Thursday, June 25, 2015

Erasing U.S. History*

* Update...
"Apple Will Restore Battle of Gettysburg App"


Trooper York said...


What's next?

Boycotting any state with South in it?

Outlawing white sales because people are buying sheets?

When will it end?

Methadras said...

It won't. This is the beginning of the Great Historical Purge. Don't like the ugliness of the truth of history? Why expunge it and purge it from memory as if it never happened then we can all breath a collective sigh of relief that the radical marxist leftist progressives have saved us once again from ourselves. Jonathan Gruber was right.

Trooper York said...

What they are doing is giving the confederate flag a power and appeal that it doesn't have right now. Banning something gives it a chalet of the forbidden.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It's like we're in soviet Russia. Except instead of purging people we're purging symbols.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What's next Pam Geller is going to do a draw the confederate flag competition?

Then it's going to be two sets of loons looking for her with bad intentions.

Methadras said...

Lem said...

It's like we're in soviet Russia. Except instead of purging people we're purging symbols.

In Soviet Russia, they killed/purged those that didn't comply and that was their symbolism. What is being proposed and done now is that purging the symbolism and the history behind is what matter more. And in the name of Political Correctness of course. No need to offend, but rather to appease and capitulate, oh and by the way, if you don't comply you will suffer the consequences. No need to kill anyone when you can label them as outcasts against the dogma of the left.

Meade said...

They are outcasts against the dogma of both the left and the right. Outcasts against common decency. Speaking of appeasing, Lost Causers and race supremacists are the ones who've been appeased and placated — for decades — by letting them wave their little battle flags and put up their monuments to their Heroes of the Rebellion.

And now you cry just like little rebellious babies. Why don't you just move back to Africa where you can still own slaves and rape children? Here, I'll pay your way. We'll call it reparation.

AllenS said...

You make no sense, Meade.

Meade said...

You're probably right, Allens. Except to people with IQs above 100.

Trooper York said...

If you do not stand up for the rights of the most despised members of society you will eventually find your own right to free speech destroyed. That was the basis of the ACLU standing up for the Nazi march in Skokie. The way to drive out bad symbols or bad speech (of course depending on where you stand) is with more speech. Explain why you think the Confederate Flag is so horrible. Banning it just makes it more attractive to marginal personalities and lunatics such as the shooter in Charleston.

This orgy of self righteous political correctness is predictable. It will continue. They will ban the Confederate Flag today. What is going to happen when the outlaw the Church and the Cross because they will not accept gay marriage? I can see the same people demanding that the symbols of Christianity be banned in the public square because they do not accept the current prevailing politically correct dogma pushed by the same out of control progressive moralists.

I don't really care that much about the Confederate Flag or the Forts named after Confederate soldiers. But this is just the opening salvo.

Meade said...


Meade said...

"Explain why you think the Confederate Flag is so horrible. Banning it just makes it more attractive to marginal personalities and lunatics such as the shooter in Charleston."

Where has the Confederate Flag been banned?

Shouting Thomas said...

You're a fucking Nazi, Larry.

A dumb fucking Nazi.

You're old lady was pretty hard up.

She had to be to put up with a lowlife scumbag like you.

Seig Heil, you fucking Nazi!

Meade said...

It's like saying "erasing U.S. history". U.S. history hasn't been erased. Why do you think it has? It's like you don't know what the word "history" means. Or "erased". You sound emotionally out of control.

Shouting Thomas said...

Nazi in blackface.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

What's the matter Lawnbitch, that cunt meal mealticket's site isn't interesting enough for you?

You don't get to delete comments here, Larry.

Shouting Thomas said...

There nothing left to do with Nazi scum like you, Larry, except to go to war with you.

Meade said...

I just heard that they're thinking about replacing the Jefferson (slave-holder) Monument with a monument to President Obama.

Why not?

Meade said...

Or would that ERASE HISTORY?

Shouting Thomas said...

Nazi scum in blackface.

Seig Heil!

You're not a good person, Meade. You're not trying to do good.

You're evil. Completely.

Evil Nazi in blackface. Seig Heil!

Amartel said...

Interesting WSJ/Taranto column: Bipartisan Preference Cascade

Shouting Thomas said...

Meade is a Nazi scumbag in blackface.

Trooper York said...

They always start with the weakest people first. The most unpopular. The most unpalatable. The run of the mill low information voter will not care that the sale of the Confederate flag is banned on EBay or Amazon or in Apple products. Because it is so far beyond the pale that it can not be allowed.

They are all ready calling for banning films about the South like "Gone with the Wind." Soon enough they will call for burning books about the Civil War.

That is what they do. They are totalitarian zealots who will force their opinions on you, your family and your business.

Methadras said...

Meade said...

