NR: Three federal courts have thrown out voter-ID laws in North Carolina, Texas, and Wisconsin in recent days. Left-wing judges accepted spurious evidence that such laws were racially discriminatory, and they also insisted there is little voter fraud to worry about. Last April, United States District Judge Lynn Adelman of Wisconsin claimed that “virtually no voter impersonation occurs” in Wisconsin and that “no evidence suggests that voter-impersonation fraud will become a problem at any time in the foreseeable future.”
Despite such sweeping statements, polls show that the general public is worried about fraud and bureaucratic incompetence in voting. According to a Pew Research Center survey, only 31 percent of Americans were confident that “the votes across the country were accurately counted” in the 2012 election. Small wonder. A separate Pew survey in 2012 found that one out of eight voter registrations is inaccurate, out-of-date, or a duplicate. Some 2.8 million people are registered in two or more states, and 1.8 million registered voters are dead.A really thoughtful restaurant. (Link to source)
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restaurant labels their brownies based on what part of the pan it was baked on.
center, edge or corner
Are those brownies code for how much THC they have?
Reality intrudes for Trump's ground game?
I think I brought it up here before, but I was staying at hotel where a Democrat election party was being held during the Walker recall. Volunteers there asked me to go with them to vote, using the name of someone they knew was out of town. Changed my mind forever on the necessity of voter ID.
Democrats cheat and lie - and their judges help them cheat and lie.
After Hillary gets in, the cheating and the lying will be institutionalized forever. The Supreme Court will be filled with liars who institute more corruption - Until the day comes when the corruption is so thick, we all drown under the weight of it.
When you face this sort of corruption - you need a candidate who is in it to win it.
There was saying I've tried to recall this morning form the days of Bush election, it might go back further than that.
If it's large they can't cheat?... Something like that.
Lem, Hugh Hewitt used to say it. You have to win big enough so they can't cheat.
April, you might persuade more people if it seemed you were trying to encourage Trump to win. Instead, you come off as more saying why he is doomed.
If you point is the latter, we got it.
Hey, some have given me crap too for pointing out mistakes by Team Trump. While I have my doubts how great a President Trump would be, I am damn sure certain how horrible Hillary as Commander in Chief would be. So I am all for defeating her in November.
Lem: If it's not close, they can't cheat
Trump is giving a great stem winder in Detroit right now. It is being broadcast live on FOX. He hits all the points that April and Evi and Bags harp on every single day.
I expect you guys to ignore it and continue to buy into the media lies when the coverage is about how he threw a baby out of a rally or is fighting with a Immigration lawyer who pimps for Saudi Arabia.
Listen to what he is talking about. Economics. Rebuilding our country. America for Americans. An economic plan with reduced taxes, reduced regulations and job growth.
If you are listening to what he is saying you will be more than satisfied. If you are serious about defeating Hillary.
I was watching it for a bit, Troop. I agree - it was a solid conservative speech - esp. on taxes. Perhaps his trouncing in the polls is inspiring a wake up call?
At least here locally I do not see voter ID as being a big help in honest elections, the fraud in the city takes place with the absentee ballots.
We have some elections where the absentee ballots are about 10% of the total votes cast. And then we have elections where there will be upwards of 45% of total votes come from absentee ballots. Note that some elections are more popular and get a higher overall vote total- but the absentee rate seems about the same- so if it is just a special election for alternate ambulance board members- they still get about the same number of absentee ballots cast as you would see in a highly promoted presidential election.
Trump was focused and disciplined. He ignored the protesters who continued to disrupt his speech without shooting from the hip. He did everything the carping critical cuckservative conservative naysayers have harped on for weeks and months. I expect them to ignore the substance of what he had to say. I expect them to echo the talking points of the Hillary machine as they have done this entire election.
They are only interested in protecting the status quo. They like it just the way it is. Being the Washington Generals. Pretending that they oppose the agenda of the global elite.
This is an election of the elite vs the people. You have to decide what side you are on and stop the bullshit.
Trump cannot take anymore self-inflicted wounds.
The media are solidly in camp Clinton. It's not a cuckservative or a never trumper who will defeat Trump - It's Trump and his inept campaign.
