Monday, March 21, 2016

"Why Donald Trump Has Been Sending Vanity Fair Editor Pictures of His Hands for 25 Years"

Graydon Carter and Donald Trump

For the last 25 years, Donald Trump has been sending pictures of his hands to Graydon Carter to prove his fingers are properly proportioned, the Vanity Fair editor has revealed. 

The bizarre, decades-long feud between the journalist and the billionaire presidential candidate began when Carter wrote an essay for Spy magazine calling Trump a "short-fingered vulgarian," Carter wrote in this month's editor's letter. 

"The most recent offering arrived earlier this year, before his decision to go after the Republican presidential nomination," Carter said in the piece titled "Why Donald Trump Will Always Be a 'Short-Fingered Vulgarian.' "

"Like the other packages, this one included a circled hand and the words, also written in gold Sharpie: 'See, not so short!' I sent the picture back by return mail with a note attached, saying, 'Actually, quite short.' " 

Carter wrote that Trump sends "the occasional envelope" of torn-out magazine pages, "On all of them he has circled his hand in gold Sharpie in a valiant effort to highlight the length of his fingers." 


Amartel said...

Heh heh, good old Spy Magazine.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Not the Onion?

Amartel said...

Spy started the "short fingered vulgarian" thing on Trump back in the 80s.
Incidentally, don't expact any humorous content from the onion anytime soon as it is now owned by a Hillary Fan.

AllenS said...

If his hands could talk, there would be some great stories about where they have been.

edutcher said...

I think Marco was the one with the little hands.

Dad Bones said...

It's time for an enterprising orthopedic surgeon to develop a procedure to enlarge men's hands.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Small hands? Really, who cares.

Just like other parts of the male isn't the size, it is what you do with what ya got.

Reposting in case you missed it

Once when working at a bank, us employees were discussing one of our customers who was quite wealthy but very short. The consensus was.... Yahbut....he can really stand on his wallet :-)

The moral the story is that it don't mean a thing if you ain't got that swing Do wa do wa do wa!!!.

Amartel said...

Relentlessly campaigning about issues that nobody cares about is totally a sign of maturity.

I like that he used GOLD sharpie pen to circle the evidence that he does not have small hands.

Will the gold sharpie be deployed to sign executive orders and bills into law that expand the size and scope of government? Stay tuned!

deborah said...

As George Jefferson said, it's not the size of the sea, but the motion of the ocean :)

But the point of this post is Trump obsessing on this for so long.

deborah said...

Amartel, by George, I'm feeling pursuaded!

edutcher said...

Amartel said...

Will the gold sharpie be deployed to sign executive orders and bills into law that expand the size and scope of government? Stay tuned!

But, of course, we'd rather not talk about how the One True Ted has been colluding with the Whigs.

Trooper York said...

Let me explain New York inside baseball to youse guys. The thing is many people always assumed that that Trumps are Jewish. Or were Jewish and trying to pass. You see the New York Real Estate World is heavily Jewish with people like Sol Goldman and the Larry Silverstein who owns the World Trade Center. So the locution of small hands really refers to the old saw that Jewish people have "Deep pockets and short arms." It is a veiled Anti-Semtic slur that is a dog whistle that people in New York get.

edutcher said...

For those interested (and too good to keep) 14% of Hispanic voters would support the Republican nominee, not to mention Trump won the support of almost 3 in 10 Hispanic voters in the Florida Republican primary, almost half of Hispanic voters in the Nevada Republican primary, and 26 percent of Hispanic voters in the Texas Republican primary.

Bernie beat Hillary among IL Hispanics almost 2 - 1.

Trooper York said...

Let me explain New York inside baseball to youse guys. The thing is many people always assumed that that Trumps are Jewish. Or were Jewish and trying to pass. You see the New York Real Estate World is heavily Jewish with people like Sol Goldman and the Larry Silverstein who owns the World Trade Center. So the locution of small hands really refers to the old saw that Jewish people have "Deep pockets and short arms." It is a veiled Anti-Semtic slur that is a dog whistle that people in New York get.

And so would Ted from Princeton.

On that note, how Hillary will elect The Donald.

Amartel said...

Whose that Whig?

chickelit said...

@deborah: Have you ever read anything written by Graydon Carter? My wife subscribed to that rag for years -- neither of us can stand his diminutive verbal frontispieces.

Chip Ahoy said...

Republicans are weird.

Almost weird as liberals.

Not small hands. Short fingers. Proportionally short. Trump's obsession is their obsession. Like a puppy running around the yard with a stick. Except a thousand puppies running around everyone's yard with the same g.d. stick.

This why I'm insane and so cross all the time and why I'm hilarious on dates. I don't drink and everyone else does so these dreadful items acted out are hilarious to inebriated people.

Gizmodo showed one of Trump's failed adventures, they're obsessed with T. failures something to mock -- a thing we sort of like -- while ignoring successes. Because, well, duh, inherited. The photo they chose are men's gloves with short fingers.

