Friday, May 20, 2016

"Judge orders entire DOJ to remedial don't-lie-to-me class over WH executive amnesty case"

Washington Examiner:  A federal judge has ordered annual ethics classes for Justice Department attorneys as a punishment for being "intentionally deceptive" during litigation over President Obama's executive immigration orders.

"Such conduct is certainly not worthy of any department whose name includes the word 'Justice,'" U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen wrote in a withering order released Thursday.

Justice Department attorneys misled the court about when the Department of Homeland Security would begin implementing President Obama's executive order granting "deferred action" to illegal immigrants whose children are citizens. In doing so, they tricked the 26 states who filed a lawsuit into "foregoing a request for a temporary restraining order," according to the judge. (read more)


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If you are a democrat or a leftist - you lie. You are a liar and you feel good about it.

edutcher said...

Actually, they figure the ends are worth it and they have the best of intentions, but, yeah.

BTW has there ever been an Administration so corrupt its legal corps has been ordered to remediate itself by order of a Federal judge?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Someone should make a list and publish it on the web.

Methadras said...

How about send them to jail for lying class? Does that exist? I thought it did and it was called Perjury and Contempt of Court. Oh well. Nothing to see here again. Another win for Urkel.

edutcher said...

It's against union rules or something.

Willie lied to a Federal judge and only lost his law license. There's a separate code for lawyers IIRC, things like it's assumed everything they say is the truth.

nd would know for sure.

PS The fact a Federal judge ordered this is an embarrassment, to be sure, but the Commie In Chief is immune from such things.

Rabel said...

Let's play "name the perp."

And, of course, before Ms Hartnett, the lead lying liar lawyer in the immigration case, moved to DOJ she worked directly for our smidgen-free President.

Amartel said...

They're lying on Obama's orders so shouldn't Obama have to take the remedial truth-tellin' class, too? It's already a matter of record that he lied about Obamacare and about the Iran Deal. He's a known liar so it's not exactly a leap to hold him accountable for his lawyers' lies.

They're getting off easy, these DOJ lawyers. Regular lawyers who lie to the court get their licenses yanked permanently. There's a higher level of scrutiny for lawyers but, as in all things, the benefit of the doubt is afforded to members of the Feel Good Unicorn Party and especially to its enablers.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Congress is to blame in part, for not being tough on their oversight prerogatives. They've let Obama do whatever he wants.

Methadras said...

Lem said...

Congress is to blame in part, for not being tough on their oversight prerogatives. They've let Obama do whatever he wants.

Lem, all of those congressional hearings that republicans had excoriating Obama criminal where nothing but cotton candy Kabuki. They were a meaningless nothing. All of them. You watch, nothing will happen to guys like Koskinen getting censured. Zero.

edutcher said...

If the Whigs wanted to do something, they had all last year.