It's also not about sides.
Hillary is working hard to get swing states in her column. Trump is chasing squirrels and picking fights in back alleys.
You must face the fact that Trump is not a likeable guy. He turns most people off. Just because you like him, does not mean others do.
It might be too late. Trump-follower attitude is fuck everyone else! His mistakes are awesome! He's just saving the good stuff for later!
It is about sides April. It is always about sides. You are on our side or you are on the other side. It is that simple.
He is not saving the good stuff for later. He just gave you a speech full of good stuff. Which you ignore and continue with your defeatist bullshit that you have spouted from the beginning of the campaign. Trump will never be able to say or do anything to change your mind. He did exactly what you claim you wanted him to do today as he has done on other days and you just ignore it for the same old democratic talking points.
#Nevertrump attitude is Trump is not my candidate and I am butthurt so the hell with what he says lets lay down for Crooked Sick Hillary and have the same old same old. It is clear where you are coming from.
I'm not Never Trump.
Trump is more Never Trump than I am.
Trump has done many things that the cucks and the #Nevertrumpers demanded and it is not enough. It is never enough. He endorsed the backstabber Paul Ryan and the King of the Cucks McCain and that nasty twat from New Hampshire or wherever the fuck she is from. But that doesn't matter because they will continue to undermine his campaign every chance they get. Because you see they are on the other side. The side of the globalists. The side of unlimited immigration. The side of unlimited government.
What card is in your wallet?
Thanks ELV.
I see them (Clintonbots) ramping up on Facebook to claim vote suppression. Even after years of IRS abuse of conservatives which continues to date and no one held to account.
Claiming black people can't get identification. How bizarre and racist! This odd assumption that in blackpeopleland there's no ID and/or that blackpeople can't figure out how to get id.
Check your presumptions and privilege and, also, as long as your down there, the barn door's open.
Troop, if Trump supporters keep this Cuck stuff up you will lose. It is a stupid distraction from the main battle. You want to win don't you?
The hard core Never Trumpers Republicans are what they are, but the whole focus has to be on winning those voters who are not hard core Hillary supporters.
Trump had to mess with Ryan and Ayotte. I laughed when I first ready it (so in the long run it is not a big deal) but it was a distraction from the main battle which is destroying Hillary. If this is just a hostile group with Ryan, why isn't he running on that? Why go and endorse them now? And if not, why not endorse them last week?
What he should have been doing immediately following the DNC is hammering Lying Crooked Hillary. He seems to be doing that now. He should keep doing that.
What about the outreach to blacks, Asians, or Latinos? Driving the wedge on how illegal immigration kills jobs for citizen blacks, Asians and Latinos?
Trump can win this thing, provided he focuses his attention on taking votes from Hillary.
Isn't this about winning?
btw- It's no longer about "getting in line"
It's about Trump winning over whole swaths of voters.
Trump is giving a great stem winder in Detroit right now. It is being broadcast live on FOX. He hits all the points that April and Evi and Bags harp on every single day.
I expect you guys to ignore it and continue to buy into the media lies when the coverage is about how he threw a baby out of a rally or is fighting with a Immigration lawyer who pimps for Saudi Arabia.
Who's "you guys"? If he is hitting all my points today, great. I am all for it. I can't speak for April or Bags, but I harp on it because I WANT THAT WITCH HILLARY TO LOSE.
April, Trump just has to win a bit more than Hillary to get to 270 electoral votes. It is doable with a little luck and discipline.
Sadly Evi - for many Trump supporters, it's about the eternal primary. They want the tantrum and they think Trump's squirrel chasing tantrums are awesome. It's more important to whine about Paul Ryan and John McCain and obsess over Ted Cruz than to focus on winning.
Hillary is better at this and it shows. Considering that she is a horrible candidate, and a truly horrid person, it's troubling to see that we've nominated someone who is "seen as" worse. Sorry - fact. If you want to believe he is as loved as you think - that is your delusion to own.
That doesn't make me a Hillary supporter. I want her soundly defeated.
