Friday, February 20, 2015

"Starbucks CEO calls out Giuliani for 'offensive' Obama comments"

"As an American, I find Rudy Giuliani's vicious comments about President Obama 'not loving America' to be profoundly offensive to both the President and the Office," Schultz said in a statement."
Giuliani caused a political stir this week with his remarks about Obama at a dinner event featuring Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, in a speech first reported by Politico. He said he didn't believe Obama "loves America."

In an interview with CNN on Thursday, Giuliani followed up by saying he believed Obama "was brought up in an atmosphere in which he was taught to be a critic of America."
@JoeB_OandBPI said... "just want to see how he’d spell Giulianis name on a latte cup."


ricpic said...

Reaction from typical barista: like, whatever, man.

Titus said...

Rudy is very unpatriotic-do any of you fools know where he does business and makes speeches? With our major enemies, natch.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Nothing like the money the Clintons have been getting from the Arabs.

Shouting Thomas said...

The very definition of a kerfluffle!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

the collective left and the media ( but I repeat myself) are fainting right and left over this.

Oh the outrage!

Free speech is a bitch.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Starbuck coffee sucks too.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Local Denver KOA news radio news report:
The government has issued an alert for right wing terrorism.


Amartel said...

Righties have to encounter left-wing presumptions on a daily basis, in the media, at work etc. Lefties can avoid right-wing presumptions or discount them as rubethink. In other words, they do not have to take them seriously or think about them so they don't. Hence, when they hear this sort of thing it sounds offensive to their ears. It's like when I first got cable and watched Fox News. I couldn't believe anyone was allowed to say that sort of thing on TV much less out loud! Ermahgerd.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Go find me the time you asked a Democrat about why Joe Biden has a cork on his fork and then we'll talk. Get lost"

LOL! - Some guy named Stephen Miller on twitchy.

Chip Ahoy said...

So? That and another $4.45 will get ya a caffe mocha vent.

The executive expressed his feelz, that's worth some points somewhere to somebody, somehow, but he failed to counter any of Giuliani's points of attack. And respect the office was forfeited a decade ago by the people this executive is currying favor, the Starbucks crowd.

So nanner nanner nanner. He's protecting his brand.

Man, have I ever been enjoying coffee lately, but not Starbucks, such a disgusting drink, it is a bit of a job to doll it up. Basically, you must take its inherent bitterness and overwhelm it with other taste sensations. Fill the gap left by its watery emptiness and round out its profile. Perhaps include some kind of aromatic, something with spirit such as alcohol or vanilla extract that has alcohol.

Pushed through the Aeropress.

It allows you to control the amount and duration that it steeps for espresso. Then water down the espresso to desired coffee intensity.

I like to make a quart.

An ungodly lot is used for one quart. Two rounded scoops. The max.

The grind steeps in the water briefly and pushed through. Because it is so brief, you use a lot. Compared with using a little and recycling the water by percolating the way Nana did. Ugh. What gut-wrenching stuff.

What comes through the Aeropress is black.

The grind purchased from MoZaic restaurant was ridiculously expensive and roasted black. In the Aeropress you can see the point where it turns to mud. It is the only blend so far that does that. Pushed through and held up it is so dark you cannot see light through it.

The rest of the water is the remaining 3/4, excluding additions.

I add sugar, or I cannot stand it, and cream or milk for its fat, and vanilla for it deep counter-flavor.

So it becomes something else entirely. Something quite offensive to coffee purists, but it is the only way I can drink that nerve-rattling toxic tongue-coating breath-ruining crap, to turn it into something else. Something delicious with Irish Creme, or Minted Irish Cream, or Pumpkin Pie cream liqueur, or what have you. I've been through one whole bottle already.

After enjoying such a transformed cup or quart scrub your teeth thoroughly with baking soda and toothpaste and scrape your tongue and rinse out your whole mouth to erase the filmy ill affects left behind by drinking ghastly nerve-wracking poison.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Marco Rubio handles the pro-democrat hacks well: This is how you do it.

"I don’t feel like I'm in a position to have to answer for everyone in my party who makes a claim. Democrat aren't asked to answer every time Joe Biden says something embarrassing. So I don’t know why I should answer every time a republican does. So I will suffice it to say I believe the president loves America. His ideas are bad."

--Marco Rubio

Amartel said...

Yeah, but does he?
The only time he has something specifically good to say about us is when we're ratifying his agenda. The rest if the time we're troglodytes who are bitter and cling.

edutcher said...

