Saturday, June 13, 2015

"Officials: Second hack exposed military and intel data"

Instapundit: China basically owns us now...
"This tells the Chinese the identities of almost everybody who has got a United States security clearance," said Joel Brenner, a former top U.S. counterintelligence official. "That makes it very hard for any of those people to function as an intelligence officer. The database also tells the Chinese an enormous amount of information about almost everyone with a security clearance. That's a gold mine. It helps you approach and recruit spies."

The White House statement said the hack into the security clearance database was separate from the breach of federal personnel data announced last week — a breach that is itself appearing far worse than first believed. It could not be learned whether the security database breach happened when an OPM contractor was hacked in 2013, an attack that was discovered last year. Members of Congress received classified briefings about that breach in September, but there was no public mention of security clearance information being exposed.
It's probably worst still.


Leland said...

If a company was this pathetic at data security, they would be sued. Alas, it is doubtful one civil servant will lost their job. And I suspect I'm not the only one that comments here whose personal data is now likely being sold on the internet.

I'm Full of Soup said...

These stories represent an opening for a Repub to say:

"See what we have been saying - the fed govt is way too big, too centralized and very incompetent."

Let's see if any of the candidates seize this opportunity.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Incompetent, wasteful and corrupt.

If the GOP were smart - those three words - hammer.

(All Hillary has is - "you hate me"
Yeah - we do hate you. So?)

ndspinelli said...

My bride is in that database. How long before she's contacted by the government? The over/under is 18 months!

rcocean said...

Well, its all one world anyway. Globalization and diversity. Isn't China our friend?

edutcher said...

Time to cut the Federal ranks by 90%.

Start with the Choom Gang, Democrats and Whigs.

AllenS said...

Nick, the question should be: how long before her personal information is used?

I can't see the government contacting her at all. That would be an admission the government screwed up.

You know, like this... "If you like your government information kept secret, you can keep your government information kept secret."

Methadras said...

I say we stop employing chinese contractors anywhere in the US. I've always said they have been operating here. I don't trust any of them.

ricpic said...

"See what we have been saying - the fed govt is way too big, too centralized and very incompetent."

It's clear the federal government is way too big. But politicians have learned that the pledge to actively push for smaller government excites a distinct minority of voters and actually alarms the majority. So the attempt never gets beyond mouthing some platitudes.