Thursday, April 16, 2015

"I found the literal middle of nowhere"

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Be sure to visit Courage the cowardly dog!

Return the slab
Or suffer my curse
Must be the nexus of the universe


Chip Ahoy said...

Return the slab or suffer my curse

AllenS said...

The hardest part about going to Nowhere, is when you return to WhereYouBeen.

Chip Ahoy said...

I lived right at crossing streets numbers 0 and 0 here in Denver, that's Broadway and Ellsworth. So I totally related to this. Now I live exactly 11.5 blocks from that spot.

100% of true fact.

It is not the center of the universe but it is an important psychic center nonetheless. What happens in the immediate geographic area is an unraveling and dissolution of the substructure of energy membrane and filaments that separate alternate realities in the material world, the solid expression of reality, the lowest form, that split off at the nexus of decision points made within that shadowy material realm. It seems solid as H-E-double iron bars but it is actually the fleeting penumbra of reality that is far more solid made of higher, stronger, and more numerous energy forms that are not apparent in the material realm of energies.

That's why it is possible for Hillary Clinton to claim emigrant grandparents when everybody with common sense that hold together the reality knows that is not true in this reality. Hillary simply passed through such a geographic spot where the membrane between choice-realities is dissolved and where that alternative is true. Where that and others realities are true.

In some other realities she's a divorced woman, in others she's without children, in others she's not a corrupted politician, and in still others she's not lesbian.

3% of fact.

And it's goddamn snowing. On my plants!

100% of fact.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Snow in Denver again. Maybe a few shots of that be nice.