The most seriously mind-blowing black is claimed to have been found in
nanotube material named Vantablack that absorbs all but .035% of visual light. It is said that when you look into it is spooky, that all you see is a chasm, and naturally that reminds one of a Wile E. Coyote fake out.
Nice animation.
Gotta get back into doing animations.
This time around, I'm going to just do what interests me and makes me laugh, instead of the corporate and event motion graphics stuff.
speaking of black holes - why the GOP is the party of stupid:
I wanna see it painted, painted black
Black as night, black as coal
I wanna see the sun blotted out from the sky
I wanna see it painted, painted, painted, painted black
The reason nanotubes are black is the same reason anthracite coal is black: a sea of low-lying LUMOs.
I can think of a few whose souls are blacker than this.
I never particularly liked the Road Runner, but I loved Wild E. Coyote's engineering (even if it always failed).
Evi, once when my daughter was about four we were watching Roadrunner. Wiley built a catapult that flipped the rock on top of him, then the contraption went through a few more failures, and she remarked, 'he don't know about nuthin'.'
Favorite part of this one is the growing light in the tunnel with the surprise to follow, a reversal of the plan and expectation. Wile E might not know about nuthin', but his creator did.
Evi L. Bloggerlady said...
I never particularly liked the Road Runner,...
Nor do I, and I especially despise bloggers who associate Obama with the Road Runner.
There was a train tunnel near the house where I grew up. It was almost a mile long. if you want freaky, go into an environment w/ NO LIGHT. We would take girls there to have them latch on to us.
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