Trump and his supporters better face facts. She has more money, a more institutionalized ground game, an easier path to 270, the entire media in her corner, pop culture and hollywood in her corner, she's going after the illegal-vote and people who just recently became US citizens. Bernie is now telling his supporters to get behind her. Will they? Probably. D's are a loyal bunch - and it's just icky voting for an R. (see: people do think Trump is a bigot and a blowhard etc...) Most importantly, she is promising free stuff. That alone, folks.
Read this and understand what is really happening. I think Trump has an opening with this stuff, but I don't feel confident that he will capitalize on it because he has no discipline.
He gave a good and disciplined speech in Detroit today. I see a spark of hope. Hillary is allowed to be corrupt. Trump isn't allowed to make a single mistake. He blew all last week. Not good.
Of course Hilary is perfect and Trump blew it. That is all you ever say. Hillary can't even walk up a flight of stairs but you can't mention that.
The reason why Ryan is important is that he is actively trying to undermine Trump every single day. Still Yrump endorsed him because you guys demanded it. Ryan will continue his back stabbing of that you can be sure. Trump did what he had to do but as usual he will only get attacked by the people who are on the other side. You have to expect that.
I'm not interested in the Drudge delusional petty pile on.
Drudge and Hannity can go eat Sh*t. They are to blame for handing us hillary.
The Dem version, which they seem to be accomplishing is "We have to win big so we don't have to cheat"
Genichi Taguchi would have been proud of those brownies, yet I'm afraid most six sigma "black belts" still wouldn't get it.
Trump has put the Demos on notice. He will go after them the way he went after the One true Ted if they try anything cute.
This is one of the first things that drew me to him.
AprilApple said...
After Hillary gets in, the cheating and the lying will be institutionalized forever.
Clearly, she can't wait for Hillary.
Perhaps his trouncing in the polls is inspiring a wake up call?
The polls are dead even.
Trump is more Never Trump than I am.
Tell that to Kasich, Ryan, and the One True Ted.
Hillary is working hard to get swing states in her column. Trump is chasing squirrels and picking fights in back alleys.
Riiiight. Where did you get this one, RedState or Puffington?
It's about Trump winning over whole swaths of voters.
He's getting men, women, Indies, Reagan Democrats, 30% of Hispanics (LA Times), and at least 9% of blacks (probably more - 5% alone will cost the Demos the election).
Which swath do you want this time, sweet cheeks?
For any interested in reality, the skews of the various polls.
Looks like LA Times really does want some credibility.
Trump +.6. For the beginning of August, not bad.
For some, this ain't about politics, it's about other issues.
Stupid is never an issue.
ndspinelli said...
"Yer either with us or you agin' us" utters the bra salesman from his small desk in the back room, as he looks in the mirror and sees John Wayne
You want 4 years of the Comedy Sidekick doing exactly what Dr Evil tells him?
Keep shooting your mouth off.
It really is us or them. The ones who think the party will coalesce around them should Cacklepants win need to look at some history. And The Donald has shown better character than any of his competitors - Little Marco and the One True Ted especially.
Nobody likes a traitor.
"Who stole my strawberries??"
So Trump does what "you guys" say. Ok, who is "you guys"? If it includes me and I prompted him to give that speech in Detroit today, you can thank me.
Better that than dust ups with Kasich, Ryan and Cruz. It is like playing the Super Bowl and (during the game) tweeting about the teams you met in the playoffs and championship. Who gives a fuck, you have a game to win now.
And I am not sure how Ryan undermined Trump lately. Ryan came on board and nothing Ryan did since that time (as far as I know) did anything to hurt Trump. It was Trump who decided to tweek him about his past indecision on getting on board.
No doubt, many in the GOP don't care for Trump. Fortunately for him, most know Hillary is far worse and the GOP are better off with a Trump-Pence team in the WH.
Nick, don't be using geometric logic on us!
Ugh, both sides would do better without the mudslinging intraparty.
I've been voting for subpar Republican presidential candidates for decades and I'll slag them anytime I want.
I never saw any duplicate key.
As usual, I'll be voting for whoever the media doesn't like.
The importance related to voter fraud isn't how wide spread it is or isn't, the importance is public confidence in the system.
