Saturday, June 20, 2015

Justice, forgiveness

The line in Deliverance is disturbing, "You got a pretty mouth" so when the hillbilly band member says it to the marathon runners he also says the whole setup is an act because knowing that line from Deliverance is sophisticated for a hillbilly. Doesn't match. So confirmed right off it's an act. The video is pure progression. Just like Boléro. Dueling banjos, they do get going.

What a perverse thing to say. That bugs me to no end.

I knew a man named James, for the life of me I cannot recall his last name right now, I'll think of it when not trying. He left a lasting impression on me, If you met him you would think what a pleasant fellow. Well mannered, polite.  He looks like a surfer. Well built, six feet tall, blond hair, chiseled features, not smart. The more I knew James the deeper I realized the guy is f'ed up in every way imaginable. He is the person who showed me his x-rays directly from the hospital, I drove him, so no switcheroo, no tricks. his entire body is pins and clamps and plates inside.  Hundreds of them. His movements are restricted. Turns out, he tossed himself out of a fourth-level window years previous to us meeting. He will never heal.

I got to know him well then he disappeared.

He's a flake. I would think sometimes, man, what a bummer, everything going for him really, his father is retired colonel, good family, supportive sister, great starting health, great body in shape but attached to a self-destructive quite stupid and emotionally arrested very confused and impossible to discuss things with head. He is messed up in the head, seriously, and ultimately not nice, but James is no criminal.

You got a purty mouth. And that's all.

I would make a terrible witness. Don't even bother, I'm worthless. In the photo of him entering the church all I saw was bad haircut and really bad shoes. Everyone else said he is thin and that never occurred to me. I didn't see race, sex, height, weight, nothing at all useful, just bad haircut and shoes. And those things can be easily fixed.

Then in comments people who are presumably good and presumably smart say repeatedly and say it all over different sites, things along the line, "he's going to make someone a nice little boyfriend" or some other reference to additional justice being served to him by other criminals behind bars, as that is society's norm, part of the punishment is being raped behind bars. The assumption of that is exceedingly creepy as "you got a purty mouth." Honestly, if the state does not execute him for his crimes then they must protect him because the assumption he'll be raped behind bars is unacceptable.

I am a comparatively poor Christian too. By now you've seen the purportedly only entry to Roof's Facebook page, a message left there by Marcus Stanley before the page was taken down. It is a letter of classic Christian forgiveness. The letter is startling because it is the opposite of everything else. Just like reading the bible straight through, at Matthew coming from Malachi, suddenly a beam of light strikes from above illuminating the reading, the table shakes, the voice is completely different, authoritative, fresh and direct from a different planet.

And the cynic recognizes Marcus Stanley is well known Christian musician, interjecting like this, and not know what to make of that. I'm not that good a Christian.

I recall reading about Jesus talking to a condemned criminal. He was walking around looking for things to get up to, went into a Roman prison and spoke to a prisoner condemned to die. I recall reading Jesus saying directly to the man that although he crossed the laws of society and the laws of man condemned him to death all that in no way condemns him in the eyes of God. Seek forgiveness and God will forgive you and take you back. The episode made extraordinary reading and impressed me deeply.

Urantia search [condemned]

Before beginning his ministry around Galilee Jesus was hired by a wealthy Indian merchant to tutor his young son while traveling to Rome on business. The young man had the personal attention and teaching of Jesus for several weeks. During that period in Rome and returning Jesus took several side excursions with Ganid, his student. While in Corinth doing personal work the pair met many people, for example, to the miller Jesus taught about grinding the grains of truth in the mill of experience to make hard things of divine life accessible to even weak and feeble people. He continued with additional teaching. "In your living and loving ministry serve spiritual food in attractive form and suited to the capacity of receptivity of each of your inquirers.”

He speaks to a Roman centurion about loyalty to Emperors and God not conflicting unless Emperors presume to arrogate to themselves homage due to Deity. Loyalty to God, if you should know him, would make you all the more loyal and faithful in devotion to a worthy emperor.

To the Mithraic cult leader he said to do well seeking for a religion of eternal salvation. He tells the leader he errs in seeking among man-made mysteries and human philosophies. At length, Jesus concludes with the Mithraic leader to not forget that you who know God are the sons of God if you truly yearn to be like him.

