Sunday, November 24, 2013

Which OR for the Ore?

A story from the NYT:
Under the proposed six-month deal that six major powers are negotiating with Iran in Geneva, Iran would eliminate its current stock of uranium enriched to 20 percent by diluting it or turning it into fuel rods or oxide powder, forms that are unusable for weapons, senior Western officials said Friday.
Hmmm, given that Boolean choice of "OR's" (dilution, or conversion to fuel rods or oxide) which one neutralizes its weapons potential? Which one merely stores it, a few simple chemical steps away from weaponizing it?

From the article:
Israel and Saudi Arabia have expressed concern that if Iran produced only oxide powder from the 20 percent enriched uranium, and not fuel rods or plates, the oxide could be reconverted into 20 percent enriched uranium. But the Western officials say that such a reversal is difficult, and that Iran does not now seem to have the ability.
The Israelis and Saudis are correct is what I'm saying.

I never used to doubt the technical prowess of fellow Americans until I saw that The Obama Administration relied on so-called experts to make decisions in Syria. Technical experts like Elizabeth O'Bagy. The level of incompetence is contagious.

Also, look at the level of technical expertise deployed for the ObamaCare website. These are concrete signs of a nation in decline with respect to science and technology. It's not for lack of talent either. There seems to be a deliberate choice at the top to use and deploy second-rate talent.


Michael Haz said...

You mean the stuff that they haven't already hidden? That stuff?

chickelit said...

From the article:

Israel and Saudi Arabia have expressed concern that if Iran produced only oxide powder from the 20 percent enriched uranium, and not fuel rods or plates, the oxide could be reconverted into 20 percent enriched uranium. But the Western officials say that such a reversal is difficult, and that Iran does not now seem to have the ability.

The Israelis and Saudis are correct is what I'm saying.

I never used to doubt the technical prowess of fellow Americans until I saw that The Obama Administration relied on so-called experts to make decisions in Syria. Technical experts like Elizabeth O'Bagy. The level of incompetence is contagious.

Also, look at the level of technical expertise deployed for the ObamaCare website. These are concrete signs of a nation in decline with respect to science and technology. It's not for lack of talent either. There seems to be a deliberate choice at the top to use and deploy second-rate talent.

YoungHegelian said...


There seems to be a deliberate choice at the top to use and deploy second-rate talent.

Until you have been in the orbit of politicos, you never realize how much they value loyalty above all things, including the moral good & the actual ability to see the reality in front of one's face. This, sadly, infects both parties.

It's not that big of a step from "Loyalty Uber Alles" to choosing your experts based on ideological commitment above expertise. You know as well as I do, that people who know their stuff rarely suffer fools gladly, and if you don't want their services, someone else does. This makes "experts" a combustible mixture in the presence of political prima donnas.

YoungHegelian said...
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Unknown said...

Whenever the loyalty media says "experts".. Or insist that "experts agree",you can bet it's all counterfactual bull.

Birches said...

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. This is ridiculous.

virgil xenophon said...

The "consensus" of all the "experts" on "Morning Joe" is that this is a "good deal."

A PRIME indicator that it's time to get out the good ole' Jr Woodchuck survival guide and review the basics..