Thursday, February 26, 2015

Hillary Clinton accepted money from foreign governments for the Clinton Foundation while Secretary of State

The Clinton Foundation accepted money from seven foreign governments while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. This is actual corruption and not merely the perception of a conflict of interests.

This is a Washington Post story, one of many bastions of right wing conspiracy. </snark>

It causes problems. One such is with Algeria. A 2010 State Department report on human rights in Algeria cited several serious problems with Algerian government including restrictions on freedom of association and assembly, arbitrary killings, lack of transparency and widespread corruption, along with restrictions on labor and women's rights.

Following the Haiti earthquake the Algerian government donated half million dollars to the foundation. The foundation admits they should have sought State Department approval.

At the time the Algerian government was lobbying Washington heavily in an attempt to build a better relationship with Washington regarding the human rights issues.

The Washington Post story goes into the number of meetings between Hillary at the State Department and members of the Algerian government during this time of the Haiti earthquake. They note a steady history of donations directly to State with a bump in Algerian donation to the foundation coinciding with a bump in the number of meetings between Hillary and Algerian lobbyists.

It doesn't look good because it isn't good. My little portion of the twitterverse is calling this 'open air corruption.' Their point of view is, if you and your husband and your family foundation don't give a shit about what people might think, and reporters really don't care to cover it, then we've reached the point where corruption is expected from the Clintons. There is really nothing there to discuss because all that is already accepted.

Defending the foundation, a spokesperson said that all the donations went to work around the world. Some foreign government donations are part of multiyear grants awarded before Clinton's appointment. These pay for efforts to lower cost of HIV and AIDs drugs and to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

The spokesperson was doing so well up to that last part. Nothing says 'fraud shop' quite like handing out global climate change religious indulgences.

The spokesperson continued talking about how they rely on the support of individuals, organizations, corporations, and governments who share the goal of addressing critical global challenges in meaningful ways.
When anyone contributes to the Clinton Foundation, it goes towards foundation programs that help save lives.
Wow. In that case, carry on.

Some of the donations come from countries with complicated diplomatic, military and financial relationships with the U.S., including Kuwait, Qatar and Oman.

Foreign individuals and governments are prohibited from giving money to presidential candidates for a very good reasons having to do with influence peddling. The Clinton Foundation has provided foreign individuals and governments a means to gain favor with the Clintons apart from the legal limitations.

The Washington Post report goes into greater detail about all the trouble this holds for Hillary Clinton as candidate and how Republicans might exploit it. So far the Clinton team's response is all these things happened before Hillary became Secretary of State.

In the progressive liberal line of thinking there is no conflict of interest legal or otherwise.

Secretary of State = save the world (from the United States, from hunger, from Republicans, from overpopulation, from environmental destruction, from CO2, from asteroids, from what have you)

Clinton Foundation = save the world (from the United States, from hunger, from Republicans, from overpopulation, from environmental destruction, from CO2, from asteroids, from what have you)

See? They're the same. No conflict. And as our media will agree, journalistically nothing to pursue.

This Washington Post article being an exception, what is really important to journalists is can the apparently front-running  opposition candidate affirm the president's sense of religious depth and patriotism. He was elected twice, you know. And that is all the investigative curiosity we can expect from them.


edutcher said...

Isn't that what got Ernst Rohm shot?

AllenS said...

A story about someone who shouldn't even be considered for POTUS.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

jon: Did the Obama administration tip off the WaPo to the Clintons' foreign donors? (Or at least give them the go-ahead to publish?) #Warren2016

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It could also be that the Clintons want to get this out early in campaign season so that they could say later .... That's old news. Corruption is old news.

virgil xenophon said...

I'll go with Old News for 300, Alex. That is the fall-back position the left takes on everything that smells...string out/delay all requests for info/documents until it all becomes "Old News"

AllenS said...



Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"The money was given to assist with earthquake relief in Haiti, the foundation said."

Well, according to these protests at the Clinton Foundation the money never reached them or went "missing".

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Hannity says the Foundation was really meant to be a PAC for Hillary's White House ambitions.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If we had a real media, the Clintons would be considered toxic and unelectable. Their money- laundering foundation would get them indicted.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Old news or old lady?

