returning I waited at the light and short rather corpulent young lesbian lady took up beside me and asked me something that I didn't quite hear. I answered, "Yes. Look, thick gray clouds all around us and we're right smack in it. We're in a cloud." The light changed, She followed closely tight at my left side as a dog heeling across 5 lanes of traffic. It's not slick on the road, just portions of the sidewalk, but she took it upon herself to see me safely across the street. She slowed her pace considerably to keep her position to my immediate left. I didn't need any assistance but she was eager to see me safely across.

How weird.

How sweet. And that's how helpful I find young people today. An ordinary walk across the street. And that's how I find gay helpfulness to be. Both groups are very together people from my point of view. That type of thing is so common that I must say it characterizes. And this is contrary to everything I encounter online. I'm certain Ruth Ginsburg feels well appreciated.

Plus I saw the inside of the hotel for the first time. I stayed at a place like that one time in Canada. That's what it reminded me of inside. I'm gad I got that look because it resolved a mystery. There are always young Yurpean types coming and going from there. And now I know what it looks like inside. I also know that the operators are young, energetic, resourceful and helpful. They are not slouches.

Amartel said...

Stop in the Name of Dementia?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I think I remember that West Wing episode. The Justice was in a sort of vegetative state. Neither dead nor alive. Needless to say The founders did not contemplate πŸ€” this eventuality.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

It's not like there is a vice supreme waiting in the wings.

You know maybe we should amend the constitution to take care of this very provable and very preventable vacuum.

edutcher said...

It's called term limits.

Not just the Notorious RBG (83), but Breyer (78), and that even worse publicity whore than John Roberts, Anthony Kennedy (80).

Trump could remake SCOTUS, and that's just the beginning - Dodd-Frank Financial Regulations Watered Down as Trump Signs Executive Orders - as one might imagine, Lefty heads are exploding yet again.

ndspinelli said...

I doubt there is a mechanism to force a demented Supreme to step down.

The Vince Foster Protocol.

Amartel said...

I think William O. Douglas had some mental issues near the end that were covered up.

Most of them did. Thurgood Marshall loved to review all the evidence in those obscenity cases.

By the hour.

Lem said...

Needless to say The founders did not contemplate πŸ€” this eventuality.

People lived until the body wore out. Many women died in childbirth, most didn't live much past 40, the few that lived in a good-sized town with a few bucks to their name could expect to make it to about 50.

Benjamin Franklin must have seemed older than God.

Trooper York said...

Term limits for the job should be instituted. 80 would be a good cut off point.

The problem is the left would never agree now that their justices are all very old. The only time it would fly is when the conservatives get in their dotage. Specifically Clarence Thomas. They hate him so much they might go for it.

Trooper York said...

If you read the book "The Brethren" by Bob Woodward you really get a good grounding of the history of the Court and the issues that come up. It was very interesting and not as slanted as you might think overall.

Available in Hardcover for a penny on Amazon. Just sayn'

Amartel said...

"The Brethren" is a good read. Second that recommendation.

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

Term limits for the job should be instituted. 80 would be a good cut off point.

This is Mark Levin's take (I know, last year, but it's a starting point)

An Amendment to Establish Term Limits for Members of Congress

SECTION 1 : No person may serve more than twelve years as a member of Congress, whether such service is exclusively in the House or the Senate or combined in both Houses.

SECTION 2: Upon ratification of this Article, any incumbent member of Congress whose term exceeds the twelve- year limit shall complete the current term, but thereafter shall be ineligible for further service as a member of Congress.

An Amendment to Establish Term Limits for Supreme Court Justices and Super-Majority Legislative Override

SECTION 1 : No person may serve as Chief Justice or Associate Justice of the Supreme Court for more than a combined total of twelve years.

SECTION 2: Immediately upon ratification of this Amendment, Congress will organize the justices of the Supreme Court as equalfy as possible into three classes, with the justices assigned to each class in reverse seniority order, with the most senior justices in the earliest classes. The terms of office for the justices in the First Class will expire at the end of the fourth Year following the ratification of this Amendment, the terms for the justices of the Second Class will expire at the end of the eighth Year, and of the Third Class at the end of the twelfth Year, so that one-third of the justices may be chosen every fourth Year.

I'd extend this to the entire Federal Judiciary and the civil service.

Amartel said...

I don't know about term limits for USSC justices. It's not a clear cut case even for legislators and for justices it's even less so. The problem is the fickleness of the population and its leaders. Imagine (sit/lie down first) an all-progressive Supreme Court which could easily happen with term limits. They'd dump stare decisis in the name of The Children or Progress or Feelings or Whatever. The interpretation of the law would be even more confused than it already is.

edutcher said...

Levin's idea also allows Court decisions to be overridden.

In any case, it's like saying you'd get Courts of one stripe like you get Congresses of one.

The whole idea is turnover would ensure the silly stuff gets tossed out.

