Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Sen Jeff Sessions: Obama 'Committed To Escalating' Lawlessness at Border

"There is now an unprecedented crisis unfolding at the border. The flow of illegal immigrant youth across the southern border is on track to reach 130,000 next year—a projected increase of more than 2,000% from 2011. The White House estimates the cost of “resettling” these illegal immigrants in the United States will reach $2.3 billion in a single year."
This crisis is a direct and predictable result of the President’s sustained and deliberate campaign to dismantle immigration enforcement. His administration has announced to the world that our nation’s immigration laws will not be enforced and that, in particular, they will not be applied to foreign youth.

The world has heard and heeded the President’s message. A wave of illegal immigration has overwhelmed authorities, producing a completely preventable humanitarian crisis—and further diminishing the integrity of our national borders. And there is but one way for the crisis to end: for the President of the United States to declare to the world: "Do not attempt to come here illegally. Our border is no longer open. Our laws will be enforced." (read more)
Via Breitbart


Michael Haz said...

Imagine a magical world in which the Republicans had the balls to force Obama to follow the immigration laws currently on the books.

Such a fairy tale.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Now I see ChipA has posted this already.

Unknown said...

thing is, with Holder holding the power at the DOJ - even if the R's had balls, I doubt it would matter.

Cantor - what happened to you?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

It was maybe 15 or 20 years ago I saw Pat Buchanan on TV say something like, "You mean to tell me if every one of those illegal immigrants was carrying a gun we still wouldn't be able to stop them from crossing the border?!"

Probably on "The McLaughlin Group" said to Eleanor Clift, would be my guess.

Darcy said...

This is a planned crisis. He won.

Rabel said...

A poor decision last night, Lem.

You've allowed a provocateur to influence your thinking and, if you follow your new rule, you've essentially given over control of the comment section to that same individual, punishing the entire group because of his deliberate actions.


Eric the Fruit Bat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eric the Fruit Bat said...

When they were softening us up in case the Iraq invasion should go badly, wasn't one of the grounds the likelihood that Saddam Hussein would cause an immense humanitarian crisis by displacing millions of his own people?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

This is a planned crisis. He won.

He did something similar during sequester... this is the same thing.

When Obama doesn't get his way Obama inflicts pain.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

By similar I mean during sequester Obama shutdown the parks.

This time he is giving confusing vague notions that an amnesty for children is coming or is already in effect.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Republicans should be attacking the President over encouraging children to cross the border, not enabling him.

Think about how dangerous it is to encourage kids to cross the border in the summer unaccompanied--let alone the criminal dangers they face doing so. How reckless and callous can the White House be?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I think it was this morning I heard Obama on NPR plugging some kind of plan to reduce the burden on young people to repay their college loans.

Fair enough and at least he's doing the best he can with what he's got.

I mean, after all, it's not like he has the personal talent to start a business and hire a bunch of fresh young faces.

Amartel said...

Never let a crisis go to waste. If there isn't a crisis, create one. DIY!

Icepick said...

I'll recycle a post I made at EBL's joint:

Look, Republican politicians do not give a shit about the Republican party or its future. They only care about themselves and their futures. And their futures are dictated by their most important donors, who come from big business and finance. And THOSE folks want to crush the American middle class and so create a country of padrones and peons. So the pols do the bidding of their masters, so as to insure their futures and the future of their family. The idea that they give a fuck about anything else is not borne out by their behavior.

The sooner you loyal Republicans figure out that you are being played for suckers the sooner there is a chance the course can be changed for the better. But until you stop loyally voting for these bastards on the premise that they're better than the Dems you're just fucking the nation as badly as Pelosi or Reid or Obama are fucking the nation. [Added: Or Boehner, or McConnell, or Ryan, etc.] Worse, in some ways, as you are giving the impression of dissent without the reality.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

How reckless and callous can the White House be?

That's the most frustrating things about this president.

Rush nailed and came up with a name for it... the Limbaugh theorem.

People do not hold Obama responsible from the things he does.

It's really frustrating.

edutcher said...

OK, the Whigs have been bought off, but you know the crime wave that's about to start (these kids will have to eat, etc.) is going to blow this up in his face.

Just like all his other schemes.

Icepick said...

Funny, ed, I don't see things blowing up in his face. They blow up in other people's faces, but not really in his. He's still the President, he's in his second term, since he ignores the law and the Constitution and Congress, he can still act as he sees fits. He still has a significant part of the country liking the shit as it comes out of his asshole and calling it ambrosia. When he leaves office the only limit on how much money he will make will be his own desire to work. (Which means, I suspect, that he will be much less wealthy than Clinton by the time he's been out of office 13 years.) The historians that will right the history of this time will be complete leftist toadies, so he will look like a fucking god in the history books.

