Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Hillary said they were "dead broke" when they left the White House


Synova said...

Hey, I can believe they had a temporary cash flow problem and even that it was slightly uncomfortable...

... but complaining about it is not going to convince anyone that she knows what it's like to be scraping by on pancakes and mac'n'cheese.

edutcher said...

The Six Billion Dollar Broad

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Very nice tweet!

ndspinelli said...

Less than 2 years after leaving the WH they had a net worth of $22 million when she filed papers to run for the Senate. They are now worth ~$200million. This was a huge gaff and she is prone to them. That's why she hates interviews. She's just not nearly as deft a liar as her husband.

"All politicians lie, but the Clintons do it w/ such ease, it's troubling." David Geffen

Chip S. said...

Salon, Sept. 2012:

It’s technically true that Romney “inherited nothing” when his father died, as various conservatives shouted at me on Twitter last night. He “inherited nothing” because by the time his father died, in 1995, Mitt Romney was already a very wealthy man, thanks in large part to the many advantages he enjoyed as the son of a prominent politician and corporate executive.

Not hard to edit that slightly to arrive at this, to consider how perspectives change as necessary:

It’s technically true that the Clintons were “illiquid” when they left the White House, as various defenders are saying today. They were "Illiquid" because by the time they left office, in 2001, Bill Clinton had racked up multi-million dollar legal bills, thanks in large part to the access to pussy--willing or not--he had enjoyed throughout his career of public service, as well as their inability to borrow adequately against the enormous speaking fees he and his wife would command in the future as a prominent politician and his spouse.

If she'd been my wife, I'd've urged her to go out and trade some more cattle futures.

AllenS said...

cattle futures

Yeah, Chip, that's where the money is.

Chip S. said...

It's her only demonstrated skill, Allen.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I would have preferred it if they were just "dead" instead of "dead broke."

Hopefully a stroke will take the corrupt witch out just as the campaign season begins in 2016, leaving the empty bench Democrats scrambling.

Aridog said...

If that old cunt wins in 2016, we are toast. Simple as that.

ampersand said...

We are beyond toast, we are on our way
to penicillin.

Meade said...


Si usted lee este mensaje, por favor, dame una señal de algún tipo. Estoy en una misión muy importante: Misión Salvar al soldado Lem. Es decir, para recuperar Lem Angele y su levedad y regresar de manera segura tanto a la patria del blog Althouse. Nuestra inteligencia nos dice que está detenido y probablemente torturado. Por grandes matones culo gordo. La apuesta no podría ser mayor. Cualquier señal va a hacer, Lem. Hasta que se complete la misión: ser fuerte y saber que estamos haciendo todo lo posible para que librarse de los matones terroristas con los grandes culos gordos.

¡Dios los bendiga y buenas noches!

su amigo y humilde servidor,

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Multiculturalism is fun.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oooooh!. Let's see if it works!

I admit, as someone who doesn't really care much for Hildebeast, a lot of people occasionally convince me that I'd love seeing her win!

But I do admit, this tweet is much more effective than anything else this season.

It is election season now, isn't it?

The 24 hour news cycle and the permanent campaign. Viva America!

Meade said...

PS: Lem, si es necesario, patear ese viejo chocho, Aridog, en los testículos.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wow. Meade is one hell of a troll, but you've got to at least give him creativity points on that one.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think that only works if you do it in Navajo.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

An uneducated gardener speaking Spanish, huh, I guess sometimes stereotypes end up having some truth to them.

Meade said...

Para Lem

Aridog said...


Aridog said...

개 성기와 그의 입에 미드 섹스

Meade said...