I've been a Rudy guy since the 80s when he was a crime-busting US Attorney.

This is the reason why.

Titus said...

Rudy is very unpatriotic-do any of you fools know where he does business and makes speeches? With our major enemies, natch.

Actually, that's Mr "Ah have a vizhun fer this cuntry an' y'all are part of thet vizhun".

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Twitted it... @ AprilApple

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

oh. wow I'm famous.

ricpic said...

Is an Aeropress the same thing as a French Press? I've been using the French Press for years and with practice you can get the exact strength of coffee you want. Love the simplicity. Pour boiling water over grounds, let stand (in my case 30 seconds is enough) press down and voila!...parfait.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I find Starbuck coffee bitter and not satisfying. And I do not think Barack Obama loves America as much as say...Ronald Reagan did.

I run into people on the left just like Barack Obama. They do not love America like I do. They always point out flaws of the founding fathers (they hate the Patriarchy of the term "founding fathers"), they always say but what for (Slavery, Native Americans, Mexicans, Racism, keep going down the line) as if those things were only exclusively to the USA.

Marco Rubio handled this question pretty well (although I would have said I mostly agreed with Giuliani):

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Kombucha is pretty good. It is fermented tea. It gets a fizzy ginger ale flavor that gets stronger the longer your starter goes. You can make it at home.

XRay said...

You got it there, at 7:04, EBL. Leftists learn to think, without thinking, however improbable that may sound. Sort of a reversal of Heisenberg. As there is no uncertainty. When you lift the lid on a whiny leftist, you'll find a whiny leftist. Whether they are dead or not doesn't matter, they'll still be whiny.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Pissing off CEO 1%ers like this is how the GOP will prove its middle class credentials.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

A president who merely loves the country is a figurehead.

A president who wants to fix America's problems is effective.

The America that Reagan hated was the America that was great during the 1940s and 1950s.

It sure was greater than anything Reagan did for the country. Except in Poland. Yes, Poland is one country that admires Reagan's America.

Everyone else remembers our greatness from greater eras and greater presidents. Everyone, except for connies, it seems.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think the issue here is conservative resentment over the greater America that defeated Nazism and fascism and global war and depression in the 1940s.

What Reagan did was a military build-up to nudge the imminent collapse of an empire that was apparently destined to fail anyway.

It's hard to compare those things. I mean, you could say Reagan deserves credit for the latter, but not without giving liberals and FDR credit for the greater achievement of the former.

There's plenty about America that conservatives hate: American universities, American science researchers, American cities, American satirists and comedians, American entertainers generally, American support for the middle and lower class and American open-mindedness.

I suppose I might be tempted to hate that many things about America also, if I couldn't reconcile myself with the progressive, enlightened radicalism that was the American Revolution.

Rabel said...

"The America that Reagan hated was the America that was great during the 1940s and 1950s."

That's an interesting proposition. What does it mean?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

effective? and I suppose you think your precious corruptocrats have proven effective? lol. Effective in destroying the middle class all while the Clintons have grown uber-wealthy.


Reagan was loved by all (except the far radical communist left) and Reagan loved his country.
This is why leftists have to write Reagan out of history. He WAS loved by the American people - genuinely - and that fact drives the radical left neo-progs crazy.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It means everything FDR did to make America as great as it was became something that Reagan hated and made it his over-riding goal to destroy.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I guess prattling about an abstract and unprove-able love of country is the way you distract everyone from how much you hate its people, April.

Yup. Blaming the wealth of the Clintons for the destruction of the middle class sounds like an interesting approach. I guess that means you must also blame the Kochs in proportion to how much wealthier than the Clintons they grew during this time, as well.

Titus said...

He needs some better teeth and hair.

He also got waivers to go to the Vietnam war six times.

His father was a criminal who went to Sing Sing-so patriotic and American loving.

And he lived with a couple of elite, rich fags during 9/11-disgusting.

He is ok with babies being killed too.

Divorced his first wife/cousin. His second wife found out he was leaving her during a press conference. His son won't speak to him. Now his third wife used taxpayer money so they could drive out to the Hamptons with their million member security team.

And now as another politician hack/businessman makes money from Islamic terrorist supporting countries.

Bernie Kerik was his pal who fucked someone other than his wife in a suite during 9/11-kind of hot though

I hate Hilary too!!!!! She never drives. Bill and her soaked every dollar for their war chest and have given $300,000 speeches. And I agree with Rush Chelsea's a fucking dog. When is the last time he actually drove?

