Thursday, June 25, 2015

"Supreme Court upholds nationwide health care law subsidies"

Drudge: Supremes love Obamacare
The Supreme Court has upheld the nationwide tax subsidies under President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, in a ruling that preserves health insurance for millions of Americans.

The justices said in a 6-3 ruling Thursday that the subsidies that 8.7 million people currently receive to make insurance affordable do not depend on where they live, under the 2010 health care law.

Chief Justice John Roberts again voted with his liberal colleagues in support of the law. Roberts also was the key vote to uphold the law in 2012.

Justice Anthony Kennedy also voted with his more liberal colleagues.
(added) Justice Scalia wrote...
Words no longer have meaning if an Exchange that is not established by a State is “established by the State.” It is hard to come up with a clearer way to limit tax credits to state Exchanges than to use the words “established by the State.” And it is hard to come up with a reason to include the words “by the State” other than the purpose of limiting credits to state Exchanges. “[T]he plain, obvious, and rational meaning of a statute is always to be preferred to any curious, narrow, hidden sense that nothing but the exigency of a hard case and the ingenuity and study of an acute and powerful intellect would discover”. Lynch v. Alworth-Stephens Co., 267 U.S. 364, 370 (1925) Under all the usual rules of interpretation, in short, the Government should lose this case. But normal rules of interpretation seem always to the overriding principle of the present Court: The Affordable Care Act must be saved. (Bold edit mine)


chickelit said...

The question remains of how to pay for the subsidies without going Greek.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yay tax payer funded health care!

The top big mega-insurance companies (tax payer funded) are buying each other, so that our choices are diminished and competition and choice in healthcare are choked.
Premiums are skyrocketing, deductibles are ridiculous and the tax payer and the young are on the hook. Good news, Hillary Carbon taxes are next.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Good news if you own stock in tax payer funded mega-insurance.

All this time it's been FUN to watch Obama bash the supremes and mega-health insurance companies. What a clown show.

PS - why didn't Kagan recuse herself?

Leland said...

Chick, you don't, you just go Greek.

Not surprised by the ruling, and like many, I am disappointed. Doesn't affect me today, as I have a cushy job with excellent medical insurance (not quite as good as Harvard) and I live with a nurse. I know from the nurse that insurance companies no longer cover treatment for people beyond a certain age and deemed to no longer be worth saving. That's not a prediction, it is a fact. You can comb the NYT, and you won't find a story about it. You can claim that your inability to find evidence means it is not occurring. I don't care. My family history is a fairly robust circulatory system, and my personal history is enough money to pay for care or visit another country for care. When enough of the baby boomers die off, then maybe we can fix the system.


edutcher said...

I guess we don't have to worry about renaming all those Confederate forts. We just disband the Army.

Which will make IS happy, too.

why didn't Kagan recuse herself?

Is this cause to see the whole thing as tainted and null and void?

Leland said...

Indeed April, I tell people that Obamacare is a redistribution of money from taxpayers to insurance companies, so that they can lobby for the high premiums and high deductibles. Yeah, the poor can now pay for insurance, and hey, they can also get subsidies to pay for the premiums. But when they go to the doctor, the deductible is far higher than the cost of basic treatment for majority of care. Maybe if your not destitute after your third Chemo visit or your second per-op prior to the bypass surgery; insurance will start to cover the tab... If you are young enough and deemed worth saving. The already destitute will continue to do what they always done, clog emergency rooms seeking cold medicine and then not pay.

JAL said...

I just erased a long impassioned plea for a place of sanity.

Literally America has lost its collective minds. I am sick. And angry. And feel quite powerless.

I have a few acres to bush hog and I am going to go out and get away from the insane news.

(Haz. You did make me laugh over at Insty. Thanks.)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bending the cost curve. lol.

Remember when Obama promised that Obamacare wouldn't cost anything, nor would it add to the deficit. LOL - clown show.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@ Leland " I tell people that Obamacare is a redistribution of money from taxpayers to insurance companies." yep.

The mega-insurance companies were nervous at first, (seat at the table or be the meal. etc..) but now that the tax payer money is flowing, mega-insurance are thrilled.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The question remains of how to pay for the subsidies without going Greek.

Abolish math to a museum?

Leland said...

Then wait until ISIS gets ahold of the museum.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Scalia coins SCOTUScare.

Leland said...

So I just checked the Tenth Amendment and find it is ambiguous.

edutcher said...

JAL said...

I just erased a long impassioned plea for a place of sanity.

Literally America has lost its collective minds

Not America, just the Lefties who refuse to learn from history (this will all come tumbling down around their ears) and all the hangers-on like Ritmo who think they actually have some power because they jump up and down and yell, "Me too! Me Too!".

They think they can ignore the rules and get away with it.

5000 years of recorded history say otherwise.

Methadras said...

No, the lefties are rewriting and creating their own history. They are squashing and eliminating any opposition to their evil ideology of central control bureaucracies. This country as you know it is no longer about freedom, liberty, pursuit of happiness. It is no a slave state where your life energy is given in turn for trinkets from on high of government. I think it's high time that a new civil war to basically wipe out any leftists anywhere should begin. These sub-humans are no longer fit to breath the same air I do. So you can either hunker down and take care of your own while this country vortexes down into the bowl and past the J-Trap or you start killing and sabotaging these fuckers wherever they lurk. I know what I'm prepared to do. I have nothing to lose anymore. It's clear my freedom is at the beck and call of government.