To the Epicurean teacher Jesus said, it's all very well to choose the best and esteem the good, but make sure not to fail to discern greater things of mortal life embodied in the spirit realms derived from the realization of the presence of God in the human heart.

To the builder Jesus said, as you build, grow a spiritual character like the divine spirit within your own soul.

Jesus said to the Roman judge, "remember you will also some day come to judgment before the bar of the Rulers of a universe. Judge justly, even mercifully, even as you shall some day thus crave merciful consideration at the hands of the Supreme Arbiter."

To the mistress of the Greek inn, Jesus said, “Elevate the drudgery of your daily toil to the high levels of a fine art through the increasing realization that you minister to God in the persons whom he indwells by his spirit which has descended to live within the hearts of men, thereby seeking to transform their minds and lead their souls to the knowledge of the Paradise Father of all these bestowed gifts of the divine spirit.”

Among many other things that Jesus said to the Chinese merchant while acknowledging his ancestor worship, Jesus reminded him of his own indwelling divine fragment, "Remember that the Father’s spirit ever lives within you and always points your soul-direction heavenward. If you follow the unconscious leadings of this immortal spirit, you are certain to continue on in the uplifted way of finding God."

To the traveler from Britain, among other admonishments, "Did you ever sincerely endeavor to talk with the spirit of your own soul? Such a thing is indeed difficult and seldom yields consciousness of success; but every honest attempt of the material mind to communicate with its indwelling spirit meets with certain success, notwithstanding that the majority of all such magnificent human experiences must long remain as superconscious registrations in the souls of such God-knowing mortals.”

To the runaway lad Jesus said, "Remember, there are two things you cannot run away from — God and yourself. Wherever you may go, you take with you yourself and the spirit of the heavenly Father which lives within your heart. Knock it off, settle down, stop deceiving yourself, lay firm hold on the assurances of sonship with God and the certainty of eternal life."

Here it is.

To the condemned criminal Jesus said at the last hour: “My brother, you have fallen on evil times. You lost your way; you became entangled in the meshes of crime. From talking to you, I well know you did not plan to do the thing which is about to cost you your temporal life. But you did do this evil, and your fellows have adjudged you guilty; they have determined that you shall die. You or I may not deny the state this right of self-defense in the manner of its own choosing. There seems to be no way of humanly escaping the penalty of your wrongdoing. Your fellows must judge you by what you did, but there is a Judge to whom you may appeal for forgiveness, and who will judge you by your real motives and better intentions. You need not fear to meet the judgment of God if your repentance is genuine and your faith sincere. The fact that your error carries with it the death penalty imposed by man does not prejudice the chance of your soul to obtain justice and enjoy mercy before the heavenly courts.”

This is Christianity.


Meade said...

Reportedly, Roof told police that he "almost didn't go through with it because everyone was so nice to him" but he was on a "mission" to trigger a race war.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The media and the politicians want to give him a race war.

The amazing family members of the victims do not.

bagoh20 said...

I don't know scap about Christian theology, but I believe the kind of thing demonstrated by these people has done the world great favor in the past when it was paired with a belief in worldly justice before heavenly grace. It seems many Christians today try to act like God instead of letting him do his part in his time. They want to provide the salvation and avoid the worldly punishment and justice due someone like Roof. I think that might indicate a reduced faith compared to the past when people might have understood the physical universe less and trusted in God more. Trust but verify - trust in God's mercy, but verify the appointment is made. Forgive the soul, but show justice to the broken container and show respect for the value of what was taken.

bagoh20 said...

Just to play devil's advocate: what if he came out and said that he chose the church members precisely because he believed they would forgive him anyway?

Meade said...

"The media and the politicians want to give him a race war."

Can you be more specific? Which politicians? Who in the media?

Would a "riot stew" count as race war? 3 months ago a commenter on this very blog mused about being "entertain[ed]" by "a riot stew". Actually, he called it a "nice" riot stew.

Meade said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

Trooper was just letting his transracial identity leak out. After watching the Ferguson festivities, he got all “Burn This Motherfucker Down!”

But seriously, I think he was expressing a belief that things will not get better in these places until predominantly Black communities come together on the importance of law and order by seeing what it's like and who really suffers without it. History shows that that lesson is a hard to learn. It isn't learned because racism is blamed, and racism is not the cause.