He lives on Park Avenue too-so awful and elite and east coast.

I hope he keeps talking. He is amazing and I love him and he could actually be the next president.

I actually feel bad for Walker-he has to deal with these east coast elite rich assholes.

Most depressing is he is like 70.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Just pointing out the correlation.

edutcher said...

Funny how Reagan undid most of the New Deal (Social Security being the exception) and the economy took off.

As for WWII, lay that more at George Marshall's feet than FDR's.

But it's been a bad month or so for Ritmo.

The truth is a killer.

Rabel said...

"It means everything FDR did to make America as great as it was became something that Reagan hated and made it his over-riding goal to destroy."

Oh, OK. Thanks for explaining. It's always good to learn something new.

edutcher said...

PS Reagan was a committed New Dealer in his Warner Bros* days.

It was after he saw the long term effects that he soured on it.

*The story goes he used to annoy Errol Flynn by always wanting to talk politics when all Flynn cared about was the hot new starlet.

Synova said...

The outrage is ridiculous.

"Nationalism" is practically a dirty word in the liberal-land where Obama grew. This isn't an insult. It's the truth. Try on "Jingoism". Try on even something as mild as "Patriotism."

All of those things are opposed by all right thinking citizens of the world, by all cosmopolitans.

Obama is team captain when he doesn't actually believe in having teams. His demonstrated inability to understand the concept of "national interest" applied to other nations, indicates that it doesn't occupy a mindspace in his own head. He so often seems confused when other country's leaders don't cooperate with him and seems not to be able to even imagine the ways that their national concerns direct their choices.

Synova said...

Also, must we mention again that depression was defeated in the 1940's by turning every other industrial nation's infrastructure into rubble?

chickelit said...

I know exactly what Giuliani meant with his comments. I've felt the same for years -- ever since I saw Obama cupping his nuts during the Pledge as a "statement" of defiance.

chickelit said...

You see, there's just no way that BHO could ever pledge allegiance to anyone or anything besides himself.

chickelit said...

Oh and Starbucks? I never go there. It's way overpriced compared to the espresso I make at home.

chickelit said...

He said he didn't believe Obama 'loves America.'

This doesn't mean that he hates America. It just means that he indifferent towards her and not at all emotionally attached to America. Please show me otherwise.

In an interview with CNN on Thursday, Giuliani followed up by saying he believed Obama 'was brought up in an atmosphere in which he was taught to be a critic of America.'

That statement is also true. His mother, having no special allegiance to America, left the country. She only came back to die, expecting a free ride in healthcare.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The death of the middle-class is a long, slow process that started with Reagan - who cared more about millionaires than about anyone else. Every graph charting the proportion of national wealth possessed by income level shows the upper brackets going gangbusters since the 1980s, while the purchasing power of everyone else declined.

This is the Reagan legacy. It's possible his minions could have stopped with where he left things. But after he left office and died they all competed for putting his policies on steroids, with the gangbuster result culminating in the 2008 financial disaster that Republicans all know and love and wish to return to so well.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The difference between patriotism and nationalism is well understood. Patriotism is loving your country. Nationalism is being blind to its faults.

bagoh20 said...

I've come to realize that some people -especially left-minded folks - use their "I'm offended" bullshit whenever confronted by the truth. They hate the truth, but they blame the messenger for bringing it. They will attack whoever brings it, whether wingnut or moonbat. They avoid the truth like it's Ebola, as they did in the case of the vetting of Obama, which remains to this day undone and left to history far too late to make an informed decision.

When the evidence becomes overwhelming that they have been conned, they call the messenger "offensive", "racist", "stupid", "dangerous",etc., etc.

Anything to avoid learning, changing, and growing.

Titus said...

And Trooper York should never speak aout marriage and gays...just saying.

York is kind of an infedel when it comes to marriage and children and totally against his "religion".

But there is nothing wrong with that.....


bagoh20 said...

Some do learn, but despite the virtue of that, they find it near impossible to admit why it was necessary.

edutcher said...

To hear Ritmo mourn the Middle Class is risible.

The Left has always hated the Middle class and, from the 70s on, "middle class" has often been used by them as an epithet.

What the Lefties hated about Reagan was his dismantling of the New Deal made the expansion of the Middle class, especially the creation of millionaires by the hundreds every year, a reality.

