Thursday, January 12, 2017

I have to strap it on and go into the street.

Matt Dillon: I'm sorry Kitty. But you knew it when you met me. I have to strap it on and go out in the street and meet my fate.
Miss Kitty: But Matt, I already strapped it on, don't you feel it? Lets go back to the Long Branch. I will let you guess how I came up with that name.
Matt Dillon: Kitty you are the greatest. Hey do you have a guitar?
(Gunsmoke, 1968)


ricpic said...

"Hey, do you have a guitar?"

" Why, would you like to strum it?"


Back in the day, I lost my innocent while watching Gunsmoke. Well, OK, it was a mainstream TV series, But I remember Miss Kitty, the “salon owner” (aka bordello madam).

I wanted to be like the U. S. Marshal, Matt Dillon, because he got to shot bad guys and drink whiskey with Miss kitty's cleavage.

Who could forget Miss Kitty, the sexy proprietress of the Long Branch Saloon (brothel), With her flaming red hair, big blue eyes, and low throaty voice...