Saturday, May 9, 2015

Natalie Portman to Play Justice Ginsburg.

The beauty will play the justice in a movie titled blacklisted, a biopic. Seen on The Hill Twitter account. The thread that the Twitter post evoked is fun. The Hill piece by Mark Hensch explains it, the article has 60 comments so far and all of them I read vituperative toward both actress and justice.


chickelit said...

Seen in that tweet stream:

Next up, Charlize Theron as Hillary Clinton

edutcher said...

I'm having a concept issue here.

PS Went to Entertainment Weekly's site to see a little more of what the thing is about and some wag had some suggestions about the other female justices based on the casting so far.

Sonya Sotomayor: Sofia Vergara
Elana Kagan: Kate Upton

Can't wait for the 3-way hot oil nude wrestling scene.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I suspect that Ms. Portman might be one of those celebrities who people on the "right," obsessed with politics, love to hate -- I'm just guessing here -- but I don't care about that stuff.

I'll say something nice about Ms. Portman, which is that she looks like she might be a lovely person to get to know in real life and she did a great job as an actress in Star Wars playing Priness Leia.

"Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope."

That was great!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All while Hollywood blacklists anyone not prog.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She probably is a nice person. she's an OK actress, I guess.

Rabel said...

I'm good with it as long as Danny DeVito plays Scalia, but the bastards will probably use Joe Pesci.

Rabel said...

"Next up, Charlize Theron as Hillary Clinton"

Won't happen. She's played that role once before.

john said...

I think this is a planned setup: for this movie to open next year, for RBG to swoon over all the attention from Hollywood, to conclude that it is best to go out on the top, and to announce her retirement.

All in time for Pres. Obama to nominate a young very liberal replacement.

john said...

Movie as skid grease.

Chip Ahoy said...

Eric, that WAS great. And then after that, Postcards From the Edge, I'm tellin' ya, that really did have me on edge all the way through. I never did know what was real and what was Hollywood even to the very end and her real mum is Shirley MacLaine. Took me forever to get all that sorted.

And john, how perceptive. I would never have allowed imagining such coordinated effort but now my own mature fully ripened and juicy dripping cynicism invites the conclusion.

Trooper York said...

Now that was very funny Rabel.

It is the kind of joke I love. Hilarious if you get it but mystifying if you don't.

I salute you.

Trooper York said...

Well this is all I have to say about that!

Rabel said...

Thanks, TY. The question is - did I steal chickelit's joke or was his Charlize reference inadvertent?

He's deep, that chick, so I'm not sure.

William said...

Jane Fonda appropriates 90% of the hate directed at left wing Hollywood celebrities. So she does serve a useful purpose. It's hard to get worked up over Natalie's mild foolishness when there's a world historical jerk like Jane Fonda on the planet.