I'm okay with an imperial president if it makes the country better. My problem is the president hasn't done enough. These Republicans just .... He needs to use the pen and phone more but Republicans only .... I want an imperial president.Keep talking. Tell us more or your vision for America.
I say, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, take a breather then fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight.Yeah, that shows. And that in a nutshell is the reason why you sense your despicable criminal Party is having its ass handed it Tuesday. It is the reason why you will forever remain confused and wholly wrong.
What a wonderful day of serious television. I can click through the channels and observe the entire Left come completely unglued, unhinged, unraveled as they realize too late their fierce efforts are so filled with fail.
Those people who listen to Rush Limbaugh three hours a day then turn in to Sean Hannity for three hours cannot be helped.And neither can you be helped. Jealousy there? Oh, how it shows.
Mike Papantonio, Sam Seder, Robert F Kennedy Jr. (thickest of the lot)
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. No one would pay him any attention were his name Norman Winkler. But he'a a Kennedy, so his stupid ideas and warbly voice are on the airwaves. He's an idiot.
He flies around the place on a fuel sucking private jet telling us proles to use less carbon fuels. He dates, divorces, marries, wash, rinse, repeat.
Did I mention that he's an idiot?
The Baaston crowd has some serious psychos among its Lefties and Papantonio and Bobby Jr stand out in the foam at the mouth category.
That was a pretty good steam of consciousness Chip.
Brilliant as usual.
Butt it hurts so!
I once turned into Sean Hannity for three hours, and my clothing became painfully tight, and I could not be helped.
If only our leftist neo-fascist all-knowing betters could kill free speech and insert their own pure thoughts to we, the grateful unthinking quivering masses.
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