Friday, June 13, 2014

Bikers To The Rescue

Bikers are going to try to do what Obama Administration has refused to do – namely, try to rescue USMC Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi. John Harrington of Shield Tactical is leading the charge.

Good luck, brothers and sisters, ride safe, stay safe!


edutcher said...

This should be interesting.

bagoh20 said...

I'd like to see thousands show up and just raise hell. They could spread out across the boarder and finally build that fence out of chugging Harleys. Remember the Alamo!

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

They worked in a reference to The Wild Bunch during the season finale of Mad Men. That didn't happen by accident, Don Draper's connection to arthouse cinema being a recurrent theme, the episode being entitled "Waterloo."

Let's hope this more recent, non-fictional, rescue attempt south of the border goes a little better.

ndspinelli said...

God speed.

bagoh20 said...

I wrote "boarder" Ha! What a rube.

Trooper York said...

This will not end well. I hope they know what they are doing. The real world is not an episode of "Sons of Anarchy." Real people will get hurt.

Trooper York said...

I understand this guy tried to escape twice and stabbed himself in the neck with a broken light bulb. He doesn't seem too tightly wrapped.

Maybe the bikers should give some hard thought to this.

Trooper York said...

I am of a couple on minds on this. It kind of ties in to the whole Iraq mess.

As I understand it one of the main reasons why we left Iraq is that we refused to have our soldiers be subject to the laws of Iraq. The country they were in.
This guy seems to have violated the law in Mexico. Do thousands of people do that every year? Sure. But if you get caught you need to find a way to get out of it. In this case it would most likely just cost money. The bikers could put together enough to pay off the Mexicans and this guy could be out for time served.

It's strange.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I agree with Trooper. This will not end well. Or.....maybe this will be the beginning?

Either way, it is going to be a bumpy ride.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

He couldn't be wrapped tighter than Bergdahl, could he?

Trooper York said...

I always base my world view on current events based on movies and TV shows.

I don't think the relevant movie is "The Wild Bunch" or even the "The Wild One."

It is "A Town Without Pity."

Trooper York said...

Or from TV I would say "The Bridge."

A really good show about Mexico. It feels really real.

Chip Ahoy said...

Obama said he wanted a civilian army as large and important and effective as our regular forces, and he's got one. Just not the civilian forces he had in mind.


That there's what you call unanticipated consey-quences.

Know what else is unexpected?

I drove my truck to the shop early this morning before most reasonable people are awake and walking back home a woman in dark sunglasses with a red-tipped white cane held in front of her but not tapping anything came up from behind and passed me on my left at twice my walking speed, and I'm all, "Where's the fire ? Showoff. "

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

At this point, even Hillary would agree, hastags are not making a bit of difference.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'm just going ahead and say it.

Obama thrives in mayhem... it's the Alinky way.

bagoh20 said...

I think the relevant show would be "Chips", Officer Poncherello.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That guy 'Punch' did one of the highest rated Mexican soap operas ever.

john said...

Trooper's right, as usual. If they are really thinking of going on through the border then it won't end well.

Especially since he's reportedly in a Tijuana jail, not Nogales. That's lost bikers for you.

Besides, conditions down there are well known.

john said...
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john said...

I want to know if he made sergeant as TIG while incarcerated.

Michael Haz said...

They are doing more than the government has done, aren't they?

john said...

So Michael, is the problem that he is an American locked up in Mexico for breaking their laws, or is it that he is a Marine locked up in Mexico for breaking their laws?

What is the injustice again?

Darcy said...

Still. Badass.

Coincidentally, I will be attending a Harley festival tomorrow. I have no idea what to wear.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Cowboy boots?

Darcy said...

Don't have any. I have a feeling this is going to be a total fashion fail.

AllenS said...

I just figured out Obama's Iraq strategy. It's brilliant. Well, at least for him. He'll wait until a bunch of Americans working as contractors in Iraq are taken prisoner, then he'll swap them for all of the prisoners in Gitmo. Problem solved!

AllenS said...

Darcy, just show up. Win-win.

KCFleming said...

"Coincidentally, I will be attending a Harley festival tomorrow. I have no idea what to wear."

With your looks, you could wear a I♥Honda t-shirt no problem.

Myself, I'd go in chaps.

Just chaps.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I have no idea what to wear.

Purely in the interest of scholarly research, I did a Bing image search for "Hot Biker Chick" and then one for "Respectable Motorcycle Woman" and was surprised to see that there really wasn't all that much overlap in the results.

How odd.

Karen of Texas said...

@Darcy - leather somewhere. Bandana somewhere. Blue jean somewhere. Tatt somewhere. ;)

ndspinelli said...

A thong bathing suit is always appropriate.

ndspinelli said...

This guy has PTSD from actually fighting in Afghanistan, not just spending a month there and deserting. The border crossing where this soldier got popped is a clusterfuck. I'm sure he was drunk, that's the only reason to go to Mexico. Our govt. has done nothing. I salute these guys.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I have no idea what to wear.

You can't go wrong with a low cut tight midriff tank top. Skin tight jeans and some platform sandals.... or if it is going to be a warm day short shorts. Lots of bling jewelry.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

AllenS for secretary of state in the man on the moon administration.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You have to read this early morn comments to the full moon post.

Rabel said...

AllanS at 2:23 may be on to something.

OK, it's WND so it may or may not be true.

Darcy said...

Awesome replies! I'm going to go conservative (wannabe) biker chick with hints from DBQ and Karen. :)

Paddy O said...

"You can't go wrong with a low cut tight midriff tank top. Skin tight jeans and some platform sandals.... or if it is going to be a warm day short shorts. Lots of bling jewelry"

I tried that. It went wrong.

XRay said...

I hope they can do something, but other than taking big wads of money to pay off the appropriate persons, I'm not sure what good they can do.

Back in 67 I had to rescue a buddy from the Tijuana jail. They made me descend into the bowels of the joint to identify him... trust me, you would not want to be there.

That's the same night I had my scalp shaved bald after having been told to get a hair-cut for shipping out the next day. None of us had any hair to begin with so that pissed me off. Thus the shave. Course then the U.S. border patrol snagged me on the way back over for some 4 or so hours until they confirmed I wasn't an escaped convict or something along those lines. Good times.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Paddy O

Now that's a visual, I will have a hard time forgetting. LOL.

Michael Haz said...

I stopped wearing kilts. Exhaust pipes against bare legs are awful.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

[O]ther than taking big wads of money to pay off the appropriate persons, . . .

I know a guy who adopted a baby from China.

He had to go there himself to bring the kid back and cash was required, in addition to all the other money that was paid to legitimate parties.

American dollars only, interestingly enough.

Kind of makes you wonder what's going on.

Titus said...

I am heading to NYC for the weekend and then Corporate Headquarters in Princeton to work through Wednesday.

My comments may be light so if you wonder where I am now you know.

keep reaching for the sky!

Meade said...
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