Friday, December 6, 2013

So what did you do?

As individual to take history in your hands and bend the arc of the moral universe toward justice today?

As for myself, I conceived an egg dish involving avocado. I looked in Google images and there ain't nothing like it.

Arc of the moral universe. That kills me. A picture of Himself in Mandela's cell, with those words, and when I search the words all sorts of things come up, monumental things, Google images again: Marble wall, MLK, Theodore Parker, MLK, Obama, Mandela, Mandela, rainbow, basketball, MLK, Obama previous, Obama, MLK,?, rainbow.

Oh, I get it: arc.

How lofty. If he could just keep himself out of things, out of his tribute to somebody else. People notice. At this point his enemies notice every little thing like that. That's another thing that kills me, Twitchy jumps all over that that as you can imagine. They are linking photoshops of Obama by way of mirror seeing himself in Mandela, conversely, Mandela looking for himself in a mirror but seeing Obama there instead.

The Photoshops are predominantly about mirrors. That is the theme people went with. Over and over, back and forth. All those mirrors but I didn't see a Through the Looking Glass, nor a Sleeping Beauty evil Queen's mirror on the wall. Could have done something with Dorian Gray.

All that moral universe arc bending does take a lot of work. Darleen Click asks at Protein Wisdom, What prevents the president from ignoring election laws? That is what Trey Cowdy asks in the video she provides: "My question is this," Cowdy insists, he says the same thing a few times, "if you can suspend immigration laws, or marijuana laws, or mandatory minimums, can you also dispense with election laws?" Devastating. But you have to have shame to be devastated, and there is no shame to be had in taking history in one's hands and bending the arc of the moral universe toward justice.

Let's see if got this straight. Moral justice bend arc moral moral bend universe arc moral universe bend bend universe moral arc bend bend bend justice moral justice moral justice moral justicemoraljusticearc moraljusticearcarcarcarcar carcmoralmoraljusticemoralbendperssonal. Got it.


Icepick said...

What did I do to improve the moral arc of the Universe today? Not a damned thing!

Icepick said...

What did I do to improve the moral arc of the Universe today? Not a damned thing!

Unknown said...

I caught Rush for 7 minutes today and he said something funny and true.
How long will it take the sycophant media to tell us that Obama spent 27 years in a jail cell?
They eluded it to it.

The media are just as ego-obsessed over Obama as Obama is ego-obsessed over himself.

Unknown said...

"Lean forward! MSNBC: Yes, yes, Mandela died, but what about President Boyfriend?"


Shouting Thomas said...

I changed strings on my Strat.

The universe is saved!

rhhardin said...

There's always been something geometrically wrong with the original Obama mirror picture.

The reflection is in the wrong place.

I've always suspected it's photoshopped like everything else.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I went looking for the arc of the covenant... but I couldn't find it because the arc I was looking for is spelled with a k.


rhhardin said...

It might be a moral orc.

Michael Haz said...

If "bending the moral arc" means "lying about everything including my own life" Obama is doing stellar work. High degree of bendage there, Sparky.

Chip Ahoy said...

That's funny, Lem. Today I went into a shop and the lady asked, "Chip, did you intend to leave your book with us or would you like to take it with you?"

What book?

This one! We've all been looking at it over and over.

Ha! I forgot all about that.

Mitch H. said...

That's the thing, MLK's arc isn't bent by human hands, he believed in a greater power, a providence, a "Divinity that shapes our ends,
Rough-hew them how we will."

Obama's "Awesome God" is himself, or rather, his narcissistic, projected Ideal Self.

Aridog said...
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Aridog said...

What prevents the president from ignoring election laws?

Nothing really. I expect him to try. Who would enforce the law?