They are outcasts against the dogma of both the left and the right. Outcasts against common decency. Speaking of appeasing, Lost Causers and race supremacists are the ones who've been appeased and placated — for decades — by letting them wave their little battle flags and put up their monuments to their Heroes of the Rebellion.

And now you cry just like little rebellious babies. Why don't you just move back to Africa where you can still own slaves and rape children? Here, I'll pay your way. We'll call it reparation

How about you go fuck yourself into oblivion you sanctimonious piece of shit? I detest and hate the confederacy, it's flag, and everything it stood for, you simpleton, but I also know that truth of history is something that is a treasured competent of this countries culture. The good and the bad. We try not to white-wash our collective history from memories, but instead, you'd rather use smear instead of smarts. So you go on ahead and turn to appeasement or deletion, you knave little coward. You and your wife still purging comments you don't like on your blog? At least you are consistent in your attempts at quelling speech you don't like. Why don't you spend more time figuring out how to erase the yellow line that runs down your back into your asshole, lawnmower man?

Amartel said...

Social justice whiners, language police and other assorted leftist fascists are a plague upon our nation, no argument on that score, but it's not clear that this is their victory. Look how furious they were that it was Nikki Haley who initiated the removal of the flag, an action which is now being followed and mimicked by politicians left and right at the state and federal levels. Is it possible that it was just time to remove this flag as a symbol of a representative government? (Decisions by Apple, Ebay, Amazon, Warner Bros. et al. to 'ban' Confederate flag product - while keeping Nazi regalia, etc. - just seem weak and publicity-oriented.)

Meade said...

Amartel, good Taranto article.

And here's the thing: It can STILL BE the Jefferson Memorial — the building and the site won't have to change. But the statue of TJ, inside the building, can be simply mothballed or moved to, say, Monticello while a statue of Barack Obama can be put in its place.


Methadras said...

Amartel, it's a scam of appeasement in the face of a tragedy. Oh woe is us, black people died, so now it's time to use this as a politically correct opportunity rewrite what we don't like about history. Never let a crisis go to waste. Those words don't ring hollow.

rcocean said...

I agree Trooper. I disagree its and orgy of "Self-righteousness". Its an orgy of hate disguised as being nice. The end game is the exclusion of Christianity and Patriotism from the public square. The leftists are full of hate for America, The south (cause its the main support for the Republican party), and Christianity.

Given what wimps people are, I fully expect "hate crime" laws will be expanded to reach the mirror British law. That is, say the wrong word about minorities, gays or foreigners and you'll end up in Jail. Access the wrong website or express wrong-think in a comment section and you'll have a Policeman knocking on your door asking you a few questions.

People in Britain are OK with that, because they accept the premise. Hatred for Racism, xenophobia, and homophobia is so strong that the "Nice" thing to do is put "bad" people in jail for saying the wrong thing.

If you think the 1st Amendment will protect you from that, you're a fool that needs to read a history of the SCOTUS.

rcocean said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rcocean said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meade said...

Methadras said...
"Amartel, it's a scam of appeasement in the face of a tragedy. Oh woe is us, black people died, so now it's time to use this as a politically correct opportunity rewrite what we don't like about history. Never let a crisis go to waste. Those words don't ring hollow."

Liberals said (in 2001)...
Amartel, it's a scam of patriotism in the face of the 9/11 tragedy. Oh woe is us, people died in the World Trade towers, so now it's time to use this as a politically correct opportunity to wave flags and face the reality of Islamist terror. Never let a crisis go to waste. Those words don't ring hollow.

Titus said...

I am so happy today! I received a promotion-15% increase=$26,250 annually and $1009. 00 per pay check every two weeks!

I exceeded all my goals this year and am getting close to my hubby's comp-base, not total comp-his bonus is through the roof. He works for Cap Gemini and their bonus structures are huge.

Party....and tits!

Have a super night everyone and keep reaching for the stars!

Meade said...

rcocean said...
"The US flag was the flag of slavery till 1865. Time for it to go. Black people might be offended.

And Meade of course."

I don't think "black people" are offended by the Union battle flag, rc. I know I'm not. But you do bring up an interesting possibility. Why can't the official flag of the United States of America change from time to time? Why so rigid?

And after tomorrow's SCOTUS decision giving gay Americans the same rights as straights, why not transition to the Rainbow Flag as the official national flag? Would that be so wrong?

Meade said...

Congratitulations, Titus!

Methadras said...

Titus said...

I am so happy today! I received a promotion-15% increase=$26,250 annually and $1009. 00 per pay check every two weeks!

I exceeded all my goals this year and am getting close to my hubby's comp-base, not total comp-his bonus is through the roof. He works for Cap Gemini and their bonus structures are huge.

Party....and tits!

