Tuesday, February 10, 2015

"All women’s college will now accept individuals ‘who live and identify as women’"

During its meetings this past weekend, the College’s Board of Trustees discussed and approved a recommendation from a Board working group that was created at the September 2014 Board meeting to examine the mission of the College with respect to transgender, non-binary, and gender nonconforming applicants,” an email from the Board of Trustees said.

“The working group concluded unanimously that the mission of the College at the undergraduate level is to educate women to be future leaders,” they said.

Link in case the video does not play


William said...

I suffer from transient gender confusion. Sometimes I have an overwhelming need to change in the woman's locker room. People who suffer from TGC deserve to be treated with sympathy and respect and not like they're some kind of perverts.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I wonder if it would be enough for a man to put on his college application that he listens to NPR and watches Downton Abbey.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Speaking of which, I tried to watch Boyhood (2014) last night. Kind of rough. It was like the ABC After School Special except told from a male perspective.

Something like 2 3/4 hours long, instead of being like The 400 Blows it would have been more like the 40,000 blows, had I stuck it out.

I had to quit after maybe a 1/2 hour. I left the room and said to my wife, "This seems like a pretty good movie, but I've seen enough to know that this poor kid never grows up to find himself mysteriously teleported from the bridge of the Enterprise to some barren planet where he has to fight a lizard superman to the death."

Bet I was right about that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I concur, Eric.
Watched "Boyhood" on a recommendation.

Complete waste of time.

It does blow, & it is vapid.

As usual, there is a hefty dose of Bush derangement and GOP bashing. War for oil lies.
If you don't love Obama you must be a confederate flag waving knuckle dragging racist. Yummy = can't get enough of that preaching from Hollywood. oh boy!

The same lame crap in this film as most Hollywood films.

Don't waste your time. It is long and it is boring. The only thing that is unusual is that they filmed it over many years and used the same kid from age 6 - 18 or something. Still, not worth the price of a movie rental.

ricpic said...

The whole family in Boyhood has the blahs. I swear that's all I can remember from that whole long snooze.

edutcher said...

I thought the womyn were all bent out of shape about the guys "who live and identify as women".

Or was that the LBFKGTQJL crowd?

chickelit said...

I just added "Boyhood" to my Netflix queue. I liked Linklater's previous movies, which you guys would probably hate too.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

This one is his worst.

Fr Martin Fox said...

“Bryn Mawr’s admissions policy as a women’s college is to admit female students only,” the school’s website states. “If it is not clear that an applicant to the College is female, we would approach the situation on an individual basis to gain a better understanding of the student’s circumstances. However, our policy to admit female students only would not change.”

The script (and the lawsuit) practically writes itself.

Fr Martin Fox said...

Really, it cannot be that smart folks on the left don't see the incoherence of all this; yet they have their foot to the petal. Someone on the left has started quietly talking about what to do when it all flies apart, surely?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I just added "Boyhood" to my Netflix queue. I liked Linklater's previous movies, which you guys would probably hate too.

I want to make sure you're not including me in that group.

No hate here for Boyhood, whatsover. In fact, I think the idea behind it is brilliant.

My problem is it cuts too close to the bone.