Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Proof positive that even a squirrel is smarter than Bill De Blasio

Even a rodent knows you have to fold a slice before you eat it. Squirrel!

The mook uses a knife and fork. Smuck!


Amartel said...

I would understand and forgive this behavior if he was from Utah or somewhere pizza protocol is not well understood but the Mayor of NYC should know how to eat a pizza.

bagoh20 said...

I prefer to eat really good pizza with a fork. Mediocre pizza does not get this treatment. For me it is a way of savoring it and appreciating every single bite. I also like to drink Coke a Cola from a shotglass for the same reason. I do not, however, hold your ridiculing behavior against you. I support any ridicule of De Blasio. He is an ass for a hundred reasons, but this is not one of them, unless the pizza sucks, then it's a hundred and one reasons.

bagoh20 said...

I'm German too, and we keep very precise records of any microaggressions, so watch your step, redskin.