Thursday, April 14, 2016

Abdirizak, I must speak with you.

Here are the full details in all of their intense and uniquely perverse interest. I encountered this on a right wing pj something site. It's about Minneapolis something something half a million dollars or something, nearly that, to outreach something that misunderstood something about the problem of something from the beginning of something to something about some racial something and some something religious something. So obviously the something wrong something solution for the something perceived problem. Then boom the something something moderate guy with Mohammed or something for middle name and a very odd last name of something like "Warsame" or something. It's all here if somebody's interested or something.

"Abdirizak! I must speak with you." 

"You have an interesting face." *shake, shake, shake* "That's all." 


ricpic said...


He's a real sweetheart
Till he chops your head off.
The brightest best people have ushered him in.
Who's dim?
Not him.
That's the funny part.
It's all on the brightest best.
Ain't that a scream?

bagoh20 said...
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bagoh20 said...

"Yet he still tried to join the Islamic State, after having been, he says, radicalized on the Internet."

We all seem to have been to varying degrees. Does anyone think the internet has made them more reasonable, tolerant, and empathetic? If familiarity breeds contempt, the internet is going to catch the planet on fire, and not from CO2.

Chip Ahoy said...

Wow, Bagoh, what a great observation. I myself have become radicalized via the internet.

That came after self-isolation from what vexed me most, my dad dying was crucial, after that I just had zero need or requirement for any persistent continuing bullshi|t. After that, the internet. After that radicalization. After that radicalization of the radicalization. After that attenuation of radicalized radicalization. After that, sharpening of the attenuation of the radicalized radicalization. After that, a song to sing in the bus during long road trips. I guess.

But seriously, that's a very good point.

MamaM said...
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MamaM said...

Does anyone think the internet has made them more reasonable, tolerant, and empathetic?

What, of all that is out there, do you believe makes people more reasonable, tolerant and empathetic?

Since I don't expect the internet to do those things, I'm not surprised when it doesn't yield those results, and I'm delighted whenever it lends a hand toward helping that happen.

I have experienced unexpected, meaningful opportunities for connection, along with enhanced understanding and awareness via the internet and I am daily pleased with that outcome.