Needless to say, if anyone has done their best to destroy the Middle Class, it is the Choom Gang.

edutcher said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

The difference between patriotism and nationalism is well understood. Patriotism is loving your country. Nationalism is being blind to its faults.

Sounds like something John "Seared" Kerry would say.

bagoh20 said...

What really pisses Obama off is Giuliani calling him a "patriot". That is some slanderous shit right there,
especially in his circles.

Giuliani should publicly apologize for that.

Synova said...

One need not be blind to your nation's faults to be considered a "nationalist". All you need to do is fail to publicly scream about those faults to the world.

All you need to is make the statement "America is the best country in the world" without following up with, "which I have to say because I live here, because of course we're far from perfect and I don't want to insult anyone from other nations who will undoubtedly be angry if I like my own country the best."

And then someone says, "I don't think that so-and-so likes our own country the best."

And then it's like, OMG, the meanest thing to say EVER, I can't believe how horrible a person is to imply that someone who is part of a political philosophy and refuses to wear that symbolic foam finger and a team shirt because it's sort of... vulgar... refuses to wear that symbolic foam finger and a team shirt.

How Dare You Sir!

bagoh20 said...

I don't like the middle class either. Poverty or wealth are both more fun. The middle class is where you realize you have opportunities, but also see they have a price.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's true, Ms. Synova, that masturbating the "ego" of America is also the form of extreme nationalism that you praise.

The question is, what good does anyone get out of you and your ilk's stroking and masturbating of the ego of America?

Some people have more important business on behalf of America to get done. You know these people. The people who "hate" it. The people who have something better to do than to just coo in its ear and wave pompoms and say, "Gimme an 'A'!"

It seems to be reconciling the cheerleading function of conservatism and the business needs of America that makes connies so crazy. They don't go so well together. Sometimes seriousness is required, but they prefer just to act serious while being nothing more than public national identity masturbators.

God Stroke America.

bagoh20 said...

Without appreciation, you have no idea if you are fixing something or destroying it.

Do 72 virgins come at the end of all that fixing of things?

chickelit said...

Rhythm and Balls said...
It's true, Ms. Synova, that masturbating the "ego" of America is also the form of extreme nationalism that you praise.

I think masturbating the "Id" of America is what you meant. Nothing wrong with a healthy ego to keep an Id in check.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Without figuring out what's worth appreciating, there's no point in being president.

Anyone can "love" America. I expect a president to do something constructive with the place.

It's like loving your kids. You'll love 'em if they're a fuck-up or not. But don't convince everyone else to care.

There's an expectation in the presidential job description that's deeper than just unconditionally loving the country. But then, if Republicans didn't unconditionally love the country, there'd be no disincentive against their getting elected on the basis of finding new and interesting ways to recklessly trash it. Trash it, destroy it… it's all good. Unconditional love for the way you've ruined things is The Republican Way. You love it anyway, so go wild. Fuck it up until it's unrecognizably fucked up. It'll still be there in the morning for you. Well, at least your voters will be.

bagoh20 said...

Stroke me - don't poke me, but regardless, keep your other hand out of my pocket.

Trooper York said...

Hey Titus! They need you over at TOP!

It's lonely over there these days.

bagoh20 said...

Crack smokers prefer Obama 10 to 1. Do you doubt it?

chickelit said...

There's an expectation in the presidential job description that's deeper than just unconditionally loving the country.

It's called living up to the Oath of Office.

President Obama is a fine father and husband figure for Americans, but he falls short of his Presidential duties, namely in choosing to selectively enforce laws and to speak honestly about threats to the nation. I don't know who has got him by the balls but it must be somebody more powerful than him.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The one part where I might see your point - speaking honestly about threats to the nation - was rebutted by John Brennan's testimony to the difficulty bin Laden had in recruiting once Obama changed the rhetoric.

Leave the bellicose religious war rhetoric to the pundits and writers and all that jazz. If Obama's public descriptions of crazy Islamoids inspires less recruitment to their cause, then he's doing the right thing, as far as I'm concerned.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Vetting Obama is long overdue.

Wouldn't it be funny if history where to repeat itself?

A minor thing brought Nixon down.

Could a slight prove to be too much for Obama to handle, unleashing forces beyond his control?

Giuliani is trending... for some mysterious reason.

ndspinelli said...

FDR did the most vile thing a US President has ever done. He interred US Citizens, seized their property, and had his cronies sell it to the Jewish Mob. Reagan made it right and signed a law giving compensation to Japanese Americans interred during WW2. Italian and German Americans were also interred by FDR, but to a lesser degree.