Which Al Gore shot all the hell.
If the answer to public confidence isn't voter IDs (like every other civilized country on the planet and most of the uncivilized ones) then the answer is to find some other way to ensure public confidence which is *not* scolding people for being bad because they think it's important that elections be fraud free, it's to show *actively* what a better alternative solution is.
There should be no cases where one cadidate gets 100% of the vote and no cases where more votes are cast than registered voters. We could also do without ballot boxes going missing for hours and being found in odd places.
(Honestly... even in the deepest and most ethnically uniform inner city polling stations there should be at least a few ballots *accidentally* cast for someone other than Obama.)
E, I don't know if Ryan is on anybody's board but Tom Donahue's, but it seems to me he's been running scared the last 2 weeks.
ndspinelli said...
"Who stole my strawberries??"
Sounds like you.
I've been voting for subpar Republican presidential candidates for decades and I'll slag them anytime I want.
Wait! You must worship Trump like ed does. Ed wets his pants for Trump. The bed-wetting is so bad, he switched from rubber sheet pads to depends. Both! Ed has a poster of Trump above his bed and folds his hands in prayer while he communes with Drudge and Gateway Pundit for clarity and guidance. Amen.
Julie, I'm vaguely recalling from 2012 that in Philly, or certain precincts in Philly, there were none, zero, no ballots cast for Romney which seemed very suspicious at the time. I know there are a few contrary free-thinking black folks in there. I know it for objective fact. Then the photos of the skinny fools standing around outside a polling places with guns came to light and you begin to understand how that happens.
Trump f*cked up so bad in the primary's - Kasich wanted nothing to do with him at a GOP convention in OHIO. - where Kashich is governor. Great! Hey - Trump doesn't need actual states to win - (Ohio - screw Ohio) he'll use his urine and his twitter-tantrums to win it!
Yeah - that's some bad karma crapping in Trumps face and yet - Trump's baby-man supporters slag Kasich because he only won one state! Not the point, idiots.
It goes on and on... Again - Trump's blind faith supporters, (if ed the moron is any indication of who they are) are his worst assets.
Little Marco would be beating Hillary like a rented mule in the polls.
Trumps average on RCP is -7.
We lack confidence in our voting system - because the fraud is real.
As i've said before, Democrats will lie, cheat, steal, or kill to make sure they win.
Hi everybody.
Voter fraud doesn't exist, we're a pure country and that never happens here, but Republican voter suppression is still a very serious problem like all through history along with their lies.
Republican voter suppression and lies. That is stated on t.v. a lot more than voter fraud so that too proves it's a much more serious problem. Wake up, Sheeple. And also FOX keeps conservatives stupid.
Just normal human error should have resulted in a few votes for Romney. Even a thousand dedicated loyal Obama supporters will have a few ‘oops’ where they punch the wrong name. And not even notice the error.
The risk of election fraud is not at the polling places- it is in the people counting the votes.
AprilApple said...
Trump f*cked up so bad in the primary's - Kasich wanted nothing to do with him at a GOP convention in OHIO. - where Kashich is governor. Great! Hey - Trump doesn't need actual states to win - (Ohio - screw Ohio) he'll use his urine and his twitter-tantrums to win it!
Last, I looked, Trump won the primaries. That's hardly fucking up; maybe it is in CO where everybody's floating along on that pot-induced cloud that's legal out there - did you know marijuana inhibits blood flow to the brain?
Sweetie, if Kasich could actually deliver OH, he'd have done it last time when he was actually popular. If Kasich is being a big baby because he could only win one state and that by finessing the ballot so you knew you had to vote twice for the same guy for it to count, it's got less to do with Trump than it does with his own over-inflated ego.
Kasich, like the One True Ted, thought he was a wheel in the party, and, like the One True Ted, has committed political suicide. Kasich stayed away and sulked when he could have come at gotten a chance to speak his piece, but he did it your way and now he's on the road to well-deserved obscurity.
And I'm sorry I keep bringing up all these facts that get in the way of your seething hatred, so it looks like The Donald will win - because it's looking that way, but keep on following every word the Lefties say and believing it because it's what you want to believe. You can spend the rest of your life muttering to yourself how President Trump could have won when you were sure karma was going to get him.
