Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Marvin Gaye: Negotiation means getting the best of your opponent

"Boko Haram is preparing to announce a list of key militants that it wants released in exchange for its schoolgirl hostages, The Telegraph has learned."
"Sources close to the group say that an Islamic cleric from northern Nigeria will be authorised to negotiate on its behalf with the Nigerian government, and to seek a freed prisoner for every one of the kidnapped girls." (read more)


"The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released 36,007 convicted criminal aliens last year who were awaiting the outcome of deportation proceedings, according to a report issued Monday by the Center for Immigration Studies.

"A majority of the releases were not required by law and were discretionary, the organization says.
According to the report, the 36,007 individuals released represented nearly 88,000 convictions, including:
  • 193 homicide convictions
  • 426 sexual assault convictions
  • 303 kidnapping convictions
  • 1,075 aggravated assault convictions
  • 1,160 stolen vehicle convictions
  • 9,187 dangerous drug convictions
  • 16,070 drunk or drugged driving convictions
  • 303 flight escape convictions

In the first story, The Telegraph report clearly states what the terms of negotiations are between the kidnapers Boko Haram and the government of Nigeria. In the second story, however, the terms of negotiations seem murky.

Who gets what in exchange for these conviction releases, here in the United States?

Commenter Lydia said...
These releases have been happening since a 2001 Supreme Court ruling saying aliens cannot be detained for more than six months if efforts to deport them have failed.

Between 2001 and 2004, nearly 134,000 were released. So, it's not just the Obama folks doing it.

More about it here.


ricpic said...

The Prince of Darkness releases his instruments of vengeance on America.

Leland said...


The Dude said...

#VivaLaRaza, and your raza, just not that raza over there.

chickelit said...

Obama/Holder: "We'll stop the releases in exchange for immediate and unconditional amnesty in time for the fall elections."

bagoh20 said...

Who gets what in exchange for these conviction releases, here in the United States?"

I think it's pretty easy to assume that thousands of people will get killed, raped, assaulted, and robbed. One would hope that it's worth something very valuable to someone.

Chip S. said...

This should give a temporary boost to the Obamacare enrollment numbers.

And not a moment too soon.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A presidential pardon is one thing... maybe other presidents did it too and I dont remember.

bagoh20 said...

I don't think many Presidential pardons involve homicide and rape, but those things are not really that bad if you vote Democrat. It's a different standard that wingnuts just can't understand.

Chip Ahoy said...

I thought this was going to be about music.

Shouting Thomas said...

Boko Haram has also been murdering schoolboys, usually by locking them up inside their schools and setting the building on fire.

Nobody cares.

Leland said...

Boko Haram has also been murdering schoolboys

It only matters if the schoolboys were molested by the approved over-privileged group to hate. The problem you have here is these are just boys and there assailants are muslim. When that's the scenario, you have to discuss poverty or blasphemous videos. See here, these schoolboys were killed because of poverty. Of course, people care about poverty, and if more people cared about poverty, these schoolboys wouldn't have died.

Now, if we had leadership, the response to Boko Harem would be; "Thank you for your list of brothers in capativity. We'll return one for each of the girls you release, but first, we'll have to shoot a few for each of the people you murdered. Your list will make it easy to figure out who to shoot. By the way, your list seems short." Alas, that's too long for a tweet.

Chip Ahoy said...

Picture it: You've brought some 300 girls into your camp against their will. Now what? It's all fun and rapey at first but it quickly wears as they must be fed and dealt with especially as you must keep one eye alert to every buzzing thing, every moving distant dot up there could be the dot that sends a missile directly into your tent and don't dare join a meeting of men only.

The reports I've read all center on the abducted girls with scant mention of the hundreds more slain to obtain them. At least triple their number.

It reminds me of a guy decades ago at work who was something of a frustrated anti-feminist. He wanted a girlfriend badly and did not understand why women were not attracted to him. "I'm 6'2", well built, well-educated, witty, etc." He flatly did not respect women. He referred to a special-hire, an attractive woman with low I.Q., basically retarded but functional as "worthless tits." From his point of view she was only tits and those pair were worthless to humanity. That is how he spoke of women. The work group saw The Exorcist together and they were discussing it. He used the girl as example of his frustration with life generally. Three good men die in the movie to save one stupid little girl. That is the unfairness of life.

That is what this reporting with emphasis on abducted girls while simultaneously merely mentioning far more numerous murder victims reminds me of. That guy's complaint.

You can stop worrying, I think the guy is married now and everything turned out okay. Even with his one testicle. The other was smashed in some sport.

Unknown said...

Is this what Hillary! refers to as - sexual healing?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

ChipA i get my moral code frm music lyrics ;)

Unknown said...

Were the homicide convictions, sexual assault convictions,
kidnapping convictions, aggravated assault convictions, stolen vehicle convictions, dangerous drug convictions, drunk or drugged driving convictions
and flight escape convictions given re-set buttons as parting gifts? or perhaps Democrat voter registration cards?

Unknown said...

ST - No one cares, indeed. No one cares that right now, there is an innocent American citizen locked in a Cuban prison. No one cares about Cubans locked up in Cuban prisons - simply for attempting to dissent against their own government. No one cares about all the people (namely Christians) killed in the name of radical Islam around the globe. No one cares about the little girls killed for attempting to go to school in Islamic countries. No one cares about the schools that are burned to the ground so that children cannot break free of the bondage of hate. No one cares that young boys and girls are indoctrinated on behalf of one particular type of religion, brainwashed or forced to repeat cycle of violence and intolerance.

The only thing the American media cares about is pushing the false narrative that it all is due to poverty.

Unknown said...

Justin Beiber was arrested again. At least we have that. He's a dangerous little dude.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I think William is onto something.

What Obama seems to be doing is incentivizing the local criminal crop.

The release is Obama’s version of a crime bill, as opposed to a jobs bill.

He did say he would go around congress with his pen and phone.

edutcher said...

A couple of points worth considering:

There seems to be something of an ethnic spat among the Demos. Some Hispanic politican wants his compadres to stop supporting "Anglo" Democrats.

Another point far more interesting (you have to scroll down to the last paragraphs) is that Latino birthrates seem to have plummeted the last 5 years. More than Anglos.

Now we know why Chuckie Schumer and the Whigs are so wager to import 30,000,000 peons.

Lydia said...

These releases have been happening since a 2001 Supreme Court ruling saying aliens cannot be detained for more than six months if efforts to deport them have failed.

Between 2001 and 2004, nearly 134,000 were released. So, it's not just the Obama folks doing it.

More about it here.

Trooper York said...

Isn't it ironic that their best song was "A Whiter Shade of Pale."
