Thursday, December 12, 2013

"Taxpayers Shell Out $14,000 per Obamacare “Enrollee”"

"In her testimony before Congress today, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius provided an updated dollar amount for the cost of $677 million. In addition to the $677 million spent on the federal Obamacare website, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has shoveled $4.5 billion of taxpayer money to promote Obamacare on the state level."
HHS also released updated “enrollment” figures for Obamacare. According to the agency 364,682 people have “selected a plan” – the equivalent of putting an item in your online shopping cart and leaving it there.

That means the taxpayer cost per “enrollee” is over $14,000.

($4.5 billion + $677 million = $5,177,000,000 ÷ 364,682 = $14,196)
Americans for Tax Reforms


Shouting Thomas said...

This is why it is called the Affordable Care Act!

Michael Haz said...

There are no completed enrollments, even though the Obamacare website went live October 1st.

A completed enrollment includes a completed application that has been accepted, the first month's premium has been paid via the website, and the enrollee has received his/her insurance card and printed plan description.

No completed enrollments. This is a total clusterspork. And we are supposed to accept this as a good thing. The word "accountability" is not part of the government lexicon.

The Dude said...

Only racists point out Obamacare shortcomings.


Leland said...

And none of that $680 million is actually going to a person that physically provides health and medical services.

Unknown said...

I like this one. Not to fear, the administration is going to hire some wealthy Hollywood tax cheats to pimp and propagandize the ACA. How much will that cost tax payers? Hey - money is no object when it comes to Obama. All hail the king.

Leland said...

How much will that cost tax payers?

If there really was a fierce moral urgency to all this, and Hollywood wasn't hypocrits; they would offer to do this pro bono. Of course, they might just claim pro bono, and then write it off as charity to lower their taxes.

edutcher said...

As they say, socialism strives to share the misery equally.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

There will be more enrollees, so this number is misleading. But the costs will also greatly escalate if that does happen.

ricpic said...

South Carolina's going to NULLIFY Obamacare - the minute Governor Nikki Haley signs the legislature's nullification bill - in January! State Rights forever!!

Rabel said...

In all fairness, taxpayers only "shelled out" around $8,500 per enrollee.

The government borrowed the rest.

The Dude said...

ricpic - you know, for a Y*nkee, you aren't too bad!

The Dude said...

ricpic - you know, for a Y*nkee, you aren't too bad!