Wednesday, August 10, 2016

CRISPR: Genetic Engineering Will Change Everything



edutcher said...

CRISPR, huh?

The mind reels.

Synova said...

I'm having super much trouble with the first line...

"Imagine you were alive, back in the 1980's..." talking to your friends at another university over the mainframe... and what if someone told you that the world would be connected by computers...


Synova said...

I got four minutes in. I can't do it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It gets better later.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hi Lem,

I have a creepy stalker.

Please look at the bottom of the Paul Ryan post comment section. I have no interest in Ed, but he is essentially stalking me on your blog.

He is now taking quotes and posting them over and over. He refuses to leave me alone even though I've asked him repeatedly, to ignore me. Now he has taken his obsession with me to a new level and I fear it will only get worse.

I ask that you remove his obsessive posts filled with my quotes. I'd also ask that you place him on notice. If he continues to obsess over me - I think it would be wise for you to ban him.

Respectfully - AA

Adamsunderground said...

Why not email?

edutcher said...


I take her breathless heralds of doom and remind all of how she says the media can't be trusted. All I do is take her own words.

Not stalking, just rebuttal. She's tried it before, when I answered her disinformation. She's tried everything and now I presume she wants me banned.

And after me, Troop. And then all the other "throne sniffers" or whatever she calls us. She won't debate, but she expects a free hand to spread her FUD.

Do what you will.

edutcher said...

Adamsunderground said...

Why not email?

Attention, we're supposed to be intimidated.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Ed what's going on buddy?

Please leave April alone.

I'm not going to ask twice.

If she complains to me again I'm going to ask you to leave.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No Ed- you are a creep and a stalker. I've asked you repeatedly to ignore me and you REFUSE. Now you are just stalking me. Ed cannot handle disagreement. Ed cannot handle an opinion outside of his own. All sorts of disagreements fly around here,
they do not lead to stalking. Until now. You need to leave me alone - ed.

You turn every thread into this and it's really getting old.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

We don't need this kind of behavior here.

Tell what's it going to be.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If you don't stop, I'm going to start deleting your comments Ed.

You have been warned.

Trooper York said...

This is not good.

Both Ed and April are valued and prolific commenters.

However they don't mix well. Perhaps if both would refrain from engaging with each other they can coexist.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Fine with me.

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

Why not try it ? If I can tolerate that cunt Spinelli maybe you guys can coexist for the common good.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'm still keeping an eye on Ed.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I have asked ed to ignore my posts in the past and recently. Again and again, I've asked. I've asked nicely and calmly and I've asked with foul language attached.
I do not engage with him, but he constantly repeats what I say and obsesses over it.

Now, he has a stashed file of my comments and he is spamming them. He intends, I’m sure, to ruin every thread with them. I certainly do not have a stashed file of his comments.

I will have no trouble ignoring ed. No prob at all.

Best part is my language is going to clean up – real fast.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

thank you, Lem.

chickelit said...

Genetic engineering has already reshaped the world. Animal husbandry*, plant crossbreeding, and mating preference have been around for a very long time.
*I don't mean the "marry your goat" kind of husbandry.

Trooper York said...

I do want to say that Ed is a vitally important part of this blog. There is no more loyal and prolific poster to be found here. He is a man of strong, confident and consistent opinion who tries to back up his opinions with facts and links. Not the Carlene's invective that is my stock in trade.

Ed takes a lot of unnecessary and gratititious shots without anyone stepping up to his defense. Don't get me wrong he can take care of himself. But just the other night his wife was attacked by a lunatic out of the blue. It is just not right.

I do know one thing. If I was in a foxhole facing long odds.... I would be proud to have Ed with me.

Trooper York said...

That is careless invective.

I don't know any Carlene's.

Screw you spell check.

edutcher said...

OK, question.

April makes a big show of what a "victim" she is, but often says things that are untrue, or links to stuff that is known to be biased - and often untrue.

She also will make a statement on something being unreliable or corrupt and then use it to justify her statements.

I can't call her on this? That is the soul of debate. She says I'm "stalking" her if I rebut what she says (I know who put that idea in her head, but we'll let that one go), but no one here has ever said anything of the kind about anyone else here.

I get she has a hook here because of money. She's going to use it to get what she wants.

What I said earlier about stifling me is still true. I don't blame Lem, I'm sure the blog is a nice little extra income, but, if using her own words to rebut a contention she makes is "ruining" the blog, she'll use it on others.

Lem, if you want to say don't rebut her, then you set a bad precedent, I think. If you want to lay down some rules, fine, but you need to be rigorous about enforcing them across the board.

And, if I can make one more point, how about taking people to task for the constant use of profanity. I get told, "fuck off", and other things all the time for doing nothing but rebutting a fallacious point, but just from one direction and you don't know how I've tried to keep my language clean and my points pertinent.