I'm not seeing where he's really suffering all that much, save perhaps at the polls. And since he isn't running again, that doesn't really matter.

AReasonableMan said...

Icepick said...
Look, Republican politicians do not give a shit about the Republican party or its future. They only care about themselves and their futures. And their futures are dictated by their most important donors, who come from big business and finance. And THOSE folks want to crush the American middle class and so create a country of padrones and peons. So the pols do the bidding of their masters, so as to insure their futures and the future of their family. The idea that they give a fuck about anything else is not borne out by their behavior.

The sooner you loyal Republicans figure out that you are being played for suckers the sooner there is a chance the course can be changed for the better. But until you stop loyally voting for these bastards on the premise that they're better than the Dems you're just fucking the nation as badly as Pelosi or Reid or Obama are fucking the nation. [Added: Or Boehner, or McConnell, or Ryan, etc.] Worse, in some ways, as you are giving the impression of dissent without the reality.

Exactly, and the exact same thing is true of the Democrat party. People question why we should worry about growing wealth inequality. The answer is on full display here - money is power.

ndspinelli said...

Britt Hume gave a passionate opinion piece on Fox. He made a strong case for doing the humanitarian thing and take in these kids. He works w/ a shelter who takes in these kids and says they are religious, intelligent, young people. A small thing like the fact that they all wait until everyone is served their meal until they eat. They pray before every meal. These kids are escaping violence in Honduras and Guatemala that is tragic. Honduras is competing for the highest murder rate in the world. The violence is all about the transportation of drugs coming to this country. These kids show resolve crossing a thousand miles of mountains and desert to get here.

Britt Hume is no bleeding heart, nor am I. These are kids fleeing for their lives. We need to help them. Too bad we can't ship an equal number of deadbeats out to compensate.

deborah said...

Rabel, another angle to consider is that things won't disintegrate if everyone ignores Meade. Part of the problem is though many say they can't stand him, they will engage him.

I don't want Meade addressing me.

Icepick said...

Spinelli, they're not our problem, save that they've come here. Using the idea that they're coming here to escape problems elsewhere and thus we should help them is a recipe to take on billions of people from the Third World.

Besides, you guys don't want to help the people that are here, on the premise that all of us that are out of jobs or poor are deadbeats.

edutcher said...

Icepick said...

Funny, ed, I don't see things blowing up in his face. They blow up in other people's faces, but not really in his. He's still the President, he's in his second term, since he ignores the law and the Constitution and Congress, he can still act as he sees fits

No, he's not getting the love and adulation he requires.

All his ideas were supposed to work and people would make him the New Messiah. That he needs the Whigs to have caved doesn't make this any easier. He should still have his uber-majorities in both houses.

That's where all the gray hair is coming from.

BTW, that second term required massive vote fraud*, so that's another slap at His Majesty.

*The NC election commission's estimated as many as a million (closer to 2 if you multiply it out) people voted in more than 1 state in '12.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I agree with Spinelli in that it would be inhumane not to do something about these refugee children. But it is a quandary. By "helping" are we enabling? Just like the Bergdahl exchange. The message we are sending is not helpful to furthering a solution to the problem.

Since this is the more active thread I will repost my rant from the one below.

We are thoroughly and completely screwed. Not just as a nation but also bend over and kiss the struggling middle class goodbye.

The social ramifications of millions of people who cannot fend for themselves (children)being absorbed into the fabric of society.

The fabric of society cannot mend itself now, we are shredded. The United States of America will never ever be the same. We are turned into a third world nation. Our history is......history. No one knows it now. No one will learn it in the future.

The economic ripples of millions and millions of unskilled, uneducated people who IF they decided to work, instead of taking hand outs from the dwindling few who are working, will just collapse the labor market by being willing to work under the table or for minimum wages.

The health issues are beyond being able to consider without having nightmares. Diseases that have been unknown for decades will be springing back to life. Not just the common childhood ones, like chicken pox, measles, mumps, whooping cough. Or just the minor scabies, lice, bed bugs and our always favorite fleas who spread major diseases. Lets get some nice doses of typhus, tuberculosis, diphtheria and GOD FORBID....small pox. All spread by an uncontrolled, mobile, underground population.

You think it is bad NOW sending your children to public school. Soon it might be a death sentence. Only the really wealthy will be able to save themselves by migrating into Hunger Games types of enclaves and the rest of us are on our own to protect ourselves.

It was nice while it lasted....but and is now destroyed by the liberal progressives and a malicious, evil, fascist sociopath in the White House.

I fear for my Grandchildren.

Icepick said...

ed, Romney barely got more votes, in total, than McCain had four years previously. Romney only did a little better than McCain in Texas and Florida in that election. Both states are run by Republicans (though Florida is an increasingly solid blue state in Presidential years), and the growth Romney saw may have had as much to do with population growth as anything else. If Romney couldn't do better in Florida, run by Republicans and hammered by the recession and the 'recovery', then he isn't going to do better elsewhere, either.

