Saturday, August 16, 2014

Russian wedding pictures


They're awful.

And it all goes downhill from this. A lot of ridiculous Photoshop going on, or if pre-Photoshop, then odd photograph techniques to create fantasy photos. Most quite ridiculous and fun.

But wait! Commenters take umbrage. This is not fair.
Marina July 27, 2014 at 2:06 pm
This is not true!I live in Saint-Petersburg in Russia!there are photos very old and frek!!russian wedding photos very beautiful,ever better then European

GertyPhoto August 15, 2014 at 4:55 am
I’m photographer in Lithuania. And Marina is right! I take part in some contests. Russian photographers always win prizes. Believe me, they are the best photographers in whole world! :)
Also Seraphis wrote truth :)
Sorry for my bad english :/ 
Tatyana August 10, 2014 at 4:05 pm
They picked most idiotic pictures from Internet and called them traditional Russian. Obviously they never been to Russia and have no clue what they are talking about. It’s juts plain offensive to the nation. 
Lviv August 7, 2014 at 4:17 am
Please look for “ukrainian wedding” in google and compare )))

That is a good idea, Lviv. Do, let's.

Ukraine wedding pictures

They're beautiful. Every photo is gorgeous. The women are stunning. The pastries, cakes and bread, it looks like, are all intricate and extraordinarily beautiful. Exceedingly thoughtful. Some traditional red and white costuming. Some Eastern Christianity. Nothing, absolutely nothing silly or absurd about them.

Russian wedding pictures. 

It's all this goofy stuff, and more. Let's try something else.

Common Russian wedding pictures.

Much better. Standard white dress, men in suits. Elegant food. Rings. There are recurring photos of white powdered tea cakes, and twined rings.

British wedding pictures.

Too much royalty. Let's try something different.

Standard British wedding pictures.

Royalty again.

Common British wedding pictures.

Flowers, women's hats, dapper men, traditional carriages and cars, flags, gay men, royalty, celebrities, Americans.

French wedding pictures.

Complex photo sets, decorated homes, decorated banquet tables, flowers, gorgeous couples, standard refined dress, not overdone. Very beautiful. Croqueembouche, croque-en-bouche (crunch in mouth) choux pastry (sounds like shoe) stuck together with caramel.

Germany wedding pictures

What's with the sawing a log? 

Log Cutting CeremonyAn old German wedding custom, the tradition of cutting a log represents the first obstacle that the couple must overcome in their marriage. They must work together to “overcome the obstacle” by sawing through the log. Using a large, long saw with two handles, the couple demonstrates their teamwork to friends and family, and their willingness and ability to master the difficulties that inevitably arise in a marriage. Hopefully the log will not take too long to saw through!  SB&G tip: Try to find an old, dry log that is not too big, so you will still have time to enjoy the reception!
What's with the cup that looks like a bell?

The Legend of the Nuernberg Bridal Cup
Centuries ago, in old Nuernberg, the nobel mistress Kunigunde fell in love with a young and ambitious goldsmith. Although Kunigunde's wealthy father (a powerful nobleman) did not approve of this pair, it was clear that she only wanted the goldsmith to be her husband as she refused many titled and rich suitors who asked for her hand in marriage.
Her father became so enraged that he had the young goldsmith thrown into the darkest dungeon. Not even his daughter's bitter tears would change her father's mind.
To her father's dismay, imprisoning the young man did not end his daughter's love for the goldsmith. Instead, he could only watch as his daughter grew paler and paler as a result of the separation from her true love.
The wealthy nobleman reluctantly made the following proposal: He told his daughter, "If your goldsmith can make a chalice from which two people can drink at the same time without spilling one single drop, I will free him and you shall become his bride".
Of course he was certain nobody could perform such a task...
Inspired by love and with skillful hands, the young goldsmith created a masterpiece. He sculpted a girl with a smile as beautiful as his own true love's. Her skirt was hollowed to serve as a cup. Her raised arms held a bucket that swivels so that it could be filled and then swung towards a second drinker.
The challenge was met. The goldsmith and the nobleman's daughter joined hands in marriage and with the bridal cup set forth a romantic and memorable tradition as charming today as it was originally hundreds of years ago.
To this day and to many couples the chalice remains a symbol.
Love, faithfulness and good luck await the couple who drink from this cup.

Outstanding. Traditional. Gorgeous. Luxuriously layered kimonos. Very serious, thoughtful, staid, and controlled. 

Almost all dress is black/white modern clothes then the photos become blue and red traditional clothes. Seated. Apparently highly ritualized.

Ah. Matching bridesmaids and groomsmen. Big tiered cake. Fun but reserved, not ridiculous. 


The Dude said...

How about some traditional divorce ceremony pictures?

Tank said...

Most important thing in any wedding picture:

Does the bride have a waist?

If she does not have one on her wedding day, she never will.

Christy said...

Made a croquembouche for a holiday party once. Used white chocolate mousse for the filling. Thing is, it's so pretty no one wants to start the eating of it. Much prefer profiteroles filled with ice cream and drizzled with chocolate. I make those for my birthday.

Christy said...

Why is our favorite misanthrope researching weddings?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

There is good stuff at Sad and Useless.

deborah said...

At first glance, the the top right pic seems offensive and sexist, reminiscent of, but not the same as, statues of Egyptian pharaohs and their miniaturized wives next to them. But on second glance you see he has captured an angel :)

ricpic said...

Oh those Ukranian pastries! If the secret ever got out every Ukrainian maid would be married off by 18.

"...the top right pic seems offensive and sexist..."

But maybe she WANTS to be his possession. Ever think of that...huh....huh?

deborah said...

I did not mention possession, but was alluding to symbolic romantic conquest. But sure, some women like being a possession, in one way or another. In an 'equal' marriage each possesses the other.

Chip Ahoy said...

The top right is showing the sweetness of catching an angel from heaven.

I think.

There re much more offensively un p.c. (by present day American lights), two men pulling a leg as if on a wish bone, or a contest of some sort with bride as the prize.

Most are saccharine but cute.

rcocean said...

Sexism in wedding pics.


bagoh20 said...

Great post. Thanks.

I've never been married, but my significant other is actually very tiny like in that photo, which makes me very impressive to her. If you want to be a big man, get a tiny woman. Don't over-think this stuff.