Have a super night everyone and keep reaching for the stars!

So you're impoverishment got better? Gratz.

Titus said...

Thanks Meade-I am very happy. I worked my ass of this year.

I am thinking I can buy a new pair of Prada shoes or flat front skinny D&G every month with my increase.

That call today from my manager in DC was music to my ears.


Meade said...

After a few years, when gay rights become normalized, we can choose a new flag again. Maybe all green. To represent our new-found appreciation for our planet, Earth. Or maybe Mathematical Physics will finally discover... God. And we'll choose a flag that has Schrödinger's cat on it. A sort flag/not flag with the motto: nothing antimatters. The United States of Paradox.

Methadras said...

Meade said...

Methadras said...
"Amartel, it's a scam of appeasement in the face of a tragedy. Oh woe is us, black people died, so now it's time to use this as a politically correct opportunity rewrite what we don't like about history. Never let a crisis go to waste. Those words don't ring hollow."

Liberals said (in 2001)...
Amartel, it's a scam of patriotism in the face of the 9/11 tragedy. Oh woe is us, people died in the World Trade towers, so now it's time to use this as a politically correct opportunity to wave flags and face the reality of Islamist terror. Never let a crisis go to waste. Those words don't ring hollow.

And this is why you are a moron, dog-walker. Moral equivalency is what you went to to try and score brownie points? Fucking idiot, the contexts are totally different. Hijacking American planes by AQ terrorists and flying them into the WTC's killing 3k people from a broad spectrum of walks of life was an act of war. A racist white boy killing 9 blacks in a church and using it as a pretext to change, revise, or eliminate history is apples/oranges.

Stick to doing what you do best dog-walker. Thinking isn't one of them. Just take pictures, play with dogs, and make sure you nurse the harpy from her daily hangovers. Smart is not you.

Methadras said...

Meade said...

After a few years, when gay rights become normalized, we can choose a new flag again. Maybe all green. To represent our new-found appreciation for our planet, Earth. Or maybe Mathematical Physics will finally discover... God. And we'll choose a flag that has Schrödinger's cat on it. A sort flag/not flag with the motto: nothing antimatters. The United States of Paradox.

Which gay rights do the gays get again? Do they get them as a collective or as individuals? If they get them as a collective is that constitutional since nowhere does it say in there that rights are collectively mandated. If they are individual, what more rights do they get that I don't because I'm not gay? Should I become gay to get them?

Meade said...

Methadras said...
"And this is why you are a moron, dog-walker. Moral equivalency is what you went to to try and score brownie points? Fucking idiot, the contexts are totally different."

You didn't read the article Amartel linked to, did you, Methadras.

Meade said...

Apples/Apples, if you read and understand Taranto's article.

Amartel said...

"And here's the thing: It can STILL BE the Jefferson Memorial — the building and the site won't have to change. But the statue of TJ, inside the building, can be simply mothballed or moved to, say, Monticello while a statue of Barack Obama can be put in its place."

Cool!! The Inadvertent Unintended Catastrophic Embarrassing Failure Memorial.
It would be wrong to install a statute of Obama, of course, as he's not dead, so until he is we could put some old 1980s PoliSci books in there along with DVDs of the Keeping up with the Kardashians, a teleprompter, a drone, and Bill Ayers' empty skull. Also, a mirror, for the interactive learning experience.

I'm Full of Soup said...

We should just agree to erase all statues very 50 years or so as public opinion changes. And I suspect it won't take that long for the current rainbow crowd, the far left libruls and the educrat whackjobs to fall out of favor.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Neither party has any will or desire to fix anything major.

So by 2020, we will be in such dire straits, any reminders of Obama or Hillary or Boehner or Reid or Pelosi or McConnell will be destroyed by the public in broad daylight. Congress critters will need armed guards to go out in public.

The shit will really hit the fan [for big govt lovers] when we can't afford to make pension payment to retired govt workers.

Methadras said...

Meade said...

Methadras said...
"And this is why you are a moron, dog-walker. Moral equivalency is what you went to to try and score brownie points? Fucking idiot, the contexts are totally different."

You didn't read the article Amartel linked to, did you, Methadras.

June 25, 2015 at 7:01 PM

Blogger Meade said...

Apples/Apples, if you read and understand Taranto's article.

Did not read the article since I don't have a WSJ account. And frankly, I don't give two fucking shits what Taranto has to say. I know what I said was correct and you aren't and that's all that matters, so piss off dummy.

Methadras said...

Meade said...

"Which gay rights do the gays get again?"

Ha ha. Good point. Turns out gay rights are the very same rights straights have had for all this time only most straights didn't know it. So — as I said, good point — it turns out they're all just plain... RIGHTS!

Shocker, so what was the argument again about gay rights? Oh wait, there isn't one and never was one.