Seems to me this is a 2 way street.

PS Thanks, Troop.

The Dude said...

Lem will do anything for a twenty dollar bill, except find a job.

The fact that he is incapable of following the debate, then accepting April's claim of victimhood shows that he has no reasoning skills, well, not here. In his homeland of Haiti he was considered a genius, no doubt.

But back to the point - April periodically goes insane. She has a long history of monthly outbursts of crazy ranting - here, on Instapundit, and probably other sites as well. You can set your watch by it. Incessant repetition of the same inane comment, bullying, then crying that some man was mean to her. And you, Lem, fall for that garbage because you are bought and paid for. Seriously, dude, grow up, become a man - being dependent on women to provide for your food and shelter is shameful, well, it would be, if a Haitian were capable of shame.

Ban ed and you are well on your way to becoming another Althouse - a Hillary supporting, totalitarian leftist alcoholic who will brook no dissent. That was your goal all along, wasn't it?

And for the record, when did you start drinking again?

ndspinelli said...

It's pathological to see a person put on a peacekeeper mask while calling someone else a "cunt" in the same sentence. A team of shrinks would be needed to sort that out.

ndspinelli said...

Everyone needs to breathe and relax. ed and April need to control themselves. They are both culpable. A brief, self imposed respite? A detente to not address each other for a week or two? Lem is in a difficult spot here. He's not a villain. There are no villains. Just some conflict. And conflict is best handled by those conflicting. If they can't do it, then steps can be taken. I think they can work this out. I hope they do.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"Seems to me this is a 2 way street."

April has requested you don't address her Ed.

Look at it as a virtual restraining order.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hey Sixty - do you donate to this blog? Nobody is stopping you. If you spend most of your time here - day after day - year after year, you should hit the tip jar.

Trooper York said...

i don't think it is relevant or even appropriate to ask people what they donate to this blog. Some of us came here to get away from this type of stuff.

Ed contributes a great deal to this blog as does Sixty. I don't think they have to show anyone a receipt. That's out of line.

Trooper York said...

This is Lems blog and it is important that we respect that. I often do not agree with him. I mean I have been censored repeatedly with entire blog posts deleted. But since it is Lems blog I have to abide by his judgement.

Ed I think you have to find a way to address what April says without addressing her directly. Don't mention her in your posts or repost any of the pro-Hillary propaganda. Just post you links and address the subject directly n your comment.

Or come up with a stock phase and post it and we will all know what you mean. Something like "Hillary is a criminal and every time you lie about Trump you are an accomplice."

It could be as simple as that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No Troop - he needs to ignore me completely. As I will ignore him completely. I'm sick of the obsession.

edutcher said...

Let's just get one point straight here.

If I "stalked" anyone, I would follow them from blog to blog.

I do not. I defy anyone to prove otherwise.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Let me change the topic...

Did you know you can get raped by Pokemon Go?

The Dude said...

So, now you are stalking me, Crazy Apple? Figures. What next, send your puta an email requesting that I be banned? And who the fuck are you to talk about spending all day here - it's not as if you are required to be anywhere. Sure, you can post like a crazy bitch over at Instapundit, so I guess you do have diverse interests. Too bad you carry your insanity with you.

As for monetary support - I earn my money through hard work and there is no way in hell that I am going to contribute one thin dime to an illiterate slacker who hangs around in someone else's apartment drinking all day. He's on his own in that regard. His commie friends and relatives are free to throw good money after bad - as commies, that's what they do best. That mentally impoverished refugee floated over here on his water wings and he can damn sure grow up and get a job, at least he could if his zika wasn't acting up.

Trooper York said...

Lem just be fair. There are two sides to every story.

You are getting some good responses from various people. Please keep an open mind.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Calling Lem "an illiterate slacker" yeah Troop - that's a nice story.

Did you read Sixty's comment - all of it? Do you stand by his second paragraph?
Sixty is allowed to be an asshole. I’ve never stood in his way. At least he doesn't obsessively cut and paste all day long.

mama m - YOU talk to him. You have so much respect - go on - get busy & have a lovely conversation. I'm not interested.

Troop - trying to turn every thread into a pissing match? I think everyone is sick to death of it. I'm trying to abide by Evi's request and you're not helping.

Trooper York said...

Sixty can speak for himself. I don't have to endorse what he says. That is between him and Lem. Sixty and I have our own issues that have nothing to do with this.

MamaM always says what she thinks. She often chides me. When she does I stop and reexamine what I am doing. I suggest you do the same.

You are the one who has brought this into multiple threads. I just want to stick up for my friend Ed who gets a bad rap all the time. We also don't agree on a lot of stuff. Especially Westerns which are very important to me. I do know he comes by his opinion honestly and is entitled to express it without fear or favor. I remember when a blogger actually came into the comments and attacked him in the most vile and disgusting way because of the whining of people who could not deal with his arguments. I just don't want a repeat of that.

