Thursday, October 29, 2015

Claim: High CO2 Levels Are Making People Dumber

"First, United Nations officials label bacon and deli meats as carcinogens, and now scientists are claiming that higher concentrations of carbon dioxide are not only heating the planet, they’re making people dumber."
A new study by the Harvard School of Public Health claims “carbon dioxide (CO2) has a direct and negative impact on human cognition and decision-making,” according to ThinkProgress, a left-wing advocacy website.
Former Vice President Al Gore wasted no time tweeting out ThinkProgress’ in-depth article, trying to link higher carbon dioxide levels to lower cognition in humans.
Al Gore hardest hit.


Methadras said...

How can these fools be expected to taken seriously when they say stupid shit like this?

ricpic said...

But they left out that if you don't eat at least one BLT a year YOU DIE!

Chip Ahoy said...

Never thought I'd see a world religion fashioned from nothing in front of my eyes.

Magnetically attracting each other and growing in the space left empty when real world religion is rejected and abandoned. Humans are creatures of faith first and foremost. You have to trust the floor will not fall away from you, that the railing will hold, that the car will stop at the light. We operate on trust, we trust others daily, and on faith. Every person I engage on this subject responds from their faith.

I've failed completely in getting people to accept this. "All scientists agree" is a statement of faith. "Science tell us" is a statement of faith. "Overwhelming evidence has proved" is a statement of faith. Faith in data, faith in models, faith in the person speaking, faith in politicians, faith in political party, faith in media, faith in Al F'n Gore, faith in people smarter than you telling you things, faith in your information being solid. Faith that the decision you made at age 18 to swear lifelong fealty to political party no matter what happens, no matter what storms, no matter how battered or how poorly it's aged.

And no faith at all in your own science-knowledge that includes interglacial periods and plate tectonics as well as political distortion and institutional capture. No faith at all in your own common sense because you're convinced you're that you're needy so must be everyone else.

There were 4 climate change politics related posts on Drudge yesterday covering different ridiculous aspects.

Gore having seminars producing more Goreletts. An article about Gore Freaking people out about impending doom. overwhelming their tender open trembling frightened minds with statistics that all say the same thing, climate doom, everything EVERYTHIHNG points to impending eminent climate DOOM. It's too much to take in, it's overwhelming, it's emotionally crippling, I know! Right? It's too much. It's all too much. So part of the lessons is how not to overload subject causing people to shut down. When you're out there advocating, be sure not to overload on bogus fixed statistics.

Another about NY college professor suggesting humanity produce shorter human beings for the sake of the climate.

Dept of Energy says Jack-o-lanterns contribute to climate change

Feds refuse to turn documents over relating to climate investigations

Earlier, all on Drudge, he likes to collect ridiculous climate cultish things.

China and India blast US over climate fears

Climate negotiator issues tearful plea

South Africa likens the draft of climate deal to apartheid

Gov. Brown blames California wildfires on climate change

France weatherman sparks uproar about anti-climate change fears, is fired.

Cuomo paid for seats to be filled at climate change event

Salon: Denial much worse than holocaust denial

Planet still standing 500 days after French minister warned....

and so on ad infinitum.

Would you like a taste of ad infinitum? Just a taste? Okay, how 'bout a sniff? This can go on for a hundred pages, just a sniff of memory lane.

DC climate rally fizzles

NZ deports climate change refugee

Climate rally for pope shrinks from expected 200,000 to a few hundred

Obama plans aggressive action on climate.

And so on. All of this is recent. We can go on for months and on and on for years. This is new world religion and its catechism is being worked out. Sects are forming right in front of our wondering eyes. Even door to door proselytizing. Wall to wall media coverage. Everywhere every channel all at once. No point in flipping channels or visiting another web page. No matter the subject. Everything permeated with elements of the new world religion possible by vacuum left from abandoned faith. This is the atheist's faith.

Chip Ahoy said...

Did you ever take magnets and strengthen them? I was so bummed out when I discovered the magnets I owned weakened. My brother showed stroking them makes returns their strength. Apparently, stroking, like sharpening a knife lines up their molecules, like combing hair, and that increases the magnetic field.

This is analogous to people, and suffers as analogies do.

Orwell on vegetarianism.

I loved coming across that. It went, ding.

Because you can just see it. One time I was reading Thoreau near the end of the cabin near a pond book where he goes, "marching to the tune of his own drummer" so naturally in a sentence I thought, oh man, what a trite rip off of Hallmark Cards. *ding* Wait! You're the guy that Hallmark Cards took this from. You're the original guy. And it's an ordinary sentence, in an ordinary book, not highlighted or emphasized or anything, just a lovely sentence sitting there like ripened fruit that someone picked and made posters from a hundred years later.

Orwell thought the same thing. Crackpots attract like magnets, and like magnets their stroking increases their magnetic force. So they grow in force even as the basis of their religion, the data and models and propounded concurrence all collapses, they still grow. Magnetically. Stroking.

Aridog said...

Whoa. I recommend that both the White House and State Department be checked for CO/CO2 immediately.

I'm Full of Soup said...

This story may explain why there are so many dumbasses who believe in global warming. So it's kind of a win-win for the Al Gore types and I am surprised they are letting this cat out of the bag.

bagoh20 said...

Correlation does not always mean causation, and even when it does, it may be either direction, but it makes sense to me:

1) CO2 levels increased.
2) Stupidity increased.
3) People accept modeled predictions as indisputable even though they fail miserably at predicting even when the data is manipulated to help it.
4) People decide a vast scheme of corruption and theft that enriches a few thousand people and impoverishes millions will change global emissions enough to make a difference, even if nobody actually reduces emissions.
5) These same people attempt to punish and ostracize those who even question this might not be sensible.

Yep, it sounds like lower cognition in humans might be the first predicted effect of rising CO2 levels that is actually happening.

bagoh20 said...

OK, so imagine a race of really stupid humans "evolved" and they convinced each other that the Earth was balancing on a huge turtle, and that we must feed the turtle with lettuce delivered via spacecraft, and that we must heavily tax everyone and ban lettuce consumption to save the earth from a hungry Atlas turtle. These people happened to be popular among each other and reproduced in sufficient numbers, and never shut up about the turtle, blaming everything that happened on earth as proof of the turtle. Then one day they said: "OK, maybe since we don't see much evidence of a turtle, that it's actually a giant fat cat holding up the earth, but he still needs the lettuce.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Bago - don't give them any ideas!

Aridog said...

Excuse me, I have to go feed our turtle...just in case :-)