Were you to compare hand to hand be surprised when his gorilla paws are more massive than yours. That his span on a piano reaches well beyond an octave but cannot manage an individual key.

Wouldn't that be funny?

Chip Ahoy said...

He does that one finger upward motion that Muslim orators do and that always emphasizes, JESUS CHRIST, those are short fingers.

And the whole time, years and years, Obama gets by with genuinely small, delicate, fine-boned lady hands. And he gesticulates like a moth3p3fk4 for years waving his lady hands around on the television. Constantly lecturing pointing and jabbing as Democrat speakers do. And nobody said anything. Yet this persists as living trope because Republicans keep breathing life into it precisely as their straight up nutter counterparts do.

Trooper York said...

It's not bullshit Amartel. It is the truth. I remember hanging around the Trump casinos and listening to losing gamblers vent tons of Anti-Semitic bullshit about the Trumps. That was what was out there and Trump was very sensitive about it. Or least that is how I heard it. Now Trump himself and his family doesn't really care about that anymore. Things have changed for them.

He got over it when the apple of his eye Ivanka married Kushner from a very prominent Jewish family and converted. But back in the days of Hymietown and Jesse Jackson and AL Sharpton it was a very different story. It's a New York thing. You can tell me it is bullshit but I am giving you the straight scoop. Trump was a social climber back in the day. He abandoned all that. You can take it or leave it. I am just telling you what the real story is.

Trooper York said...

Trump has dumped all of his pretentions of fitting in with the "proper circles." He is embracing his "New York Values" and is all in with the outer borough personality that is really at the core of his being. He is seventy years old and this is his last hurrah. He used to pay people like Hillary and Bill to come to his events because he thought that was "class."

I think he has learned something since then. I could be totally wrong but I think that is what is behind his run for the Presidency. A return to his real roots. Redemption for the way he spent his life.

ricpic said...

Vanity Fair is such a pretentious rag. Not a good sign that The Donald is beseeching the likes of Graydon Carter for admittance to the digitally correct Wasp hand club. Makes me wonder whether Trump is somewhat socially insecure.

Amartel said...

As discussed above, the issue is not about the length/size of hands, fingers, whatever. Don't care about Obama's delicate little ladyfingers, either. That handshake - whatever it was - with the Fredo Castro was something though. Good gawd, man, it brings back the scene in The Birdcage where Robin Williams is trying to teach Nathan Lane how to act straight, give a straight-man handshake. Lengthen, tighten.

ricpic said...

Ya see what just happened there? Troop veered right and I veered left on Trump.

Who ya gonna believe. GHOSTBUSTERS!

Amartel said...

Vanity Fair is highly polished crap.
Spy, OTOH, was magnificent.

Trooper York said...

I had never heard that small hands reference a small dick. It was always feet that were in the joke. So I don't see that is what they are alluding to in this dust up. It could be. But I don't think so.

Short arms and deep pockets.

Amartel said...

That's how Trump reads the joke, as evidenced by his alluding to his dick size during a debate.

ricpic said...

Graydon probably considers a good schlonging to be the height of sophistication.

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

So the locution of small hands really refers to the old saw that Jewish people have "Deep pockets and short arms."

There's a nasty saw in the Midwest about Jewish women being all big nose and big tits. Considering my dear old Irish Catholic mother has a rather prominent proboscis and my appreciation of an ample bosom, I guess that makes me an honorary Jew.

Amartel said...

Whose that Whig?

You weren't here over the weekend.

Those are the capitulation talks to see what The Donald wants for saving what's left of the Republican Party this fall.

An explanation of which is in this piece. It also shows how the Demos will lose this year.

Amartel said...

When OneTrue so much as flinches in the general direction of DC he's an establishment sell-out.
When Orangebama sails the yooooge fantastic air-yacht to DC for extensive talks with his good friends the Republican leaders he's just sizing up the herd for capitulation potential.

That's completely logical and sensible.

bagoh20 said...

The question is whether or not he has a large enough appeal to penetrate deep into the demographics hidden from view and sufficiently stimulate them to release their inhibitions and scream "Yes Donald, yyyyeeeeeessssss!" I expect that what we are seeing is a premature nomination that will not produce satisfaction resulting in domestic violence or at least legal separation due to abandonment and failure to provide adequate financial and emotional support due to impotency.

edutcher said...

Amartel said...

When OneTrue so much as flinches in the general direction of DC he's an establishment sell-out.

Teddy Boy took the exact same line as Kasich and Rubio after the Chicago protests and will glowing take Rubio's endorsement.

That's one Hell of a lot more than a flinch.

And the RNC is beginning to realize, after the sell-out to Pissy the last 2 years, they could lose their hold on Congress if they try anything (more) stupid.

PS You really think the Colossus of Ted could do any better in November? He couldn't take one Southern state and, so far, has only taken one in the Midwest (probably the only one). Dr Evil isn't worried about Ted, after all. He's throwing all he's got at Trump. Take away the Bible Belt and all he's got is his home state, ID, and ME.

