Tuesday, April 7, 2015

"The deception of the Obama Department of Justice"

By Katie Pavlich: Link
Throughout Barack Obama’s tenure in the White House he’s been accused of leading a lawless presidency and cheapening the rule of law through his Department of Justice. Many say these accusations are simply based in politics, but a closer look at the way the Department of Justice has handled multiple cases in federal court suggest misleading or lying to judges is a habit, not a mistake.

Most recently, we’ve seen this happen in the case surrounding President Obama’s executive action on illegal immigration. Twenty-six states are suing against the action, and in February, U.S. District Court Judge Andrew Hanen issued a stay in the implementation of the order granting temporary amnesty and work permits to millions of illegal immigrants. Shortly after blocking the implementation, Hanen found out DOJ attorneys had issued false information to the court. He accused them of misleading the court because Immigration and Customs Enforcement, under DOJ guidance, had ignored his order to halt implementation and gave temporary amnesty and work permits to more than 100,000 people. (read more)


edutcher said...

Chicago, Chicago...

Dad Bones said...

I'm thinking of Atlanta and all those teachers being marched off to jail for helping students cheat on tests, and then collecting bonuses for their improved performance.

Obama and Holder, who like to butt in on local issues involving race, didn't say anything IIRC. The teachers apparently weren't doing anything that they didn't approve of.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

But we can't impeach them because of their skin color.

Tribalism in modern day America.

Amartel said...

Immigration is a wedge issue for the Dems so ... not a word about this in the media.