Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Gulf of Alaska


chickelit said...

It's sediment laden melt water mixing with normal seawater.

I remember some cool optical illusions in Hawaii where fresh spring water mixes with sea water.

Also, aerial shots of muddy river water mixing with seawater can be dramatic.

Paddy O said...

It's like a blog and its commenters.

edutcher said...

American vs Canadian water.

Ours is cooler.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"It's like a blog and its commenters."

Musings welcome ;-)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You know what happened, well, a lot things happened to make up a whole, but what I mean to say is part of what happened, always happens earlier.

I had complained about the moderation, enough to elicit a TOP response.

So when I seemingly brought it up again (comically disguised) He pounced.

It was very gracious of you Paddy to stop your way to Damascus.

Well, I'm presuming you were on your way to Damascus, for the purposes of this little narrative (hat was it she called it?) pose.

I got to look up that word.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


There is more there than meets the eye.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What was it she called it, I meant to ask, missing the w key.

chickelit said...

Can I buy a vowel clue to figure out what you're talking about Lem?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I can do better... How about a link.

Paddy O said...

A lot happens beneath the sea that we can't see. We stay on the surface, but may stray into the effects for good or ill.

Maybe it's a smashed finger, other times a dead walrus. Sometimes, it's a great catch.

But, it's weird when the captain disparages the crabs to keep the starfish. Ah, well, it's their boat.

As the picture shows, the peaceful does not always mix well with Atlas.

chickelit said...

Don't mention commenters and Althouse comment policy over there, Lem. It's a sore subject. When I met them face-to-face a few years ago, Althouse expressed what I'd call hostility to commenters chatting it up and generally paying more attention to themselves than to her. Can you really blame her?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Can you really blame her?

I don't mind people chatting it up among themselves.

My take... I grew up on a virtual guestbook converted into chat/proto-blog. So discipline and rules are not as big with me on this. Althouse relates more probably with an structured classroom setting.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

My virtual up-bring

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

More pinpoint.

chickelit said...

Were those your earliest online comments, Lem?

I think I started blog commenting around 2003 on Derek Lowe's blog around 2002 or 2003. I was around a few blogs when the Iraq war was raging. Instapundit published a comment of mine in 2004 which I guess was "Insta-recognition" though I didn't have a blog until 2009.

Aridog said...

Lem...if you can continue to accept the denigration by TOP and her Toad, I sympathize, but wish you'd just say WTF-bitches or ignore them altogether.

The TOP-Toad thinks his moderation is just ducky, but doesn't mind one bit running off in to bullshit land when he arrives actual free speech site.

Moderation that takes and hour plus...e.g., at the convenience of a blog moderator, is designed to defeat any conversation per se, and only to allow indoctrination by the blog owner. That's cool, but she/he/it should not call it a discussion of any is merely a personal trope with censorship.

Lem, quite honestly, I get your writing (and it does have some quirks that make me think) far more than I ever got TOP's writing...she's a lawyer with a Fine Arts degree...not an English or Philosophy major with a minor in semantics.

Why do you waste your time over there? You have a far better grasp of English lingua franca than TOP does. Just ignore the dolts. Tend to your rambunctious flock. It took me a while to figure out your import and aim in your remarks. TOP has never even approached such a position with any of her/he/its followers.

Paddy O said...

I've been commenting at Althouse since 2004. I got into the election that year.

Sometimes people are in tune with what's happening, sometimes people cross streams and misinterpret.

The danger is taking it personal or reading too much into things. I think that happens and happened. Something or some conversation is happening and it becomes a lens through which everything is viewed.

It's never personal. But we're not configured towards asocial sociality, so sometimes signals get screwy.

Funny thing is that I married someone I met through forum commenting too. Which makes me especially thoughtful about blog commenting at times.

Lem, I think you're probably right about the classroom structure, and probably even more in keeping with traditional approaches. Much more contemporary to include and use one's own story, but that can be vulnerable.

At the same time, Althouse probably gets a lot of background weirdness directed at her. We flit in and out of the comments, rarely hearing from others (though it's nice when we do).

Paddy O said...

Sometimes senses of humor and sensitivities change.

