Saturday, October 8, 2016

birds in the eye of Matthew


rhhardin said...

Birds don't feel wind, any more than airplanes do.

ricpic said...

"You're all going to die, seagulls!"

--Shepard Smith

ndspinelli said...

When I heard about birds in the eye I thought it was angry Haitians flipping off the storm.

The Dude said...

We are getting a lot of rain here, and I have friends who just had the eye wall pass over their house. They have lost phone service. Lordy what a big ol' storm. Kind of like Galveston back in 1900. No different, in fact, if you listen to the morons on tv. Which I don't.

One thing I have always noticed with tropical storms is the air - or maybe it is a combination of the air and the water - it is distinctly different than storms that come down from Canada, eh, or from out west. Different smell, different feel.

Tomorrow the sun will be shining and I will have to mow the lawn again. Thanks for nothing, hurricane.

The Dude said...

Wind is picking up, neighbors are losing their power, so we are not out of the woods, yet.