Icepick said...

By "helping" are we enabling?

By asking, you've revealed the answer.

They're not our problem. There is no reason to make them our problem. If we make them our problem then we have a moral responsibility to import hundreds of millions of poor children from Latin American, Africa, the Indian subcontinent, the poor rural areas of China, the poor of SE Asia, etc.

Icepick said...

But please, ed, do go on about why your shitty candidate (who told everyone that wasn't already in the upper half of the income brackets to fuck off) didn't get more votes. He and his followers intentionally told half the voters that he didn't want their votes and would actively work against their interests if elected. Charlie Sheen was never "Winning!" by that much.

Guess what, when you tell people you don't want their vote, that you wish they'd all just go ahead and starve to death along with their children, they're not going to be inclined to vote for you or your candidate. They're not going to be so inclined in 2016 either. You'll do fine this year because enough of those folks don't seem to know or care about non-Presidential election years, but every four years from now on you're giving up 47% of the vote right off the bat. You can work out the math to see how well you'll need to do with the other 53% to win an election.

Of course, the people you elect this year are going to continue working against your interests too, like Boehner and Ryan are now, but you'll feel much better about life.

AllenS said...

I wouldn't be surprised to find out that 500 million Chinese would like to come to this country for a better life. That doesn't mean that we should let it happen.

ndspinelli said...

DBQ, I am conflicted by this. I understand the precedent. But, these are kids who braved shit most of us could never have done. We need to secure our borders. But, these kids are here. They are not a Mariel boat lift. As Britt Hume pointed out, these folks endured what the Vietnamese boat people did to get here. Vietnamese people have assimilated well. They are self sufficient, good people. I would take in one of these kids and I'm actually considering it.

Meade said...

"Rabel, another angle to consider is that things won't disintegrate if everyone ignores Meade. Part of the problem is though many say they can't stand him, they will engage him."


edutcher said...

Icepick said...

ed, Romney barely got more votes, in total, than McCain had four years previously. Romney only did a little better than McCain in Texas and Florida in that election. Both states are run by Republicans (though Florida is an increasingly solid blue state in Presidential years), and the growth Romney saw may have had as much to do with population growth as anything else. If Romney couldn't do better in Florida, run by Republicans and hammered by the recession and the 'recovery', then he isn't going to do better elsewhere, either.

You think it's reasonable Choom did that much better? He couldn't fill a high school gym when Romney was turning people away.

Every indicator that's worked for every election since they've kept stats said Choom loses, but he not only wins, but does better.

Dude, we knew on Election Day, there were rigged voting machines rolling back Romney votes, but the extent of the bussing of people to other states wasn't fully comprehended. And then, of course, there were all those 100% turnouts.

He had to crank up the vote fraud to win, no matter how much you wanted Romney to be the loser.

Face it.

Rabel said...

Deb said:

"Rabel, another angle to consider is that things won't disintegrate if everyone ignores Meade. Part of the problem is though many say they can't stand him, they will engage him."

But they/we won't, thus Lem has yielded control if he follows his rule.

Could you ignore a fetid, bleeding pustule on your forehead? Maybe for a while.

edutcher said...

FWIW, I usually step around him.

They wanted us gone, we went.

We don't have to listen here.

Icepick said...

But, these kids are here. They are not a Mariel boat lift.

No, the Mariel boat lift was another government dumping its undesirables on our shores. This is OUR government taking on the undesirables of other nations by the millions. This is much, much worse than that.

Icepick said...

You think it's reasonable Choom did that much better?


Every indicator that's worked for every election since they've kept stats said Choom loses, but he not only wins, but does better.

Wrong. Obama won fewer states in 2012 than in 2008, 26 + DC vs 28 + DC + NE2. Obama won fewer electoral votes in 2012 than in 2008, 332 vs 365. And Obama had about 3,500,000 fewer popular votes in 2012 than in 2008.

The facts of the stated results are out there, and you are misstating them. I have told you about this before, and yet you persist in misstating the facts. So, are you lying or just plain stupid?

deborah said...

What do you suggest, Rabel? He can't really be banned because he'll just spam incessantly or create new personas.

My suggestion would be to just let things go batshit crazy. This is the internet, after all.

Like Ed, I just step around him.

edutcher said...

Depends on which totals you see.

The ones I saw said he lost ground, too. It was the talk of the Net the day after.

Now I know there were "amended" tallies, but are those reliable? At first, he won by 1 1/2 mil, then by 2 or more, a lot of votes weren't even counted until weeks later, etc.

But that doesn't refute my main contention - that they needed to kick the vote fraud machine into high gear to win.