It is, after all, a well known fact that Libtard pirates have trouble with boundary waters.

Aridog said...
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Aridog said...

All I ask is that we credit and praise Lem for providing a honest free speech site.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Were those your earliest online comments, Lem?


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I've been commenting at Althouse since 2004. I got into the election that year.

She called us posers.

Thanks for the encouragement Aridog.

TrooperYork said...
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Dust Bunny Queen said...

Althouse expressed what I'd call hostility to commenters chatting it up and generally paying more attention to themselves than to her. Can you really blame her?

Yes, I can. It is the hypocrisy. The blog was put out as a sort of "salon" in the old style where a hostess provided a location and topics for people to meet and discuss.

Quote: "A salon is a gathering of people under the roof of an inspiring host, held partly to amuse one another and partly to refine the taste and increase the knowledge of the participants through conversation."

Instead of being a genial and inspiring hostess where people want to gather for the above purpose. Althouse turned into a dominatrix harridan who resented the success of her own Salon, because the conversation didn't center about her.

Instead of enjoying the growth of conversation she insisted on dominating it in a pursed mouthed school 'marm manner. Berating the conversationalists when they actually had thoughts of their own or didn't toady up in agreement.

So....yes. I do blame her for falsely creating a space that she had no intention or ability to maintain and THEN for her to blame everyone else.

Trooper York said...

I followed the link and I regret it.

Lem and Paddy O are honorable and well intentioned commenters who are all around good guys not pain in the ass ball busters like me and Spinelli and Sixty. They did not deserve what that witch and her flying monkey served up. The religious stuff was a particularly cheap shot.

I want to thank Lem for being such a generous host. His generosity of spirit shines through all the time. The way he shares the blog with other people which give us the benefit of Michael Haz's vinegary wisdom, Darcy's gentle touch, Synova's knowledge and talent in science fiction and writing, deborahs literary musing and contemplative nature, chickenlittles sense of fun and puns and musical wonder and Chip Ahoy's all around eccentric brilliance.

Tying it all together is Lem. The prefect host and all around utility infielder. The Randy Velarde of the internet!

I am very grateful to have place to have a conversation or even an argument with my fellow commenters. Thank you.

Rabel said...

Quite a pair, aren't they. It's hard to say which is their most endearing quality. Is it the condescension, the self-righteousness or the smugness?

And, Lem, I don't think you're ugly - your dog, yes, but you, no.

Rabel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MamaM said...

To accompany musings on divided waters, under the sea activities, poseurs, and inky displays of melanin laden material: this version of Octopus's Garden (Scroll down for animated GIF)

chickelit said...

Regarding gulfs and bridges: We shouldn't worry too much about deep divisions. From a bridge builder's perspective, depth of chasm is not so daunting as the breadth of the gulf. The Royal Gorge Bridge was no feat of engineering compared to the Mackinack Bridge.

chickelit said...

@MamaM: Yet another inky portrait: link

MamaM said...

Yet another inky portrait...
Yes! I looked for that post/picture on your site, chickenlittle, under vortex and octopus, and couldn't find it. Didn't think to check under the tag of "art"!

bagoh20 said...

I second Trooper's remarks at 12:54. This is a real place of free discussion where self-moderation by adults is sufficient, and ego doesn't smell up the place.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

The Gulf Stream off the east coast, while not as dramatic as that, often is clearly visible due to water clarity, current, and nutrients.

Paddy O said...

thanks for the kind words. Lesson(s) learned and it's nice to have others perspective on it.

"pain in the ass ball busters"

Oh don't count me out quite yet.

And I agree about this place. I like to muse in freedom.

Michael Haz said...

Thanks for the kind words, Trooper.

I would add Fr. Martin Fox to your list.

Trooper York said...

I was only talking about the people on the masthead but there are a lot of great commenters here like Fr. Martin Fox, Sixty Grit, Ritmo, Dust Bunny Queen, Airdog, Bagho, Pogo is getting cold, phx and even you Spinelli. If I missed anybody I appolgize. All of you in your own unique ways make this place and interesting place to hang out. I am glad we can share this time together.

Holy shit. All of sudden we are in the fucking Carol Burnett show?