Friday, May 20, 2016

NRA Endorses Trump

The Washington Times:  Chris Cox, who heads up the NRA’s legislative-lobbying arm, made the announcement in his introduction of Mr. Trump at the NRA-ILA’s “Leadership Forum,” which is part of the gun-rights group’s annual meetings in Louisville.
“We have to unite, and we have to unite right now,” Mr. Cox said. “So on behalf of the thousands of patriots in this room and the 5 million NRA members across this country and the tens of millions who support us, I’m officially announcing the NRA’s endorsement of Donald Trump for president.”
Mr. Cox then introduced Mr. Trump as “the next president of the United States,” which was greeted with resounding applause and cheering from the crowd at the Kentucky Exposition Center.
Mr. Trump appeared somewhat surprised himself at the development.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Trump has given some bad positions on the 2A in the past, but I am sure he is way better on this issue than Hillary.

edutcher said...

I'll bet he's glad about it nonetheless.

One more thing where he is the diametrical opposite of Hillary.

PS I know Meth and maybe one or 2 others were interested in Trump not giving up the campaign trail now that the primary season is winding down.

His schedule for next week:

- TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2016 -

Albuquerque Convention Center
7:00 PM

- THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2016 -

Rimrock Auto Arena at MetraPark
4:00 PM

- FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2016 -

​San Diego Convention Center Corporation
2:00 PM

Rabel said...

I see our honorable and virtuous leader, Mr. Lem, has another retweet featured on Instapundit's website. I just hope he remembers all of us little people who made him the celebrity he is today as he moves up into the fame and fortune of the big leagues of political commentary. If not, at least I'll be able to tell my Grandchildren that I knew him.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


edutcher said...

Another instance where the Hildabeast and her crew don't even get 19th century technology.

When Vox starts laughing, you know you're in trouble

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He's going to the best president on gun rights since the Chinese invented gunpowder.

Is "Wayne LaPierre" really the best name you could think to give to a head of a gun organization, though? What was his mother thinking?

edutcher said...

This should leave a mark.

Stephen Miller, loaned to Trump before Jeff Sessions even came on board and one of the smartest guys on the Hill (don't say it...), nails Cacklepants' foreign policy - start wars, import refugees.

Which is what she's been doing for 8 years.

ndspinelli said...

On the subject of touring cities, Leon Russell is playing in Reno tomorrow. I may have seen him in the casino, but not sure. A guy w/ long white hair, hunched over, walking w/ a cane was spotted by me a short while ago. Didn't get a good look @ the face. A real musician and songwriter. Took too long for him to get into the Rock&Roll HOF, but they finally did right by the man. I would pay to see him if I were going to be in town tomorrow night.