Little Marco would be beating Hillary like a rented mule in the polls.
Because that'a what it said in February. Little Marco couldn't even win his home state.
Trumps average on RCP is -7.
Most of those polls are a week old or more.
Let's see what the skews look like
Morning Consult 8/05 8.1%
USC-Daybreak 8/05 1.4%
ABC / Post 8/04 5.3%
IBD / TIPP 8/04 7.6%
Ipsos / Reuters 8/04 5.9%
Lessee, that's 28.3 / 5 = 5.7, so the "real" bump is 1.3. Take out the LA Times poll and it's 27/4 = 6.8 or +.2
Wow, I'm impressed.
BTW, LA Times has Cacklepants up by .4, so it's really Trump +1. It must hurt to be you.
And I'll bet you believed every word of the Khan game, too.
We lack confidence in our voting system - because the fraud is real
Then maybe it's time to vote for someone who won't put up with being cheated. He didn't let the One True Ted do it. He says he won't let the Demos do it (and the Demos are wetting their drawers at the thought).
But we couldn't do that because our hate is too blind, right?
It's the people counting the votes but it's also the intimidation squad menacing voters on their way into the polls and the constant chorus of fraudulence and contempt from the media. Hillary got a comatose cat bounce from her convention. The more the media reminds people of what a bunch of useless saggy old whores they are, the more it helps Trump. Being adjacent to money and power does not make you elite, media, nor does doing the bidding of greedy liars.
PS For this interested, the website I quoted on skews is the Long Room. Scroll down to the bottom and they give you the latest skinny on any pollster, who he says is on top, whatever skew, and the corrected values (always good when April panics).
If you go to their home page it looks like any other Breitbart-like news site so this is just another service they offer.
ed- you dense idiot. Kasich could absolutely help deliver Ohio to Trump. Are you that stupid?
The polls are all wrong up until they show Trump ahead.
Got it.
Not impressed. There isn't ONE SINGLE POLL that shows Trump winning. Not one.
If Hillary came to CO for a convention and our democrat governor (hickenpooper) decided to sit it out - it would send a HUGE message.
Hard to know what the real situation is out there. None of the polls are credible. Last week was a concerted effort in the media to throw Trump off balance and he appears to have returned, after some initial fumbling, to striking distance. It's very volatile. So, more fraudulent media, please. Serve it up, suckers. Less whining from TrumpFans would also help.
AprilApple said...
ed- you dense idiot. Kasich could absolutely help deliver Ohio to Trump. Are you that stupid?
No, but you must be. Kasich is on everybody's drop dead list in OH since he all but doubled the sales tax to balance the budget.
And, as I said, but some people are too dense to get it, if he could have delivered OH, he'd have delivered it last time.
BTW What, exactly, is Trump supposed to do? Apologize because he won, apologize because Kasich was so lame he could only win his home state, and that by chicanery?
C'mon, tell us all what Trump is supposed to do to make kissy face with him? You have no idea, do you? You're just mouthing off again because you want the guy to lose so you feel better even though all your guys couldn't get past the quarter mile pole.
Christie, Little Marco, and Walker all came to Cleveland and made kissy face. The One True Ted made an ass of himself and so has Kasich. Nobody forbade Kasich to come, he made that brilliant decision all by himself. If he'd come, he'd have gotten a speaking slot like everybody else.
Anything Kasich has done, he's done to himself.
Not impressed. There isn't ONE SINGLE POLL that shows Trump winning. Not one.
That's the idea. It's called battlepsace prep and it works on the weak-minded so they think there's no hope and stay home on election day. you say you don't trust the Lefties, but you expect honest polls out of them.
They seem to have your number.
Missing the point again. That's OK. Trump will likely lose Ohio and all the states he needs to win.
Keep up the faith, Baghdad ed.
No, you miss the point.
Kasich is not going to give OH to anyone and he can't deny it to anyone because it isn't his to give and it never was.