Does Hillary's house smell like grandma's house? I doubt there are cookies baking, but there is probably pot pourri…or maybe that is a lingering odor of the last whore Bill had in his room.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Remember, the poor Clintons are
dead broke.

The Clintons own numerous homes. How many? The media won't investigate. That was only important with Romney.

Amazing how democrats go into Washington with normal incomes and leave it as multi-millionaries.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gaddafi must not have donated enough to the Clinton foundation.

He's dead now.

& Libya has fallen to ISIS and Al queda radicals. Good Job, Hillary.

AllenS said...

April, who was the women doing the interview? That was not funny. No wonder Bill doesn't want to stay in the same house anymore.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Audit the Clinton foundation.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

AllenS- I don't know for sure. Diane Sawyer? It wasn't funny - but Hillary thought it was. Throwing an entire nation into turmoil is all just *sh*ts and giggles* when you have a jet to catch.

It's all just one big party for the Clinton steam-roller.

Aridog said...

Why is anyone even slightly surprised that Hillary Clinton is without a shred of moral compass?

She is without any doubt, the ultimate shape-shifter .... she will be whatever she thinks will win for her....and shift in a millisecond when necessary. Failed in 2008, she'a about to try again. Have fun, compare her positions from 2008 to those of today. That lady can do a 180 quicker than a ballet dancer....and the thought of her in ballet is nauseating. Soon she'll need to buy her pant suits from Duluth Trading. :-)

Yay Hillary! NOT.

Aridog said...

In a perverse way, I hope Hillary is the Dem candidate. I don't think she can win now any more than in 2008. If that is all the Democrats have to offer (officially), more's the pity. There actually are Democrats far more qualified, morally and by experience, than she is....but can they make it to the nomination?

We shall see.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Care to escape the Clinton nightmare?

Want to see amazing scenery and delight in crazy mad bike skilzz?

oh yes.

Danny Macaskill rides "The Ridge" on the Isle of Skye, Scotland.

AllenS said...

That clip would make a good anti-Hillary advertisement.

ricpic said...

Hillary lives in terror of one thing, that Huma will withdraw her favors. And Huma is Muslim Brotherhood. Connect the dots. That's above and beyond the immense "contributions" Hillary has received from the Saudis and Qatar.

Methadras said...

The scam continues. When are we going to learn that we are being fleeces right before our very eyes because eating cake is more favorable than looking up from the plate the cake is on to see what the fuck is going on.

Amartel said...

I don't think she's going to run. I think this is all purely about ego and money.

Aridog said...

Oh, man...I hope she runs. I think she'll wilt like in 2008. She's worse than John Kerry (a born pathological liar), who is the guy who drove me from the Democratic Party. If I had to choose today I'd go for:

POTUS: Scott Walker
VPUTUS: Carley Fiornina
White House Spoksperson: Kennedy of the Fox Business Network
Sec of Def: Allen West
Sec of State: Ben Carson

However I am not know for my prediction accuracy.

Amartel said...

Wow, that's a dream team. Jeb is sounding worse every time he opens his hole.

Hillary wants some adulation and money before she facks off to the permanent tycoon lecture circuit. It look like her heart's in it. She's old, she's in all ways tahrd. Also, she's undeniably vile and no one likes her or has any loyalty. I hear people wringing their hands about how every woman will at least consider voting for her but that's all bs. An older white woman does not have the same coolness cachet as a youngish black man. In 2008, idiots of all genders (meant to say it) fell in looove. That's not going to happen for Hillary. Ever.

I predict the Dems will run Warren (far left) and Webb (allegedly moderate left).

Amartel said...

her heart's NOT in it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Well, hollwyood sure is gearing up for her.

What little TV I watch, it's all there. So it must be really bad because I don't watch much of it.
Dems = good. GOP = bad. Glass ceiling. Females are so smart and wonderful, you should trust them - oh but only the ones on the left. Actually - only Hillary. All other females are bad, evil, mean.

That's the subtle and not so subtle under-current coming out of popular TV shows. It's all by design.