Trooper York said...

I wonder what they have on Roberts?

ricpic said...

"When I was a kid, they played the Star Spangled Banner, you stood up, even if you were alone."

--The Jack Lemmon character in Save The Tiger, 1973.

That's what's missing. That had to be "educated" out of recent generations. After all, if fewer passionately love an exceptional country the dismemberment can proceed apace, without any pesky rebellions.

ampersand said...

Well sessee.
The Supreme Court will fix your grammar , punctuation and or spelling if you are an illiterate Congressman.
The Government can fine or seize your property if Miss Cleo divines you are a racist.

The good news? All your raisins are belong to YOU!

Methadras said...

Trooper York said...

I wonder what they have on Roberts?

That he isn't a Constitutionalist? That his idea of what is or isn't consitutional is merely an agitprop for saying, "Well, you voted for them, live with it." but that's not really what he is doing either. Instead the court has taken a turn wholly against the interests of the people moving towards populist decisions rather than pragmatic constitutional ones. Scallia is dead on, words have no longer have meaning. At least not a radical marxist progressive leftist world and that's the one we live in now. I've told you guys what is going to happen and it's here. Now what?

ricpic said...

Now what?

The Left is always in a hurry. They've won. The so-called opposition party, should it win the presidency, will be all about making obscenities like Obamacare "work." In other words the Republicans are now all about making socialism run smoother. That's victory. The Left has won. But as I said, the Left is in a hurry, so that's not good enough. I used to scoff when people spoke about the Left jabbing away at some racial incident till it erupts into a race war and then invoking martial law, suspending elections and taking total power. Now I'm not so sure. Or it could be something other than race. Will Barry start his own version of the Reichstag Fire and use that as an excuse? Possibly. He's already showing increased impatience with those who simply won't get with the system. They're so close to stamping their boot on our face...forever. It must be irresistible.

bagoh20 said...

The thought of a single tear on the cheek of a certified, approved victim overpowers all ideology, common sense, reason, and even accepted constitutional law. No matter what it takes away from those of you here, you will never be an approved victim.

Look at the bright side - we're old anyway. We had our fun. You really need to stop caring about the future. It's not yours. The upcoming generations will be far more accepting of big government, being controlled, stifled, and drained down to just the necessities of life and stability. They may get a boring shit of a future, but it is their future. They chose it and will continue to choose it, never knowing what they lost. In fact, even if they believed us on this, (they don't) they would still choose this path, because even when Dad is right, and even if he's a really cool dude, he's still Dad. Nobody wants to listen to Dad if they can just vote to ignore him. It's all about elections. You get to pick leaders, and pretend they stand for stuff. They stroke you, so you feel good about them, and they lie so you never have to feel bad about your mistake.

Yea, yea, I know your insurance is really expensive now, and the coverage sucks, and the care has gone to shit almost overnight, but you still did the right thing. You just need to do it one more time to get everything you want, like ending racism, and sexism, and greed, and bad karma.

Amartel said...

Well, choice implies intentional decisionmaking, not mindlessly clicking "like" on OFA talking points on Facebook and parrotting what Perfesser TeeVee sez because you're too lazy to question authority or even be bothered to recognize it as such. We lost this battle in 2012 despite the glaringly obvious inadequacies of the legislation, ineptitude in its implementation, and hypocrisy in its selective application. A growing plurality of people disapprove of Obamacare but, uh, what EVER. Today's decision is just a sad reminder that the Rule of Law is a farce in a nation ruled by greedy little fascists. Special Rules for Powerful Fools (albeit with the Korrect Agenda). I don't know what the left has on Roberts but it must be something big because he's not calling balls and strikes like he said he would; he's re-writing Special Barry's Amerikkker Transformin' Legacy Law so it's constitutional. OTOH, there's always the Law of Unintended Consequences, and I'm not giving up on the next generation just yet. I strongly suspect their brainwashing has been vastly overestimated.

Methadras said...

At this stage when you read the levels of pretzeling that the court has gone to in it's majority opinion to favor this horseshit law, not once, but twice, you have to agree that the sobering words of Scalia saying at this point that "words no longer mean anything" have to be true. I mean at this point, what is point of even bothering to have legislation? If you can vote on law that isn't/wasn't even written yet (SCOTUScare) and try to pass law that is completely and utterly secret (ObamaTrade), then what is the point of law or the wording of law at all? You might as well have monarchy or an emperor with edicts. It's what he have now in a more formal way. This isn't even about healthcare anymore. This will extend into every facet of your life. Government is now entrenched or will be entrenched in every facet of your life. Is this really the America that the founders wanted? That won't matter anymore either because they will slowly be evaporated out of American history as well. They will just be referred to in some nebulous way and all you will have over time is that government is, was, and always will be there. The Alpha, The Omega.

Dad Bones said...

What Bagoh20 said at 4:59. I think we passed the point of no return in Nov 2008.

I'm Full of Soup said...

The Phila. Inquirer had an idiotorial today and it was titled "Law of the Land".

I bet they would not have trumpeted the outcome if SCOTUS had struck down the law- they'd be wringing their hands about the right wing court.