Friday, July 4, 2014

Guest Post: Have a great 4th of July

"Damn right I am "proud" to be an American. Here is what American soldiers do
every single time they get a chance. We're suckers. I did it in my time, and
hard men and women still do it. It is the only way to remain sane." - Aridog
Have a great 4th of July - Aridog


The rule of Lemnity said...

Thanks for your service Aridog.

Dad Bones said...

Cam on ong Aridog.

I remember an Army guy who, in his spare time, would go to the Catholic orphanage and round up some of the kids and bring them to the Air Force dispensary where I worked for checkups. He deserves a thank you, too.

Those bar girls and bus boys tried to teach me tieng Viet but I never got the pronunciation down and don't have the right keyboard to type it.

Synova said...

:) Happy 4th of July!

chickelit said...

No need to put scare quotes around the word proud, Aridog. Those whose pride was false have already fallen; those whose pride was true are arisen.

The rule of Lemnity said...

For once I agree with my good friend Chicke here ;)

The rule of Lemnity said...

Another pride quote came to mind just now...

"The solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom... yours very sincerely and respectfully... Abraham Lincoln."

chickelit said...

Lem said...
For once I agree with my good friend Chicke here ;)

I had no idea I chaffed so. I shall endeavor at this midsummer mark to watch myself.

The rule of Lemnity said...

You got it chief.

edutcher said...

Right on.

Michael Haz said...

Thanks, Aridog.

Aridog said...

What Lem left out of the "post" is the sincere compliment I paid him personally:

Lem...I just wanted to tell you privately that your interpretation of "proud to be an American" is the best I've heard in years. Simple. Clear. True.

I did not "serve", I merely did my duty, as many other veterans did in their day and time.

Aridog said...

Dad Bones...I was seldom called "Mister" back in the day, some other names, yes...:)