The head of the ACLU in Georgia has launched her own advocacy group because she can’t explain to her daughters why the ACLU is forcing communities to open women’s bathrooms, locker rooms and changing room to men who claim to be women.
“I have shared my personal experience of having taken my elementary school age daughters into a women’s restroom when shortly after three transgender young adults, over six feet [tall] with deep voices, entered,” said Maya Dillard Smith, interim director of the Georgia chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union. “My children were visibly frightened, concerned about their safety and left asking lots of questions for which I, like many parents, was ill-prepared to answer,” she told LifeSiteNews.
Until her resignation, Smith was one of only three African American directors of the ACLU.
The website features a video of a young black girl saying, “I don’t want him to be uncomfortable in the boy’s bathroom, either. I don’t want them to be uncomfortable anywhere. But what about me, too?”
Smith said the ACLU is no longer an organization that supports all rights, but has evolved into a “special interest organization” that advocates only for “certain progressive rights.” The now former ACLU chief also charged that the ACLU tailors its activities to satisfy the progressives who are funding the group’s lobbying activities.
As LifeSiteNews notes, a transgender activist viciously criticized Smith. The biological male who claims to be a woman named Cheryl Courtney-Evans, called Dillard Smith a “lazy’ and “ill-educated” woman. He also called her a “bi*ch” who needs to “STFU.”
The answer is simple - they're insane, you have every right to be frightened, it's just plain wrong, and, because I'm a Lefty, I'm a terrible mother by excusing this kind of nonsense.
Ed is right, they are insane.
What's so scary about 6'+ dudes with deep voices dressed as women?
*checks self in mirror*
*changes pose*
With an attitude like that you'll never learn what gentle, kind, generous, lively, imaginative, open caring people the transgendered community is, you'll deny the chance, that brief moment, to exchange makeup tips with a knowledgeable stranger, or else be helpful to them. You'll never learn the best places to buy tackle boxes for all that makeup and jewelry and bear and hair spray and spare hose and tissue and repair duct tape. You'll not learn the best places to buy high heels in size 12D.
All that opportunity for human kindness lost to pinched hateful and fearful bigotry.
Something else.
Did I ever tell you about the time two incredibly stylish black women from the FRB visited me at my home and went directly into the bathroom. Goes like this: bing bong, hello, come on in, where's the bathroom?
First things first.
Fix your hat hair.
Right. Fix our hat hair first.
We sit down in the living room. My lovely jet black fluffy lupine Belgian Sheepdog comes slinking into the center of the room and drops a Kotex.
And none of that is unusual.
And this beautiful dog taught me that all future dog training will include resisting the doggy urge to score on the one new smelly item inside the house. Signal, okay. Retrieve, no.
Now, how many beginner dog training regimens do you know of that include "don't retrieve Kotex from the bathroom trash" as a principle element? Huh? One. that's how many.
This is all part and parcel of mixed bathroom, male, female, both, in-between, dogs, cats, you really must be all trained yourselves for the seemingly unusual.
It is scary for young girls to encounter a penis. It is scary for many women to encounter a stranger's penis. That's why flashers are always men. Are there any women flashers? I think they're called strippers. No man or boy feels threatened by women's genitalia or breasts. I imagine teenage boys all over the country are eagerly awaiting the transgender girl who wants to use their locker room.
I bet if you saw Hillary's genitalia you would be traumatized.
Look at what it did to Bill. He has been searching for a normal one ever since.
Then again, it may have been the sight of Willie's privates that drove Hillary to women.
I hear Willie's have a kink like a dog's hind leg.
I gotta give props to that kid. At least he's trying to look the part. I'm just saying.
RMPC has allowed deviant insanity like transgenderism to become emboldened by giving it safe harbor under its ideological umbrella. Otherwise, it could never survive the light of day. I stand as a heterosexual male on my own. i don't require an ideology to defend that fact, but these special snowflakes do, which means they are frankly wedge apparatchik ploys to further destabilize the culture.
Well, the "flasher" thing, just like the obscene phone call thing, is a thing where someone forces someone else to participate in their sexual experience against their will. It's not even close to rape, but it's nasty.
And small children, no matter how much they are accustomed are going to stare at anyone who is unfamiliar to them or doesn't fit the pattern that they're building of how the world works.
It is interesting how for the left, things seem great in theory, but when they begin actually affecting them in person, their tune changes.
All well and good for someone ELSE. But not for them.
Up until very, very recently i never gave much thought to transgenders and their quest for dignity whilst taking a dump. The issue seems overplayed. I don't know any transgendered people, but my guess is that bathroom facilities are pretty far down on their list of problems........Nothing screams STRANGER DANGER more than a large guy in high heels and cheap wig using the Ladies Room. In the same way that people ought to give transgendered a certainty amount of tolerance, the transgendered should give ordinary citizens a certain amount of forbearance in their wish to shield children from cross dressers.......At any rate, how big a problem is this? I live in NYC where the trendy and the depraved congregate, especially at Starbucks. I have yet to see any transgendered in the lines at Starbucks. Has anyone here ever witnessed this problem firsthand?
William, most transgendered people do their best to live as the other sex. Passing tends to be a big deal. You may have seen many transgendered and simply saw them as they'd prefer to be seen.
Transvestites are something different.
Exactly. If they pass it's not a problem......I suppose there are differences between cross dressers, transgendered, and transvestites. I wish them all luck, but in my few remaining years on planet earth I don't intend to study the subtle differences. Apparently there are people who like to dress up as stuffed animals while having sex. I also wish them well, but my indifference to their problems gaining accommodations at Best Western while so dressed is not a form of bigotry.
My sister and her BF are friends with a transgender person. I've never met them, but this topic has been non-stop on the radio here. So it came up when we were hanging out, and it turns out the trans-person is uncomfortable with the movement drawing attention to them.
Just a person trying to do their own thing, mind their own business- and not impose their lifestyle on everyone else. I think most people are like this to some extent or another. We already know they're like 2% of the population, what we see on the news and here are those 10% of that 2%. Or something like that.
I got flashed by a woman!
First time I ever went to Nascar. Pocono raceway, a few years ago- the one where lightining was striking again and again and again and again and some people died. After the storm passed, me and my pals were killing time downing a few beers in the parking lot.
No rush to move, the line of cars was long and slow. After a couple cans, I wandered over to a porta-john a field away. Used it, and on the way back talked to a few people.
I'm walking back, and a middle-aged couple engages me from about 50 feet off the driveway. I tell them it's my first time at a race, and it was great fun! I was sad it was cut short due to the storm. The (presumably his wife) woman then says ,'Well it's not over yet!' and up comes the shirt!
My eyes damn near popped out of my skull! She had quite a nice pair.
Consensus was I won the day.
Steg, wtf man? That's kind of a shitty story. There is a shit ton of context left out. You walk out of a porta-john, a couple approaches you, woman flashes boobies and that's it?
HA, sorry my storytelling was good enough for you! What more context do you need than Nascar race, returning from bathroom- talked to strangers, got flashed?
I was walking barefoot and wearing a wide brimmed hat?
They didn't approach me- they engaged me! We sort of shouted our conversation.
It was the first and so far last time I've been flashed in public.
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