The Dude said...

Fuck you, fatso - we don't have any issues. We agree that Rio Bravo was a piece of shit, so shut up! Ricky freakin' Nelson indeed!

Trooper York said...

Whatever you say you toothless goober. Go gum down a moon pie and sip some vintage Montain Dew while you whack your bag to photos of Ellie Mae from 1965. After all it's Thursday.

The Dude said...

Thanks for the reminder - time passes slowly here in the land of cotton. Mmm, Ellie Mae...

And since when did they let dagos like Dean Martin west of the Mississippi? The Duke should have known better.

Rabel said...


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I was a General Hospital guy myself in those days.

ndspinelli said...

The soaps use actors and are more real than Reality TV trash. The KC Royals of the 70's were big General Hospital fans. A few made cameos. I think Clint Hurdle was one of them.

edutcher said...

So, the enemies list is forming.

As I said.

edutcher said...
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edutcher said...

On another note, UPI (didn't know they were still atound) has The Donald within the MOE.

He should be ahead by Labor Day.

Sixty Grit said...

And since when did they let dagos like Dean Martin west of the Mississippi? The Duke should have known better.

Almost all of the Army bands were all Italian and a couple of Custer's troop commanders were.

Whom do you think did all the haircuts?

The Dude said...

Based on results, my guess would be blind Italians. With dull scissors.

Unknown said...

What a bunch of dysfunctional assholes, but very entertaining. Carry on.

Trooper York said...

Hey John not eveyone can amuse themselves abusing household pets.

Trooper York said...

The Royals did enjoy the soaps for a while but they had to stop watching them because Freddie Patek couldn't stop crying.

ndspinelli said...

That's funny.

The Dude said...

Trooper York said...
Hey John not eveyone can amuse themselves abusing household pets.


Also, Trooper York said...
It's phony female victimization day at Lem's Levity.

You are on a roll. Gluten free, of course.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You guys are harsh. Leave the infighting and squabbling and bickering to the liberals.

I want to chime in here but presume it will just look silly. Probably because I don't have anything substantive to say - other than to be the Rodney King of the thread.

Listen, there are some here that I've almost always loved and some I've learned to respect out of giving a fair hearing and others by entreaties by people I respect. And some I still wonder about every now and again. And I still get just about as bitchy as anyone when I want. And as loathe as I am to endorse any sort of Althousian tactic of shutting down and shutting up, I've gotta say April has a point. Ed might not mean it, and he might be the most loyal and honest brother-in-arms to have in a foxhole, and I can identify with his being singled out as the trolliiest-of-the-trolls. Hell, Althouse practically did the same to me.

But without banning or shaming, isn't it possible to just ask him to consider April's point? I oftentimes feel he bangs on about things without even knowing what he's actually responding to. It's like he gets stuck in word-land and forgets that there are actual people, increasingly annoyed people there, who could clarify what he's getting wrong. As much as he or I or anyone can hate what someone says and feel it to be the worst and most wrong thing ever stated, sometimes we get carried away and don't consider that we're not really getting what it is that we're responding to. And when it happens ad infinitum, it does feel creepy - like a zombie who's stuck in argument-land.

I say if he wants to keep constantly referencing April's comments he can at least make an effort to do it in good faith and not twist her words or intentions - intentionally or accidentally. When she says he's got her wrong, he should listen. If he wants April to hold her fire on the judicial efforts, he has to at least give her a fair hearing when she points out that he's twisting her words like a pretzel maker with advanced Parkinsons.

Do it for the good of all good wing-nuts, and the lunatic lefties who lovingly tolerate you.

Trooper York said...

I hear you buddy but I feel I need to stand up for ed. Just as I would stand up for you.

Listen April is giving us the hard troll here. Now both you and have done that before. We are just more talented at it. Ed is responding in his dogged initimatable way. If you give the hard troll over and over in thread after thread you have to expect some push back. Even some strong push back. That goes with the territory. You can't claim immunity. It doesn't work that way. Pushing to get someone banned because you have a problem with him isn't cool either. It would different if many people had a problem as has happened here. Or trying to shame someone about how much they contribute to the blog. We kind of came here to get away from that. All in all I think this whole thing was unfortunate in the extreme.

It would be better if they just did not interact but I think it is a moth flame type thing.

rcocean said...

"I do want to say that Ed is a vitally important part of this blog."

I don't see Ed "stalking" anyone. But I agree that people should keep it civil and not get personal. Attack the argument and not the person.

Unless its Hillary.

rcocean said...

Dean Martin was a pretty good Film cowboy. He should have made more Westerns and less films with Jerry Lewis.