Trump will win it for himself, but it's nice to see how you admit you are really blowing smoke on what Trump might do to make amends with Kasich. You know as well as I it was just another one of those silly points you try to make about how lousy Trump is doing when he's actually doing quite well.
So, where did you get this idiocy about Kasich; Erickson, Beck, Salon, Puffington, or Hewitt?
69% of Americans believe you should need to have a photo ID to vote. 8% are unsure. The 23% who think you should not need a photo ID are Dems who vote early and often.
Kasich is popular in Ohio. Trump - not so much. Trump will likely lose Ohio.
But you keep on, ed. Keep the faith.
AprilApple said...
We all watched Trump treat the GOPe candidates like shit.
Trump deserves to be treated as he treated them. Like shit.
Now the truth comes out. The Donald was mean to Little Marco and the One true Ted so April wants the world to be mean to him.
Don't hold your breath.
Kasich is popular in Ohio. Trump - not so much. Trump will likely lose Ohio.
According to whom? Not anybody in OH, I can tell you, but keep going by those Lefty polls that you say you don't trust, but do.
Last I saw Trump was doing OK in all the swing states, but I'll tell you this, if I had to swap PA for OH, I'd do it.
Problem is, the economy's been lousy here for a long time and that's the Demos' doing. You keep believing what the Lefties spoon feed you and let us know how it turns out.
Me, I don't think Cacklepants will make it to the debates. Sorry.
Ed sez I don't think Cacklepants will make it to the debates.
Delusion. You should see someone for that.
Reality - Trump will crash and burn in the debates.
Kasich may be popular in Ohio, but not so much outside Ohio. Yeah, Trump needs Ohio, but I understand reluctance to show subservience to Kasich. Kasich treated pretty much everyone else in the race as crap. He got 13% of the vote primarily because he stayed in well past the time he had any chance. He only got 7% of the delegates, and prevented both Rubio (early in the primary) and Cruz (late in the primary) from gaining enough support to challenge Trump. If you don't like Trump being the Republican Candidate, then next to Jeb!, Kasich's the other reason you are stuck with Trump.
Then again, Trump garnered more actual votes in the Republican primary than any other candidate previously, including Reagan. It would be nice if some in the GOP would recognize this fact as a sign that the guy really does having drawing power and a lot of support. Unless you believe the vast majority of those 13 million votes are fraudulent or Democrats throwing off the Republican candidate (possibly, but I doubt over 5 million are due to that, which would still be more true Republican voter votes than any other candidate this year). Maybe, just maybe, Trump does have popularity of his own, and others should recognize this.
the only reason Trump got all the votes is due to the duration of the race.
The other candidates crashed and burned because the DNC press made its choice. They wanted Trump.
Here is something that will confuse. I hope Trump does really well in the debates.
Hope - a fools game.
Hillary's people can't risk a coughing fit or a seizure during the debates. I still doubt there will be any and all of little April's tantrums can't change the fact, although they do explain her juvenile attitudes and language.
AprilApple said...
It's called karma, ed.
Trump was an asshole and that's why he will lose. He screwed the pooch a long time ago.
Sorry, I'm not superstitious, but I understand it's what the ignorant hold onto when they can't explain their bad fortune.
So, what do you do next, start burning people at the stake?
Because Trump has the will to win, and not by cheating. That's your karma for you.
the only reason Trump got all the votes is due to the duration of the race.
Same duration as any other election year.
Maybe it's because all the others were found wanting.
Wrong ed - usually a candidate is selected long before most of the states even get a chance to vote in the primary.
In what parallel universe?
Actually, it was over when the One True Ted couldn't get 50% of the vote in TX.
Some will tell you it was over when the One True Ted had to explain the delegate poaching in CO and WY and showed himself to be a pompous ass.
I think it was when he went to NY and wanted to justify his New York values nonsense.
But, if you mean in terms of delegates selected, the NeverTrumpers, you included, were trying to overthrow that right up until the roll call.
You won ed.
You want credit- you got it.
If you lose in November - that's your fault too. But I'm positive that all the Gold plated Trump worshipers will fill their diapers blaming #Never Trumpers or Ted Cruz.