Meade said...

President-Mom-Jeans said...
"What's the matter Lawnbitch, that cunt meal mealticket's site isn't interesting enough for you?"

No, it's interesting enough. It's just that there's all these commenters who used to be over there (TOP) who then flounced off to over here when they got their sensitive feelings hurt — Lem's place (which I like to call the Althouse Annex or AA for short) — but they have been gradually all drifting back over there (TOP) for some odd reason or maybe it's not so odd come to think of it because Glenn Reynolds seems to be linking to her more than ever plus Crack remains obsessed with her and is always sending traffic. Commenters like Ritmo Balls or whatever he calls himself these days. And so I can barely get a comment in ed[ge]dutcher-wise if you know what I mean.

So I come over here. To see what wacky weird new things Chip has come up with and just to, you know, see if I can help liven the place up a bit. Add a little... levity if possible. Check on everyone's cancers and drinking problems and loneliness issues. Those sorts of things. Christian charity if you will.

But thanks for asking.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The more I read about rebel obstinance and denial of the horrors and reality of their former ways, the more I think it all came down to an issue of Irish guys wanting to prove - to the death - that they could so be as wealthy and aristocratic and elitist as the Anglos who populated the North. 2/3rds of the South at the time were Irish or Scotch-Irish versus 2/3rds of the North being Anglo.

As TradGuy pointed out, it was part of a much more long-standing, and bitter feud, when you get right down to it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Commenters like Ritmo Balls or whatever he calls himself these days.

Nice run-on sentence. (And error in the naming). But these guys are more intelligent, generally, on the issues. My comments are more numerous at your bat-cave because of how much more numerous, more stubborn, less informed, more closed-minded and more prideful your own commenters are - all of which calls for greater remonstration. But I'm guessing you must like it that way.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Meade is obsessed with us. I can tell.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Meade is obsessed with us. I can tell.

A guy that whipped by some woman is inevitably prone to loneliness.

ndspinelli said...

He's gets about 8 comments a month on his puppy porn site.

ndspinelli said...

He gets little attention @ TOP anymore.

edutcher said...

Another reason why I never liked Apple.

Still prefer Android or Fedora, but, Hell, even Microshaft is better than that.

PS I see the Troll Twins are back with the same talking points they're using over at Insty. Some phony folksy and a couple of others have already gone Ritmo and brought out the rulers accusing everybody of being short-changed.

Meade said...

"Cool!! The Inadvertent Unintended Catastrophic Embarrassing Failure Memorial.
It would be wrong to install a statute of Obama, of course, as he's not dead, so until he is we could put some old 1980s PoliSci books in there along with DVDs of the Keeping up with the Kardashians, a teleprompter, a drone, and Bill Ayers' empty skull. Also, a mirror, for the interactive learning experience."


I don't normally care much for typo-humor, Amartel, but "statute of Obama" was especially good. And timely. Even if it really was a typo.

And I very much enjoyed the murderous edge in "Bill Ayer's empty skull" considering he's not dead yet either.

But I would've named it the Failure of Unintended Catastrophic Embarrassments Memorial. Only because I like easy to remember acronyms.

Meade said...

"Meade is obsessed with us. I can tell."

You can?

I had hoped you wouldn't notice.

Meade said...

"He's gets about 8 comments a month on his puppy porn site."

About 6 too many as far as I'm concerned but what can a blogger do?

Meade said...

Speaking of bonuses, this is a pretty cool story:

ndspinelli said...

5th grader, "I really didn't want anyone to come to my birthday party." Meade, "I don't want comments." What a fucking lying, 10 year old, loser.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I'm sure that Crack sends a ton of traffic.

Glad that you find your cunt mealticket's site interesting still though. I hope that the combination of lawn clippings and dog semen causes aggressive pancreatic cancer for you, Larry.

chickelit said...

Meade's had a couple few blogs now. I know of at least three. I used to read them and comment on one or two. The odd thing about all of Meade's blogs is that he hardly if ever talks or writes about himself, family, background, etc.. You can't accuse him of narcism! On the other hand, it's just as odd that we know a great deal about Meade but virtually all of it as been filtered through Althouse.

Orrey G.Rantor said...

And here's the thing: It can STILL BE the Jefferson Memorial — the building and the site won't have to change. But the statue of TJ, inside the building, can be simply mothballed or moved to, say, Monticello while a statue of Barack Obama can be put in its place.


June 25, 2015 at 6:14 PM,

Well it would be appropriate to put his statue in that evil evil slave owners memorial. The first president from the state of Illinois freed the slaves,
yet the second president to hail from the state of Illinois has enslaved everyone to government healthcare whether they want it or not.

Do you own your own body Meade or does the Federal government?