William said...

Obama had a Kenyan father and spent a good part of his formative years in Indonesia. He claims that his unusual parentage and upbringing gives him special insight into America and Americans. That's for sure. Giuliani is saying basically the same thing but in a less positive way......Obama wants it both ways. He wants to claim that he's different than other Americans and that anyone who claims he is different than other Americans is racist........I stopped going to Starbucks when they posted the calorie count of frappucinos above the counter. So you can blame Bloomberg for my lost business, Schultz.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

2008 meltdown had nothing to do with Fannie and Freddie and the housing bubble?

nah - too easy to memory hole the truth. Fanny And Freddie is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party, Inc.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sub-prime mortgage fraud can reach back in time and bitch slap Reagan. How cool is that!

Dad Bones said...

By letting in foreigners as fast as they can get here and giving them benefits and voting rights they haven't earned he's cheapened what it used to mean to be an American. That's the new America and Obama probably loves it and Michelle is finally proud of it.

This gal is a Congressional Democrat and 20 yrs younger than our graying president. She's also a combat vet. As an old guy I'm glad to see that more traditional ideas of patriotism are still with us.

bagoh20 said...

The truth of the sub-prime mortgage as the fuel to the fire is obvious. Just look around at people affected by the recession. You can quickly see that their trouble is directly related to people getting easy credit they could not afford unless things kept going up. Most of the economy was driven by it and the unfounded confidence it provided. The tiniest slippage in the market was devastating.

If your economy depends on unbroken growth in all things through loose credit, then you are riding a bottle rocket and the end is inevitable. Fizzzzzzzzle. Everybody in the country knows people who had loans they should not have had. Everybody. That's obviously unsustainable, and the government was the driver of that greed. The borrowers expected to get rich, and the lenders expected to get rich, or at least bailed out. Guess who was wrong?

Some Seppo said...

Shorter R&B: "Squirrel!"

Titus said...

Rudy and his adult chidren don't speak-totally fab.

But there is a "journalist" opening for him at Fake News.

"Rudy" right after Hannity at midnight on fair and balanced Foxs News-who we all love and quote constantly....Megan's hot, Carson will be our next president, Palin is exceptional and taking it to the lame stream media, and the Dooce is the man.

Titus said...

And I hate MSNBC too and would never watch those tools!!!!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

R&B: Bull shit.

We are not talking about a disagreement over policy. That would be Reagan and FDR. BTW, Reagan was a Democrat until he said the Democrat party left him. And Democrats did not win WWII, that was the whole country working together.

I am calling BS on your straw man argument.

I think Obama does not like America. He is very critical and he was raised by people who openly despised America (starting with his mom). This is no secret. I agree with Kevin Williamson on this. Rudy thinks so too. You can of course disagree (as can Starbucks CEO and President Obama) but I know what I have heard and observed over the last eight years and I believe I am correct.

Synova said...

Ritmo, you're making my point.

Why don't we go with that analogy of how we love our imperfect children. Okay? We tell them to shape up. We do what we can to shape them up. We do NOT trash them in front of other people. Because if we do so we're nasty people.

It is certainly the job of the president to stroke American ego. Cheerleader in Chief. Notice that you do, in fact, interpret this as nationalism. My point, thank you. It's the job of the president to encourage optimism in life and in business. That "business" part is important. "We're the best, we can do it, Americans always prevail, Hoo-Rah!"

It's not a lot to ask.

The most important thing that a parent of messed up kids can do is make sure to praise them about the things they do well. Help them feel capable of accomplishing more, of turning their lives around if it's to the point of needing major revisions.

Moreover, "This is what America stands for, this is what America is," is a way of setting goals.

What sort of *sshole has to add "Of course America is a sucking failure at all of it, and look how elevated I am above the silly populist fray."

Oh right... that particular part of the culture, the part that raised Obama, that proves their status as deep thinkers by pissing in punchbowls as a national passtime.

If America was their child they'd respond to every success with, "but remember when you were a jerk to Nana, and the time you took the car without permission, and the time you got suspended from school for calling that kid bad names, and the time I had to bring you clean clothes because you had the shits in 6th grade? Sure, you did this good thing, but I wouldn't be *loving* you if I let you forget all the sh*t you've done."

Aridog said...

Synova ...this blog doesn't have the band width for me to cover all the Sh*t I did as a kid. What I am grateful for is that they handled it fairly. It is what taught me to be as fair as I can be in most instances, save violence.