Thursday, February 4, 2016

Obama Visits Mosque: ‘Islam Has Always Been Part of America’

“Islam has always been part of America,” he said, detailing the beginnings of the religion among African slaves brought to America. He also pointed out that Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Virginia statute for religious freedom that the “Mohammedan” should have his faith protected in the United States.
“The very word Islam comes from ‘Salam’ – peace,” he said. “The standard greeting is ‘As-Salaam-Alaikum’ – ‘Peace be upon you,’” he explained. “Like so many faiths, Islam is rooted in a commitment to compassion and mercy and justice and charity. “Whoever wants to enter paradise, the prophet Mohammad taught, let him treat people the way he would love to be treated,” he said as the audience applauded.
“For Christians like myself, I’m assuming that sounds familiar,” he continued.


ndspinelli said...

Women need to lead the charge against this religion.

AllenS said...

He's not one of us, is he?

Leland said...

I tried explaining the Barbary Pirates to a younger coworker, but the kept thinking they were Pirates of the Caribbean. I doubt neither my coworker or Obama understands why African slaves were Muslim.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Women second class is 'not who we are'.

bagoh20 said...

What if they made the Blacks sit in another room? #Obamaswaronwomen

bagoh20 said...

What if the President was a woman? Would the guys all watch on TV?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"It's not that simple"... As nother Obama overused tag line goes. Not that simple Bags.

bagoh20 said...

What if there was a Confederate flag in there somewhere?, on that block, or in the same town...?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

“Islam has always been part of America,” he said, detailing the beginnings of the religion among African slaves brought to America.

Did he also detail that many if not MOST of the slaves were captured and traded to the west directly by Muslims? Many of the captives were from warring tribes amongst themselves and traded to the Muslims who then made more money by trading and selling.

If it were not for the lucrative trade in Africans by Muslims the slave trade would have been much less. Did he detail that many if not most of the slaves were not actually Muslim but rather consisted of tribes with their own native religions.

The slave trade could not have existed without the native Africans themselves

It is an awkward fact that the traffic could not have existed without African chiefs and traders. Europeans rarely went far from their forts; slaves were brought to them. Indeed, when the Europeans arrived the slave trade and slavery were already integral parts of local tribal economies.

On another note: who gives an eff what Obama thinks. He lies when his lips are moving.

Chip Ahoy said...

Yesterday I read the Wikipedia page for Bennie Hinn. That guy freaks me out. His page describes him as huckster.

Faith-healing charismatic type. BLAM! You're healed. While all supplicants in wheelchairs are all shunted to the side and denied access. Only people with non visible afflictions allowed, you seriously afflicted stay put.

So he's not to be believed.

Yet he IS believed by thousands, tens of thousands.

Yesterday I saw him address somebody else's church. [This guy] is doing great thing [down there]. There's a mosque right next to the guy's church. So I ask the guy about this mosque, who built it? Why there, right next to the church?

I did! The guy answers. They won't come into a church so I built this mosque with our own church money so they'd come in to pray, and they do, I go there inside the mosque, MY mosque and preach all day.

Imagine that. A mosque of believers already accepting Christ as prophet now hearing his lovely life tenets. Infiltration.

Jesus himself did not say, "Look, guys, what you're doing is all wrong. You've all got everything wrong." No. He described something compellingly lovelier than the life that they're living. He showed them another way to regard God and to have a personal relationship with God. He did that by entering their temples and comporting with the religion they have and showing a more beautiful more personally satisfying approach from within it.

They were law-locked. You had to touch a parchment and say a prayer before entering every single doorway. It slowed a guy down tremendously throughout the day. Tons of tiny laws to adhere to each day binding up each citizen to ridiculous formulaic adoration of deity that does nobody good. That is what he changed and how he changed it. By blending right in and demonstrating truth beauty and goodness at once. As lived. A perfect model. And Christians, bless 'em, keep trying to replicate that to varying degrees of success.

Amartel said...

TOTUS. Troll of the United States.

William said...

I didn't mind Bush preaching tolerance for the Muslims, because I was certain that in his heart of hearts he was more suspicious of the Muslim Brotherhood than of the NRA. I have no such certainty about Obama.......You can fairly argue that when Christians behave badly they are not living up to the highest ideals of their religion and that when Muslims go all jihad, they are.

Amartel said...

Consider the strong possibility that Obama doesn't care one way or the other about the religions of Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Santeria, etc. etc. From his perspective, the aforementioned are all competing religions with the multicult of Obama so he redefines abd realigns them in his name. Islam, a state religion and playing a long game, is just more amenable to and cooperative with this redefinition. And ladies? Amen sisters? That creeping suspicion that the Dem Party doesn't really respect you? They don't. Now cover up your female filth and fetch your man a sandwich. And no talking. For the greater good.

bagoh20 said...

Bennie Hinn is what makes Cruz less electable than he should be, and Benny doesn't even spell his name right.

ricpic said...

Obama is engineering a Muslim invasion. There were 680,000 green cards issued to migrants from Muslim nations between 2009 and 2013. It's probably speeded up since then. And all those who come are instantly eligible for welfare and can pull the family unification scam probably doubling or tripling that number over time. But Schmendrik calls you a racisss bigot for broaching the subject. And after all, what respectable person wants to be or can afford to be smeared as a racisss bigot? Very effective strategy to SHUT US UP. Yes, just as Europe has been engineered into EurAbia, America is being engineered into AmerAbia and NOT A SINGLE ESTABLISHMENT SHIT SAYS A WORD. God bless Senator Sessions and Donald Trump. Our ONLY hope.

Methadras said...

The Taqiyya President telling us, again, that Islam has always a part of America. That's very minor truth in that we fought Barbary Coast Muslims to keep them from attacking other ships and to stop their general piracy. But Islam always being a part of America? Really? You Muslim (sympathizing) troll? Where there any muslim enclaves in the US at the time of it's founding or before? Not that I know of. They really didn't start showing up until the late 1870's. So this idea that they've always been a part of America is just another revisionist lie told by frankly, a Taqiyya Muslim called Barack Obama. I'm frankly done calling him a muslim sympathizer because he really isn't in all honesty. He's a muslim. He was born one, he was raised as one in Indonesia. He may have 'converted' but considering his church of choice was one based on the communist ideology of Black Liberation Theology only denotes his proclivity for regressive segregationist faiths.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I remember reading the White house made them cover up the crucifixes when Obama gave a speech at Georgetown University.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

“Whoever wants to enter paradise, the prophet Mohammad taught, let him treat people the way he would love to be treated,” he said as the audience applauded.

And what if this paradise-seeker wants to be treated as a martyr/shaheed?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But Schmendrik calls you a racisss bigot for broaching the subject.

I can only conclude that this "Schmendrik" of whom you speak is your teddy bear, because I never remember saying any such thing. I challenge you to find an instance of when I did. But you know this never happened and yet, like a lunatic you go around attributing things to people who never did this or that. People like you are the reason Trump won't win. Always overplaying your hand, never knowing when or how to consolidate your gains. You'd rather blow up something that sticks or that's working well just for the sake of the shitstorm you can't stop whipping yourself into. Have at it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The creation of the marines to deal with piracy against us by the Barbary states and the importation of African slaves by Muslim traders are two of the earliest and most significant contributions that Muslims have made to America.

I'd love to know at what point and how it ever went uphill from there. But thanks anyway, Obamba!

Methadras said...

Considering that Slavery in the ME and Africa still exist. I'd say the Marines failed.