Of course Republicans would be naïve to expect that will put an end to all questions. There will undoubtedly be questions designed to draw them into a detailed discussion of evolution and religion. A candidate will probably have a great majority of the public on his or her side if he shuts down those questions pretty quickly. The candidate could simply explain that there are lots of good people who have different opinions on this, and that for him, the key thing is believing that God guided our creation. Beyond that, it's not the role of the president of the United States to tell people what to believe about evolution."
"Candidates can give that answer secure in the knowledge that, whatever some reporters might think, evolution simply isn't very important as a campaign issue."
Tonette and Scott Walker take ice bucket challenge |
The correct answer to the hack Democrat Media Industrial Complex is this:
"Why don't you ask your democrat candidate that same question and get back to me."
Don't give the hack press one thing.
The theory of evolution has nothing to do with the job of being President, so far as I can tell.
Democrat media industrial complex need to harvest a "gotcha".
Not answering a stupid irrelevant gotcha question is the right answer. It's all a trap to paint the GOP as anti-science. There is no "right" answer anyway.
Notice that these same questions are never asked of democrats.
"How often do you beat your wife?"
I'm curious to know what that evolutionary psychology professor would make of all this.
I'm guessing that you have to start with the understanding that the vast majority of people operate as if they are living in a group of 20 to 100 fellow hunter/gatherers fighting for survival in a savanna environment.
I believe we are devolving into idiocracy and a South American style socialist dictatorship.
That would be my answer.
Tonette is fat-the Eat Coast fab, and thin, media will kill her.
Education and obesity won't be a subject this team tackle.
The answer is simple. If any bill is sent to my desk that bans evolution, I will veto it.
Or the answer to tough questions that worked for the current guy, "That's beyond my pay grade."
I think that every GOP candidate believes in evolution, so just say that.
Tell them that even God believes in evolution.
I would tell the reporter that he is living proof that evolution doesn't always work.
The Republicans should bitch slap the media and point out their basis at every possible occasion. Use Brian Williams as a club to beat them with. Refuse to have mainstream journalists as debate moderators or panelists. Take the fight to the enemy.
That is to say their bias.
Why do Democrat candidates never get ASKED about evolution?
Ha! I like April's answer.
Democratic Operative With Byline: Gosh, Potential GOP Candidate, do you believe in evolution?
Potential GOP Candidate: Anyone who has been paying the least bit if attention to politics over the past 8 years has seen more than enough evolution to know it exists.
The correct answer,
"My views on this and other controversial issues are sealed in an envelope, stuffed down Sandy Berger's pants ,filed between Obama's college transcripts and Bill Clinton's little black book."
Tell 'em one doesn't "believe" in a scientific theory, one either accepts, accepts with reservations, or rejects it.
We're not talking about God here.
You could then go into Darwin's own hedging of the theory (and do about 5 minutes on the holes that have been found) and then ask the "journolist" what he thinks.
And then you remind said "journolist" most Americans are Creationists of one stripe or another and are probably on his side, anyway.
The answer is quite simple. Evolution is a natural outgrowth of moment of creation. See, no injection of a deity, dogma, or religious belief, nothing. Done.
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