Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Court issues restraining order preventing anti-abortion group from releasing any video

It must be Fox, there is a proper nation-wide blackout on this crucially important news story.

Los Angeles Superior Court, the superior court of California, and this tells you right off  a legal conflict is so important so impossibly departed from common sense that it has circled the drain that quickly to the lowest court of the state so fast this time there's no circling at all, a hole-in-one direct shot. A losing shot for all of us. You'd think it'd be winning, you'd think superior would mean tops, but it's not.

It's that sick. 

Most likely some profound legal reason they must do this. Being recored surreptitiously most likely.  

The order prohibits the Center for Medical Progress from releasing any video of high-ranking StemExpress officials taken at a restaurant.

Spokesmen for the center said that StemExpresss is using meritless litigation to cover up its illegal baby parts trade and that it follows all applicable laws in doing its investigative journalism.

The name, StemExpress, good Lord.

StemExpress provides human tissue, blood, and other bits and Planned Parenthood is one of their suppliers. Middlemen. StemExpress says they're grateful their rights are vindicated by the court.

Planned Parenthood's affiliates in fewer than five states provide fetal tissue for researchers.

That would be four.

Planned Parent claims they take reimbursements to cover costs.

More at Fox.


Chip Ahoy said...

Writing that I was distracted by the most gorgeous Colorado sunset ever, an incredible light show in orange and blue that quietly insists you don't miss it. What a shame when you do. Just take a moment and watch the show.

Thank you, Nature, you evolved me to consider you beautiful beyond description.

Here, let me describe you. You are awesomely gorgeous, you are all Nature at once, you are all the clouds up there puffing away, you're the wind that moves them around, you're the sun that illuminates and the atmosphere that changes the light that they move through, you are solid as ice in the sky and evanescent as vapor and gone the next moment while still there. You blow me the fuck away every day when I see you. Sunset, you're twin to your sister.

edutcher said...

I believe the word is "Chicken!".

Suppressing it won't save them

Anonymous and WikiLeaks will get it somehow.

Amartel said...

Right on schedule. Scumbags.
Cali does have a law that prohibits clandestine recordings where the parties have an expectation of confidentiality unless it's at a public gathering or some such vague language which I'll have to look up tomorrow. It's a penal code section so violation is a crime. PP (those whores) will say they had an expectation of privacy as it was a business deal but I wonder what was the context of the meeting. A restaurant is a public place to gather. I wonder if some enterprising lefty lawyer has established inconvenient precedent in some past lefty effort to skirt the rule. That would be funny. The articles don't say what judge issued this but the article at The Blaze said the scope of the order had been cut back significantly from what PP originally requested so I wouldn't leap too quickly to conclusions about the lowest court in our land. The judge is obligated to follow the law and if the facts aren't there yet to dismiss the case he has to go forward with the procedural hurdles. Meanwhile we keep talking about it, okay?

chickelit said...

I wonder if noted legal bloggers will touch this issue.

chickelit said...

Meanwhile we keep talking about it, okay?

I also suggest inserting off-topic comments into noted legal blogs which so far refuse to cover the issue since the first video. It's a form of civil disobedience.

I suspect there is a lot of untapped legal talent out there willing to make a case against the obvious politically motivated suppresion.

Trooper York said...

Only if they are gay fetuses.

Or if a cop performed the abortion.

They are one trick ponies.

chickelit said...

The video makers should just flout the law (that's the Obama way after all). Let the videos dribble out on schedule and see where public opinion takes it. Let the lawsuits and threats mount. Take this one to the mats.

Alternatively, let Trump speak out about it.

chickelit said...

Trump the law?

chickelit said...

Noted legal bloggers Ann Althouse and Jonathan Turley refuse to weigh in?

Or are they waiting for talking points?

Chip Ahoy said...

I just now read that Denver is the largest most well-funded most active in this. Also, Channel 9 did contact them, and they did report that they didn't get very far with their inquiries. The matter has been presented to Hickenlooper, governor, and to the state legislature. So it's not entirely blacked out. It has people scrambling like vermin with the lights flicked on.

Leland said...

Only if they are gay fetuses.

Of course there are gay fetuses, you think the bisexual wife wants her lesbian spouse to know about her cheating ways. Brittany Griner is pissed over that stuff.

JAL said...

The first two videos involved the abortionist doctors at lunch. I didn't watch the third but understand that involves the whistleblower -- was she with StemExpress or PP?

Are there other videos not involving StemExpress or not filmed in CA?

(Hey feministas! How many female babies are being aborted? Is there a market for immature HUMAN ovaries? Now *that* is discrimination.)

JAL said...

Statement from CMP

StemExpress, a for-profit company partnered with over 30 abortion clinics, including Planned Parenthood, to harvest and sell aborted baby parts and provide a “financial benefit” to Planned Parenthood clinics, is attempting to use meritless litigation to cover-up this illegal baby parts trade, suppress free speech, and silence the citizen press reporting on issues of burning concern to the American public. They are not succeeding—their initial petition was rejected by the court, and their second petition was eviscerated to a narrow and contingent order about an alleged recording pending CMP’s opportunity to respond. The Center for Medical Progress follows all applicable laws in the course of our investigative journalism work and will contest all attempts from Planned Parenthood and their allies to silence our First Amendment rights and suppress investigative journalism.

So they claim they did follow the law.

This will be interesting.

An activist libertarian type acquaintance I have in CO defended (sort of) PP because one of the people in CMP is an anti-vaxer. Thin gruel there, I would say.

bagoh20 said...
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bagoh20 said...

A lot of people are finally being forced to face their own evil side, and they don't see themselves as ever having one, but that's the way it always works. They are being blindsided by the truth they were managing to not see for so long. It is very uncomfortable. They are losing their self-righteousness, and are getting very angry with those asking them the basic question: "Are you alright with this?" That is really shaking people up. You can feel the embarrassment, the loss of innocence, the pain of it. Few people want to accept that this is what they support. Most surprisingly, some are still justifying it. They will fall hardest, if they have a soul and any real compassion.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Laws mean different things to leftists and the leftwing corruption mongers. Ask Lois Lerner and Hillary Clinton.