Friday, August 8, 2014

Thus Spoke Zoroaster

The Yazidi are on everyone's radar at the moment. I was struck by the mention of their religion as being "Zoroasterian-like." The "real" Zoroasterians, founded by Zoroaster (cf. Zarathustra of Nietzschean fame) were known to early Christians as the Magi -- see for example the 13th century story of The Fire Worshipers first related by Marco Polo.

The Sunnis of ISIS (or ISIL depending on what the meaning of IS is) despise the Yazidi, mostly because they identify their most venerated angel as Shaitan. Shaitan is a species of Jinn (associated with Barbara Eden in American culture) but despised by ISIS zealots for denying Eve's lineage. Go figure.


edutcher said...

As Winnie Churchill noted, "Islam in man is like rabies in a dog".

XRay said...

I guess, really, that what I'm saying is that isolationism doesn't work. Has never worked, will never work.

You kill the bastards. And thus get some semblance of peace, for a while anyway.

I watched a video the other day, don't remember where from and can't find again, with fifty slewed off heads on fence posts. Newly conquered lands of ISIS.

The WORLD should rise up about this ... but silence. Cutting off of heads now seen as 'normal'.

chickelit said...

The WORLD should rise up about this ... but silence. Cutting off of heads now seen as 'normal'.

ISIS is historically linked to the monsters who sawed off Nick Berg's head.

It's hard to image the Left condones any of this.

ndspinelli said...

Sane Muslims are as easy to find as sober Micks.

Lydia said...

Even al-Qaeda wants nothing to do with ISIS.

chickelit said...

ISIS are the Jacobins in the Islamic Revolution.

Lydia said...

As Winnie Churchill noted, "Islam in man is like rabies in a dog".

The exact quote is: "Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy."

I think he was referring to the fanatics, not all of the religion, in that particular line.

The rule of Lemnity said...

How come i dont remember ISIS when Bush was president. If it's Bush fault, ISIS must have existed then....Eyes just saying.

chickelit said...

Lem said...
How come i dont remember ISIS when Bush was president. If it's Bush fault, ISIS must have existed then....Eyes just saying.

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the proto-ISIS monster, was a Jordanian with a death sentence should he return to his home country. Al-Zarqawi befriended and swore allegiance to bin Laden in 1999 (funny how lefties still spew the lie that al-Queda was never in Iraq prior to the US invasion). We killed the little fucker in 2006 along with two of his "wives."

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

ISIS current leader was in USA custody until Obama let him go in 2009. Hmmm, maybe that was a mistake?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

ISIS is willing to fight, but they are not the same toughness as past enemies. They can and should be annihilated, the sooner the better. They are a cancer that can spread and cause nothing but bad where ever they go.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

It's hard to image the Left condones any of this

The "Left" are masters at ignoring anything that is inconvenient or any reality that conflicts with their rainbows and unicorns view of the world.

They can't see the results of their own actions or laws. They insist that things are the way that they WANT them to be, not the way they really are.

When they are ultimately struck smack in the face with the results or with reality they are shocked shocked shocked.

Leftist are mentally deranged and should not be allowed to be in charge of making ham sandwiches, much less a country whose actions have world wide consequences.

chickelit said...

ISIS current leader was in USA custody until Obama let him go in 2009. Hmmm, maybe that was a mistake?

I had forgotten that. That's not going to sit well in the history books and must be fixed.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Chick that is how the left rolls.

The Dude said...

I am a big fan of Strauss tone poems. I mean who doesn't want to lead Ein Heldenleben, am I right?

I never heard his opera Feuersnot, as I get the sense it is Flemish.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The WORLD should rise up about this ... but silence.

Tell me about it. In the meantime, they've got hundreds of thousands in London protesting the "aggressive" Zionist refusal to not be fired upon at will by Islam's finest Paleostinians. Or so says some Muzzie on YouTube. But I just checked the news, and apparently he inflated the number he gave by a factor of ten. How unsurprising.

Priorities. When are these jack-offs finally going to be smashed to smithereens?

The Dude said...

Not as long as one resides in the White House.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

We killed the little fucker in 2006 along with two of his "wives."

Maybe it was his concubine.

I highly recommend reading Wafa Sultan's book on the sociological hellhole that counts for the way these people have come to treat their women and even their very concept of freedom and individual rights. She's insightful as hell, and very courageous. It's a quick, informative read and a damn good book. Ultimately it will probably come down to America and the Muslims who are "confronted" by our freedoms here to stand up to the worldwide disaster that their people have made of the world, and continue to want to spread.

Europe's not up to it. The soft underbelly of socialist priorities and post-nationalist "cooperation" have returned them to the cowardly Machiavellians they've always been. London's treatment of speech rights to combat this mess is a joke. As usual it will have to fall upon the U.S. role in the world to even give freedom its most meager chance at success.

I never fully understood how thoroughly corrupt people are and how destructive their priorities are until now.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'll be fine voting for a Republican in 2016 just as long as he finds a way to do whatever needs to be done in the world without spending $1 trillion on it.

The Dude said...

Hey, it's all play money anyway, it will never be repaid, trillions are being spent not defending civilization and if we don't do it soon, trillions will seem cheap compared to what the actual costs are.

Can't you wait to see the destruction of our monuments and churches and museums? I know most liberals relish the thought.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm pretty sure that won't happen here. They don't even do it in Eurabia. That seems to be the compromise; they respect their physical artifice of civilization and the Euros respect their right to be surreptitious about Islamicizing the world.

I think we can defend Yazidis and Christians without spending $1.7 trillion and the current fate of Iraq shows that even that amount didn't go into figuring out how to keep something stable. Should we have just kept troops there indefinitely and could we have done it with less expense… Would we have tolerated it with continued violence of the sort that didn't occur in Japan and Germany 5-years post-war? Other than that, was the country better off being left whole rather than divided? Until someone has the ultimate answer on what to have done, it's hard to confront Americans for simply voting for the loudest voice promising withdrawal.

The rule of Lemnity said...

ELB at 10:12 am WOW! A lot of people, thousands, are dead at the hands of ISIS.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Lem said...
ELB at 10:12 am WOW! A lot of people, thousands, are dead at the hands of ISIS.

This has been debunked multiple times.

Rabel said...

“What I just find interesting is the degree to which this issue keeps on coming up, as if this was my decision,” Obama said.

What a cowardly shitweasel we have for a President.

Aridog said...

ARM said ...

This [killing of thousands] has been debunked multiple times.

Link, please. Or it didn't happen.

Aridog said...

R & B said ...'s hard to confront Americans for simply voting for the loudest voice promising withdrawal.

Maybe so, but I voted for two avowed peace candidates (LBJ in '64 and Nixon in '68) and don't recall peace then or anytime soon thereafter ;-)

Say hey, what do you want form a guy who enlisted in 1968? I was hopeless...maybe still am?

chickelit said...

AReasonableMan said...

This has been debunked multiple times.

All that phony photographic evidence, right?

I think you owe us an explanation.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The quote in question, if you go back and read it, was about the release of the head of ISIS, not the fact that they killed people.

Aridog said...

ARM....nice try. However, in ordinary English, you cited by quotation the comment about thousands killed...which you then asserted had been "debunked multiple times." You did NOT quote EBL directly, only Lem, therefore you refuted nothing either said.

Link or it didn't happen.

deborah said...

@ Lydia 8:44pm:

"It cited the importance of “consultation” and “teamwork,” qualities that ISIS has ignored in its aggressive expansion across northern Syria since it announced its formation last April."