Just remember how confident you are that he will win. You remember that -OK.
You are SURE Trump will win. All the polls are wrong and your guy is loved and respected beyond The Beatles.
Bush won the primary in 2000 pretty early. I remember because I wanted to vote for McCain and I never had the chance. It's common for strong candidates to win early and get the delegate count they need long before most states even vote. If you don't understand that ed, you really are a dope. but then, it fits in with your other delusions.
It all depends who won what primary.
With a field of 16 people, the vote would be a bit more diffuse and take a little longer to thin out, but that's hardly the issue.
People had a choice and it wasn't Little Marco. You want to hate somebody, and you obviously do, hate the One True Ted - it was he who pulled the dirty trick in HI, not The Donald.
Whatever chance he had in FL was shot when he blew HI, which probably was his state, otherwise.
I want to beat Hillary.
Sadly, a lot of people were duped.
It's a lefty poll - but here - just a taste of November tears.
Thanks again.
So glad we trashed any candidate who would actually beat her. Good thing we fell for the DNC dupe.
"American steel will send new skyscrapers soaring.
We will put new American metal into the spine of this nation.
It will be American hands that rebuild this country, and it will be American energy – mined from American sources – that powers this country.
It will be American workers who are hired to do the job.
Americanism, not globalism, will be our new credo.
Our country will reach amazing new heights.
All we have to do is stop relying on the tired voices of the past."
This s the speech that Donald Trump gave today. It was focused detailed and comphrensive. It is exactly what his critics have demanded he do. But all they can talk about is how he needs to kiss John Kasich's ass if he wants to win Ohio.
He made a mistake endorsing Ryan because Ryan can't wait to run to the press to say how he disagrees wtth Trump. Heis actively working to undermine the ticket.
Donald Trump is indeed a douchebag. But he is an American douchebag. Like George Patton. Or Henry Ford. Or Davy Crockett. Or Harry Truman. Or Jesse Helms. Or John Rooney. Or Andy Jackson.
All flawed major league douches in one way or another. But all loyal Americans who put their people first. Who would fight for American interests. Who would shoot a savage or drop an atom bomb if it was in the best interest of the American people. Not in the interests of the global crony capitalists who have bought and paid for Hillary Clinton.
You can continue to make your petty nit picking criticisms. Nothing Trump will do will ever satisfy you. Even when he answers with a great speech you can do nothing but respond with nonsense. It is down to nut cracking time. You are with us or you are not. I don't want to try to convince you because nothing Trump could say or do would work. Today's speech proves that. Sad. But true.
We don't deserve Jesus Trump. LOL! We're not worthy.
Not into hero worship, ass eyes. Certainly not a NYC douchebag. We'll vote for him. That's it. Now, go find some male companionship. STAT!
Regrets, I've had a few. But then again, too few to mention.
But one regret that I do have is that I invited Nick Spinelli into my home and had him eat at my family table.
Let me give everyone a piece of advice. Don't invite the mentally unstable people you interact with on the internet into your personal life. It never ends well. Keep a healthy distance at all times. Take it from me you will be glad you did.
Chris Rock does a bit about how all ATM's should be shut down after 2AM until sunrise. "Because any cash you get from an ATM after 2AM ain't for nothin' good!" That advice could hold for comments as well.
I love that joke from Chris Rock because in my younger days I did go to an ATM at 2:00....sigh.
Its 9:30 AM in the morning and I stand behind what I said.
After all of the cazies and stalkers we have encountered because of the TV show ( and there were quite a few) Spinelli is by far the worst and the most persistent. That includes the 390 poiund transsexual who wanted us to design a wedding dress. She was normal in comparison.
Credibility is paramount if you want people to believe what you say. When you constantly spin, dissemble, embellish, and generally are a propagandist, you lose all credibility. There are certainly many charges you could make about me and maintain your credibility. But the only other person who has called me "crazy and a stalker" is someone else who is certifiably crazy and a stalker. The evil one and you, ass eyes. You're the only two have ever said that about me. Even she won't respond to your repeated dog whistles. I'm quite sane, and although you brought it up, I'll bite my tongue about your reality TV show. You're welcome.
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