He needs to win 80% of the remaining delegates to get the nod. Trump only needs half.

So much for who inspires real fear in the bad guys.

edutcher said...

PPS A lot of penis envy among the Cruzzers today.

bagoh20 said...

When Republicans lose the Presidency, it usually because there are so many pussies scared of Republicans, even when all they have are scary binders of women, but losing to Hillary is something only Trump is tough enough to do.

edutcher said...

No, according to the Cruzzers, that a job for the Colossus of Ted.

Amartel said...

When establishment tools like Bob Dole were talking up Trump - obviously to serve the greater establishment good - you thought it was great and were dismissive of The OneTrueCruzzer because it clear proof that he was too ideologically rigid to work with the establishment. Now establishment tools like Mitt Romney are talking up Cruz (and none too enthusiastically) - obviously to serve the greater establishment good - and it's clear evidence that Cruz is nothing more than GOPe.

Amartel said...

Can the short-fingered man penetrate deeply enough to get the Dems off? And does he have that kind of patience? Those people have come to expect a LOT of foreplay.

Amartel said...

If not much in the way of actual release.

Amartel said...

Speaking of release, Trump is shortly going to release a short-list (the hits just keep on coming) of potential Supreme Court nominees. This could actually be interesting and edifying. Bet he has a mix, across the spectrum, keeping options open.

ndspinelli said...

Trump may have SCOTUS potential nominees audition on a reality show. I'm sure Judge Judy is on the short list. She's a classic, know-it-all, insufferable NYCer. We need to break the Ivy League lock on SCOTUS. But, not w/ a Judge Judy.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Carter and Anderson just made that stuff up. Well not the vulgarian, that is all The Donald. But the short fingered part. And it stuck. It is a great mix of gutter school yard taunt with hoity pretentious arrogance that seems to fit Trump like...well a short fingered vulgar glove.

Troop did a pretty good one with Evil Blogger Lady.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Troop, I never got short fingered as a Jewish reference, but okay if you say so.

E. Graydon Carter sounds so WASPy patrician, but he was just a young guy from Canada who never graduated from college. Carter didn't even not graduate from an Ivy League school (or even McGill). Kurt Andersen was from Nebraska (although he did graduate from Harvard).

I liked Spy back in the day. I thought it was great and some of their Clinton parodies were really funny.

chickelit said...

Trump and Carter should just lock hands and thumb wrestle each other. They could make it a 2 out of 3 match and sell tickets. That would shut them both up.

I still say that Carter is much more of an insufferable prick than Trump is.

chickelit said...

Why can't the Trump detractors come up with a case of him obsessing over someone who doesn't themselves have a ginormus ego? Kelly and Carter don't count. It's like the BLM whiners -- always picking losers to feel sorry for.

edutcher said...

Amartel said...

When establishment tools like Bob Dole were talking up Trump - obviously to serve the greater establishment good - you thought it was great and were dismissive of The OneTrueCruzzer because it clear proof that he was too ideologically rigid to work with the establishment.

I did?

What I said was I thought Dole was a Trump guy.

He did however make one point that the Cruzzers can't get around, "All he’s done is shut down the government twice".

Maybe I missed it, but people elect a President to get things working, to improve the country, not to shut it down.

Or is that what people want?

Doesn't sound like I thought much of anything of it, except that Dole had abandoned Trump for the Whigs and that I kind of expected it, but what he said about the One True Ted was what I was thinking.

Don't try to put words in my mouth. The Cruzzers have been misrepresenting facts and people since the primary season began.

Considering you guys like to sell him as Mr Christian, it's a very un-Christian thing to do.

Also kills any credibility you have.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Grayson Carter is an insufferable prick? Yeah, of course he is. So is Donald Trump. It is synergistic.

If you watch closely, Trump does not mind being mocked. He carefully cultivates feuds (although I personally do not get the Megyn Kelly one anymore). He is actually pretty good at making fun of himself (to a point). Way better at it than Hillary. Trump minds being ignored.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Graydon Carter. Damn spell fixer.

William said...

I liked Spy. I didn't think it was especially political. It leveled everyone within the blast circle. It was the true heir of the National Lampoon.......I think the best way of facing down whatever sexual insecurities haunt your life is by having sex with supermodels. There's no better way of increasing your self esteem than by having sex with supermodels in a penthouse apartment with wrap around views of Central Park.......Trump is an outsized personality. I don't know if he's trying to overcompensate, but, for sure, he's having a good time.

chickelit said...

bagoh20 said...

The question is whether or not he has a large enough appeal to penetrate deep into the demographics hidden from view and sufficiently stimulate them to release their inhibitions and scream "Yes Donald, yyyyeeeeeessssss!" I expect that what we are seeing is a premature nomination that will not produce satisfaction resulting in domestic violence or at least legal separation due to abandonment and failure to provide adequate financial and emotional support due to impotency.

Erotic politics?