Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I thought of Chip Ahoy when I saw this


Unknown said...

At first it seems like a photo-shop or a camera trick. wild.

Unknown said...

Very Chip. Except his sculptures would be Nefertiti and that gang.

Chip Ahoy said...

That's ace.

Meininger's Art Supply is a few flocks down Broadway. I'm at 11th they're at 5th, so that's what, six blocks.

I just now bought $100.00 of black matboard with white centers that do not turn yellow cut into strips.

For front and back and windows to pop-up cards.

So that's 8.5 x 11/2
or 8.5 x 5.5

The first cut is free. All next cuts are 1.00 each. (they change the blade each time)

But it can cut a stack.

Thus strips.

I will cut the strips into 8.5" segments. For a whopping pile of pre-cut boards that I can use with undisciplined abandon and mail to unsuspecting people across the land.