Regardless, that discussion has almost nothing to do with this incident or these victims, so again, bringing it up is just an attempt to use this tragedy as a convenient weapon against another commenter.

Meade said...

Keep telling yourself that, bagoh20.

Trooper York said...

Leisure Suit Larry is back beating his drum again.

This was certainly a terrible and senseless tragedy. Just as the murders committed in Baltimore and Chicago this well as the ones that will happen next week. They will not be published or discussed or deplored because the don't fit the narrative of the hucksters and grifters like al Sharpton and Larry.

They never let a tragedy go to waste. So he will come here to beat the drum and try to get clicks over at his meal tickets failing blog. If you think he gives a shit about anyone but himself you are a fool. Grifters gotta grift.

Meade said...

"They never let a tragedy go to waste."

You mean like the terrible and senseless tragedy we had here in Madison back in March? You wasted no time in expressing your hope that it would lead to an "entertaining nice riot stew," did you, Jim?

Meade said...

Were you on some sort of mission, Jim?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

CNN blames "Right wingers" for all these gun crimes. CNN ranks hate crime with two categories: ISIS and "right wing".

Even though some of these killers have favorite book lists that include all sorts of Marxist theory.

From the prayer:
"Children do not grow up with hatred in their hearts. In this world we are born color-blind. Somewhere along the line you were taught to hate people who are not like you, and that is truly tragic. You have accomplished nothing from this killing except planting seeds of pain..."

Are the media curious about where this kid formed his hate? His parents, on-line, his peers, hollywood, cnn? Where did this kid learn to hate so much? I suppose it's easy to brush it off as "right wing", but many people would like to know the truth. how-ever ugly.

edutcher said...

OK, somebody's gotta 'splain this one to me.
In an AP story, the first few paragraphs say

A black drinking buddy of the white man accused of killing nine people at a Charleston church says the suspect told him a week earlier that he planned to shoot up a college campus in the city.


"He just said he was going to hurt a bunch of people" at the College of Charleston, said Scriven, 22.

"I said, `What did you say? Why do you want to hurt those people in Charleston?'"

"He just said, `In seven days. ... I have seven days.'"

Why do I get the feeling this little weasel is playing us like Rachel Dolezal (think about the Facebook page)?

That there was no intended race war. He just wanted the publicity.

PS College of Charleston does not appear to be a predominately black institution.

Trooper York said...

You certainly are obsessed with me Larry.

I just wanted Madison to enjoy the wonderful benefits that NYC has enjoyed with constant exploitation of racial incidents to score political points. Sort of what you are doing right now with your sanctimonious bullshit. Of course since you live in a Lilly white town you don't have to deal so you can continue to stir the pot.

I deal with the aftermath of this everyday because I don't live in a segregated college town. So why don't you go piss up a rope and engage someone who gives a shit about what you think.

You know someone like the dogs you molest.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

thanks for posting the prayer, Chip.

ED - all these nut jobs want publicity. And they get it. Media are all too happy to oblige. Perhaps we should blame the media?

Trooper York said...

The media and the perpetual outrage machine had to be fed. The will be making money off this for decades to come.

bagoh20 said...

Many are blaming right wing rhetoric as they always do reflexively. The case can be made, and I believe it's more valid that the left wing rhetoric of constant blame of whites, racism and conservatives for all the ills in the society creates most of the anger that leads the crazy and less self-controlled to act out like this. I think that works both ways to. It is the other side's rhetoric of blame that gets us most angry. It's bullying. That is what makes people on either side want to shut people up, or "teach them a lesson, and it makes the crazy violent ones resort to the one thing that will actually shut someone up. Unfortunately, very little discussion of that dynamic is taking place.

Meade said...

"I just wanted Madison..."

I see. So it was your mission.

Makes sense.

bagoh20 said...

"Keep telling yourself that, bagoh20."

Dude, it's freaking obvious to everyone except you. That's why I'm trying to do you a solid and splain it to ya. Your slip is showing, and you keep prancing around with it like that. You are only here using this terrible news to attack someone. Now, man up and fix your dress. Nobody is gonna ask you to dance with it like that.

bagoh20 said...