BTW, the indicators to which I was referring were all the polls showing him underwater before Election Day, as well as economic indicators, etc.

Icepick said...

ed, you said he did better. He didn't, he did worse.

The only significant analysis I ever saw about the missing voters (about 2,000,000 fewer people voted in 2012 than in 2008) showed that it largely tracked to Perot voters from 1992. Those folks were anti-immigration, anti-globalization, wanted a smaller federal government and tended towards social liberalism.

Now, where were those folks going to go? To the Dems? The Dems are socially liberal, but on every other issue they're losers.

They weren't going to go to the Republicans either, not without some sort of serious sales pitch. A lot of them had held their noses and voted Republican in 2000 and 2004. By 2008, they were sick of Republicans. You weren't going to get those folks to turn out without a hard sell.

Instead they got Romney, who was a wishy-washy social conservative, a believer in government-run healthcare, running as the nominee of a party that believes in big government, open borders and globalization.

Those folks had nowhere good to go, and enough of them refused to hold their noses and vote for Romney to give him the election.

It's not likely to get better in 2016. You need to make your case to people. But as it is you guys are spending all your time bitching and moaning about gay marriage and vote fraud, ignoring that tens of millions of people are doing worse and worse. All you offer them is scorn for being freeloaders. Why the FUCK should they vote for you assholes? The best you can hope for is that they'll stay home like the Perot voters. That didn't work out too well.

You're going to win this year. And sometime in January of next year (if it doesn't happen sooner) Obama is going to sign legislation from the Republicans granting de facto amnesty to at least 12,000,000 illegal immigrants, and will open the borders wide open to allow another 40,000,000 or so to relocate to the US in short order.

That's going to do wonders for Republican Party vote totals going forward, not to mention for the unemployment rate, the median income, and the middle class in general. And let us not forget how much more socially cohesive the nation will be with 50,000,000 more citizens that refuse to speak English.

You guys are committed to suicide. To bad you're all so Hell-bent on taking the nation down with you.

edutcher said...

I said both.

That was the point.

The tallies and analyses changed several times in the following days.

If the "final" one says he slipped, so be it, but I remember one putting him 4 million ahead, another that had him only 1 1/2 ahead. I also remember questioning how somebody could lose that much ground and still win.

The problem here, at least from my perspective, is that you may have wanted Choom to lose, but you also wanted anyone on the other side you didn't like to lose, too.

There were plenty like that, Erick Erickson, f'rinstance.

you want a better opposition, so do I.

The Whigs disgust me, pure and simple, but Romney did not come across as a Whig. Romney wasn't perfect, but the choice was pretty clear and I think a lot of other people saw that.

Again, that's why the Choom Gang had to crank up the vote fraud machine. He could not have won without it. My point from the start.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Health issues. As I said


It is only going to get worse.

Paddy O said...


Is Meade's goal to prove the point of the Althouse blog commenting decision, that self-moderation doesn't work, so he's provoking others and driving Lem, and others, towards the same outcome as TOP?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Chaos is Obama's goal. Enforce whichever laws he likes and don't enforce the ones he does not like. He is one arrogant fuck. And he is a damn dumb too because he is damaging his own party's prospects at the polls.

edutcher said...

AJ, never forget, it's also the Chicago Way.

Meade said...

Paddy, my goal is to recover Lem's levity. Have you seen it? I haven't seen it in over a year — just before we had to temporarily shut down commenting at TOP in order to get it back into some kind of balance.

Lem was one of our top 10 favorite commenters, he very graciously set up comonocreerendios -lem.blogspot.com to give people who were suffering withdrawal pains a place to go.

Unfortunately, it filled up with bullies. Not you, Patrick, but I think you probably know who. My theory is that they have Lem's Levity tied up somewhere in New Jersey and are sitting on it with their big fat bully asses. Lem and his levity are being wrongly detained and tortured by bullies. I can name the suspects' names for you but I don't think I need to.

Saving Private Lem. That is my mission.

Thanks for asking, P.

Meade said...

At TOP, we have loved Lem and his levity for many many years.

We want them both back.

ps: go to that link and see the tags. Click on "Lem".

I think you will quickly understand why it is that he is loved so. And exactly why it is that I'm am willing to go behind enemy lines to recover him and his levity and return them to his home and loved ones.

Meade said...

Let every internet bully know, whether it wishes me well or ill, that I shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of Lem and his levity.

This much I pledge—and more.

AllenS said...

I used to raise beef cattle. You can only have so many grazing on your land. Any more will reduce your land's capability to provide.

I'm a conservationist.

Lessons learned.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Amnesty is as dead as Cantor's political career.


Icepick said...

No, PMJ, it's alive. What reason does Cantor have to not push it now? His pay masters will get a chance to reward him sooner this way.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

He can try and push it all he wants, this is a strong message for all of the other incumbents about 2014.