Sunday, November 8, 2015

Clinton proposes marijuana reclassification

""I would like to move it from what is called Schedule 1 to Schedule 2 so that researchers at universities, national institutes of health can start researching what is the best way to use it, how much of a dose does somebody need, how does it interact with other medications.
...Marijuana is currently categorized by the Drug Enforcement Administration as a Schedule 1 drug, the highest categorization for drugs "with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse."
Rescheduling the drug would open up the possibility of more research into marijuana and the way it interacts with other substance.
Clinton did not endorse legalizing marijuana on Saturday, instead saying she wanted to "see how it works" in states like Colorado and Washington that have legalized the drug "before we do a national plan from the federal government. Because I think there is a lot for us to learn.""


AllenS said...

There's nothing wrong with marijuana if you don't inhale. Hasn't she learned anything?

deborah said...

Apparently not :)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Young voters think she is old, ugly, and un-truthworthy. She's already had her time in power and she really sucks at it. So - here we go with the pot vote. As with most of her promises, they will fall away if she were to get it. She only cares about cementing the crony capitalism into a permanent faux-majority for fellow corruptocrats.

deborah said...

All that aside, I didn't know you couldn't do medical experimentation with pot. Very odd.

bagoh20 said...

"she wanted to "see how it works"

Just another example of where Obama could help her, but won't. Freeking Bogart.

AllenS said...

Don't Bogart that joint!

ricpic said...

The Evil Ones want a drugged down drugged out population.

XRay said...

She's lying, as always. You can do "medical experimentation with pot". I know that as I was once a subject in just such a study. A study by the way which found no tendency towards addiction what so ever.

deborah said...

It's the world changing, nothing stays the same.

edutcher said...

It's one of the Lefties' big deals (the corporate head where I worked was also a pothead and donated heavily to legalization) right now, even though there's plenty of evidence that says it's bad for you and some of the stuff that was once sure and now "needs more research" is, if eventually vindicated (like when the Pothead In Chief is out), once again proven to be as bad if not worse, makes it even more intimidating.

The Hildabeast needs to snow every Lefty she can to make sure even Bernie hasn't got a chance to grab the nomination from her, so she takes this tack.

Ads are gonna be fun next year.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You can always count on Hillary to come around to saying something sensible once her advisors have pushed her in the wrong direction long enough for the competition to box her/force her into the better alternative.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You can do "medical experimentation with pot".

Not with the same freedom, ease and funding availability as you can with other non-Schedule I compounds.

chickelit said...

I would like to move it from what is called Schedule 1 to Schedule 2 so that researchers at universities, national institutes of health can start researching what is the best way to use it, how much of a dose does somebody need, how does it interact with other medications.

With other recreational substances, in the past that sort of research was done by artists and writers (cf. Poe, Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Kesey, et al.). I'm a bit leary of tenured professors telling us how to tune in, turn on, and drop out -- especially on our dime. I mean it's one thing to study contraindications of cannabis and quite another to research buzz quality. Nice work if you can get it.

Amartel said...

"Clinton Says Opportunistic Things to Attract Attention of Gullible Lefty Nitwits That She Will Not Follow Through On Unless There's Profit to Clinton Foundation or Clintons Personally"

There. Fixed.

edutcher said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

You can always count on Hillary to come around to saying something sensible

Like confiscate all firearms.

Ritmo from last night:

You can't control people, and if you feel a burning need to, then go to Mecca or Teheran or Pyongyang and do it there. You can join hordes of countless other schoolmarms whose lack of any useful responsibilities in life entice them to tell others how to be responsible.

He hectors all and sundry with his rants on why we're racists, sexist, homophobes, cis-whatevers, and why we should conform to his PC standards because of the guilt we bear, but, should anyone dare disagree, we get the old hippie dippy, "You can't tell people how to live".


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He hectors all and sundry with his rants on why we're racists, sexist, homophobes, cis-whatevers, and why we should conform to his PC standards because of the guilt we bear...

No, just you. And none of the above labels need be applied. "Idiot" covers all of them just as well.

As far as disagreement goes, your disagreement is just an opinion. Just like assholes everyone's got one. So you're not entitled to my respecting it - certainly not when your reasons/evidence for it are so horrible. Government drug war websites. And of course, you still can't refute what I said about the goofy "brain damage" charge.

ed - just realize this. It wasn't the pot that made you loopy and lost your mind. Your brain was already that way to begin with. You can't blame it on the pot - as nice as it would be to have things to blame one's problems on in life.

edutcher said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

So you're not entitled to my respecting it - certainly not when your reasons/evidence for it are so horrible. Government drug war websites. And of course, you still can't refute what I said about the goofy "brain damage" charge.

Of course I can because he didn't say anything, just his obfuscation.

And, again, I wasn't aware WebMD and Psychology Today were "Government drug war websites" or the opinion of the medical staff of an internationally esteemed medical organization such as the Cleveland Clinic could be considered "horrible" evidence, but then, in the age of the Choom Gang, one presumes the evidence of a government website to be pretty compelling to withstand the Newspeak of the Obamanation.

ndspinelli said...

Some of the most advanced medical research on cannabis is bring done in Israel. I know a lot about this herb. It will not be a wonder drug but it sure the fuck should not be a Schedule 1 drug. Can we all agree it should not be Schedule 1? Opium, Cocaine, meth are SCHEDULE 2! Cannabis is Schedule 1 w/ Heroin, LSD, MDMA and some others. Cannabis should be Schedule 3 @ the highest.

deborah said...

Nick thanks for the perspective! Didn't know this. Sounds like a government ready to be set up.

deborah said...

government monopoly

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Of course I can because he didn't say anything, just his obfuscation.

No, I'm pretty sure it was something. It just came across as "obfuscation" to you because your brain is naturally stoned.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What Spinelli said.