You know I say this out of love. You can be very beautiful when you want to.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

ED - all these nut jobs want publicity. And they get it. Media are all too happy to oblige. Perhaps we should blame the media?

Damned straight we should (pardon my language in front of a lady).

And all the "community organizers" who exploit this with them.

Including the sack of slime In Chief in DC.

Trooper York said...

It must be horrible and scary when your rice bowl is threatened. I can understand that you would be at your wits end if your site went from averaging 200 comments down to 20. I mean who needs a full time moderator when your blog is drying up like some nasty old lady's twat.

Then when your parasitic host is ready to retire before she gets fired you are afraid that she will see what you do all day. Nothing. Besides molesting your neighbors pets.

So buck up little soldier. Why don't you volunteer and go help the people you are so concerned about. Open up a gay wedding chapel with free condoms, lube and gay wedding cakes. Go to Milwaukee and tell those fine outstanding youtes how much you care and help them fill out college applications while they rough up Quickie Mart clerks. Oh and you can take in rescue dogs.

Just try and keep your hands off of them. Ok Skippie?

Rabel said...

Brother Meade needs to take the Dylan record off the turntable and put on The Youngbloods. Himself being big into love and prayer and brotherhood and such.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The media jump to the "it was a right wing hate crime" before any real evidence or corroboration emerge.

CNN reported: "right wing hate crime" after the Boston bombing.

ABC's Brian Ross reported "James Holmes of the tea party" after the Aurora theater shooting. 100% INCORRECT - BUT THE DAMAGE WAS DONE. ABC accused the WRONG MAN. BTW - I don't know why that James Holmes didn't sue them.

Even after Holder's justice dept exonerated the cop in Ferguson, many masses of Americans still believ the lie about "hands up don't shoot." It never happened, but - the media got their big lie in.

It is bullying.

btw- MSNBC pushed the "hands up don't shoot" lie more than any other "news" outlet. Shouldn't they be sued and forced to pay for the damages to Ferguson businesses?
Leftwing hate hurts too.

edutcher said...

You got it. They should be sued.

And it's looking more and more like our little weasel's "race war" is a blind.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

After the horrible Gabby Gifford's gun-down, everyone blamed Sarah Palin. She had the word "target" on her web site. (wow - politicians never used that word before /) Zero proof EVER EMERGED that the shooter ever even once visited Palin's web site.

Doesn't matter- narrative, lies and bullying are all we get from our hack press.

and that dude was into Marxist theory.

chickelit said...

AprilApple said...
After the horrible Gabby Gifford's gun-down, everyone blamed Sarah Palin.

Shortly after Sarah Palin responded to John McCain's offer, numerous bloggers (including one of Meade's favorite) jumped all over her, smearing her. No apology ever ensued and no sense of ever having gone beyond the pale ever came out. And those bloggers and those hangers on held their ground and still do.

chickelit said...

But I forgive the Andrew Sullivans, the Dan Savages, the Michelle Goldbergs, the Josh Marshalls, et al. But their continued presence is like a Confederate flag and, quite literally, is why I'd never think of voting their way.

rcocean said...

The MSM has been doing "blame the right-wingers" since forever. When JFK got shot in 63, Cronkite tried to blame the Right-wingers in Dallas.

Of course, it turned out Oswald was a Commie, upset at JFK's treatment of Castro.

Meade said...

" is like a Confederate flag"

Why — what do you feel is wrong about a Confederate flag?

chickelit said...

Like a Confederate flag, those bloggers still wave their opinions and you as their confederate still waive judgement. It is tangential, but is about justice and forgiveness.
As for the Confederate flag itself, my ancestors volunteered for the Union and I'm a Yankee.

Meade said...

Trooper, who wishes to be "entertained" by a "nice riot stew"... is bothered.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Remember who started the riot stew. The liars in the media.

Methadras said...

Meade all of a sudden shows up when a white psychopath kills 9 blacks, in a 'black' church. I wonder why? You dog whistled me Meade, please explain why you are here other than just being a hopeless troll.

Trooper York said...

He is trying to drum up interest in that failing blog.

Trooper York said...

He is also collecting money for the victims. Send him money and he will pass it along.

You can trust him. What could go wrong?

AllenS said...

Flags don't kill people.