¿Quién sabe lo que trae el mañana
En un mundo sobreviven pocos corazones?
Todo lo que sé es lo que siento
Cuando es real, lo mantengo con vida

El camino es largo
Hay montañas en nuestro camino
Pero subimos un escalón cada día

El amor nos levanta a donde pertenecemos
Donde las águilas lloran
En una montaña alta

El amor nos levanta a donde pertenecemos
Lejos del mundo de abajo
Hasta donde los vientos soplan claras

Algunos se aferran a, 'solía ser "
Vivir sus vidas mirando atrás
Todo lo que tenemos es aquí y ahora
Toda nuestra vida por ahí para encontrar

El camino es largo
Hay montañas en nuestro camino
Pero subimos un escalón cada día

El amor nos levanta a donde pertenecemos
Donde las águilas lloran
En una montaña alta

El amor nos levanta a donde pertenecemos
Lejos del mundo que conocemos
Cuando sopla el viento claras

Pasa el tiempo, no hay tiempo para llorar
La vida que usted y yo, una vida hoy

El amor nos levanta a donde pertenecemos
Donde las águilas lloran
En una montaña alta

El amor nos levanta a donde pertenecemos
Lejos del mundo que conocemos
Cuando los vientos soplan claras

El amor nos levanta a donde pertenecemos
Donde las águilas lloran
En una montaña alta
El amor nos levanta a donde pertenecemos

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Be careful what happens when you let Hillary in your house.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ok Larry. Now you're just pushing it.

Levity is good but you're letting your head fly away in search of it.

Icepick said...

LOL @PMJ 9:33

(I can haz interspeak.)

bagoh20 said...

So then she has actually accomplished something all these years in government - she made herself rich. While that clearly proves she is eminently qualified to be President, Bill did all that and even got a BJ in the Oval Office too. Let's see her top that. Let's admit it - men are just better at stuff.

I imagine Bill telling Hillary back in college that someday he would get a BJ in the White House and her saying: "If you get us there, I promise you will."

Meade said...

Tú y yo tenemos recuerdos
Más largo que el camino
Que se extiende por delante

Dos de nosotros usando impermeables
De pie en solitario en el sol
Tú y yo persiguiendo papel
Obtención de la nada en nuestro camino de regreso a casa
Estamos en nuestro camino a casa
Estamos en nuestro camino a casa
Nos vamos a casa

ndspinelli said...

Lawnboy has real daddy issues. He is like a neglected year old boy, standing by the edge of the pool, yelling "LOOK @ ME, LOOK @ ME" as he merely jumps into the pool. His dad did wear a nice Republican hat though. He loves to talk about how all the shanty Irish men in his family wore Republican hats.

ndspinelli said...

Did lawnboy ever procreate?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

.. but complaining about it is not going to convince anyone that she knows what it's like to be scraping by on pancakes and mac'n'cheese

The owner of California Chrome had more of an argument with "it's not fair to tired horses" than Hillary's 'it was not fair to live in the White House where we couldn't make more money'...

And we've seen where the owner of California Chrome has gotten with his argument.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

As long as what's his ass is trying to be condescending to Lem....I thought I might present a couple of my most favorite songs that I grew up with in Mexico. Without trying to make a political point. This is just good music. I just love these and they remind me of my Grandmother, Aunts and Uncles who are now all long gone. Songs of my youth.

La Maleguena

And my most favorite of all by far!!Guty Cardenas

El Caminante del Mayab. By Los Panchos One of my Grandmother's faves.

If you like this stuff....get the Bud and Travis version. you won't regret it.

Aridog said...

Lem...the owners of California Chrome are right. I've spent a life with horses, and the rigging in thoroughbred racing is comical. Or not, depending upon the money you have....

Hillary is merely a political puss bot...nothing more. She assumes an entitlement that is comical and insured by the Media.

Meade said...

Sé fuerte, mi amigo. Conejito del polvo de la reina, perro Aérea y ndspinelli son tres de los más grandes de los matones más gordo assed. No temas. Pronto se le rescató. Una vida mejor en Internet que le espera.

Aridog said...

I apologize...I said "TILT!" and I fucked up..,and shit face is back. Sorry.

Rabel said...

As far as I know, Lem has not chosen to reveal his name on this blog. Posting it for your own purposes is too low a blow even for you. Pull the comment.