Trooper York said...

It is just reasonable to put term limits in place. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

I think they should institute it for the Pope too.!

Oh and hosts of the New Years Rockin' Eve. Man watching Dick Clark after he had the stroke was horrible.

Term limits for everyone.

ampersand said...

Shoot! They need to protect her from mirrors, garlic, crucifixes,wooden stakes and old men offering Walnettos.

Anyone know if a president can nominate a new chief justice? Is that a lifelong job too?
It would be a good kick in the teeth to Roberts.

Trooper York said...

There should also be time limits on naked photos. I mean you have your occasionally Helen Mirren but most the time they look like Madonna.

No naked stuff after fifty five. That's it!

edutcher said...

Good point about Helen Mirren. Even in "Calendar Girls", she looks good.

And Madge was never not no sex symbol or looker.


ampersand said...

Anyone know if a president can nominate a new chief justice? Is that a lifelong job too?
It would be a good kick in the teeth to Roberts.

Sorry, it's life, but any Justice could be impeached for cause.

The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

rcocean said...

"I don't know about term limits for USSC justices."

We don't need a bunch 80 y/o leftists making rulings. I can remember in the late 1980s you had guys like Brennan and Marshall who'd gone to Law in school when Herbert Hoover was POTUS ruling on stuff they obviously didn't know anything about. It was even worse with Douglas, who got put on the Court in 1939, and by the early 70s was giving us Roe v. Wade and going senile.

These Judges live in another world - with some of them the power goes their heads. 20 years should be enough for anyone.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I hear bloodletting is still a thing.

Trooper York said...

We don't need a bunch of 80 year old anythings making rulings. Look they are of a different generation. You don't want them ruling on things like the Internet or artificial intelligence or a host of other things that their cloistered existence gives them no clue about in the real world.

I also think it is too important to only have judges and lawyers on the court. I know they have to have legal knowledge but the clerks write it all up anyway. The Romans had juries of regular citizens who made binding decisions and created law. Why can't doctors and plumbers and carpenters have a voice on the High Court. Look I know that is a crazy idea but I think it might be a good one. At the very least put an ex Senator who will weight the political fall out as the Court is really politicized.

Law is too important to be left to the lawyers.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh look! Liberals doing what they ordinarily do: Taking concern for others. I can see why this was such a spectacle for the retrogrades, and their "die quickly" health care proposals.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

OT: Leftwing ISIS strikes again.

Milo is right, leftists are ugly.

edutcher said...

Crankipants still claims the Left actually cares about people.

He might get more takers if they didn't need to be trained in talking to real people.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

...if they didn't need to be trained in talking to real people.

In ed world, "real people" = the ~30% of the public who still approve of Drumpf.

Go ahead. Give up gerrymandering and let's see how well you do.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

leftists are ugly.

Not as ugly as Trump's policies.

He has a way of bringing out the worst in people, apparently.

But I get it. You want a bellowing narcissist who has no policy ideas or expertise and chaotically just implements whatever Bill O'Reilly just yells into his ear on cable news at night as he winds down from a tough day at the job he's too bored to do properly.

But at least it gives him a reason for attacking and being attacked on his favorite medium: Twitter.

This presidency was all about a narcissist getting the drama he needed. Good job.

edutcher said...

60% of the people approve of Trump, but Crankipants, on orders from the Mrs, only believes those polls that oversample Demos by at least 10 points.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well to get to anywhere near that number you had to be going with Rasmussen, which predictably oversamples Republows.

I see you didn't want to take up the challenge of doing away with gerrymandering. Very brave of you, eduardo.

How well do your party's objectives poll? Are they all going to pretend to be anti-corporatists now... while Trump exempts countries that kill Americans from his EO, just because his business interests are tied up with them?

edutcher said...

Crankipants, as all the other hysterics, grabs at straws.

And gerrymandering is a Lefty Demo thing. All those black set-aside voting districts.

(Crankipants just doesn't know when to let i6t go)

AllenS said...

Airborne viruses, salmonella, slippery ice, and the Zika virus are nothing to worry about. Ginsburg needs to have about 10 layers of tin foil on her head at all times to prevent Trump's death rays from entering her thin skull.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I checked this thread, curious after noticing its length. Looking to confirm a hypothesis.

Yes. Commander Crankshaft or Ritmo or whatever he calls himself.

People seem to get off on it and I don't see the harm except for the commission of non-actionable waste. Reindeer games, of a sort. There's a lot of that.

Anyway, there was some groundbreaking reality TV show where a bunch of twenty somethings where put together to live in a house with the cameras running. Some guy named "Puck" was assigned to get on everybody's nerves so the occupants (subjects?) would have something to talk about.

It might have been called "The Real World" or something along those lines. I never watched it.

Leland said...

I've tested your hypothesis a few times myself, so consider your science peer reviewed and replicated.