Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Opinion Columnist Ezra Klein Attempts to Correct Fellow Liberal Colleague

"In his column Tuesday, Richard Cohen explores the more reactionary edge of Iowa's Republican blogosphere. "Today’s GOP is not racist, as Harry Belafonte alleged about the tea party, but it is deeply troubled," he writes, "about the expansion of government, about immigration, about secularism, about the mainstreaming of what used to be the avant-garde. People with conventional views must repress a gag reflex when considering the mayor-elect of New York — a white man married to a black woman and with two biracial children."
Given the context of the column, I think that Cohen is using "conventional views" to mean "culturally conservative views." But insofar as "conventional" means "based on or in accordance with what is generally done or believed," acceptance of interracial marriage is overwhelmingly conventional. A July poll from Gallup finds that 87 percent of Americans approve -- up from 4 percent in 1959. 
Ezra Klein Washington Post  (bold added for emphasis)


chickelit said...

Lefties are forever flummoxed to discover that their pigeon holes are empty, just as we are astonished to find one who isn't in sympathy with Barack Obama.

bagoh20 said...

The left do live in a long gone past. It seems like they even pine for it - at least all the bad parts anyway.

The Democrats should dump the Donkey mascot and adopt a dinosaur. They live in Jurassic Park.

Palladian said...

One's avant-garde rusts when left in contact with the waters of the Main Stream.

Palladian said...

People with conventional views must repress a gag reflex when considering the mayor-elect of New York — a white man married to a black woman and with two biracial children."

I thought the gagging was caused by having authoritarian socialism shoved down one's throat.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Jurassic Park was one of my favorite books and movies.

And I view libs more as fossils than dinosaurs which are actually more free market dog-eat-dog creatures.

Palladian said...

Dinosaurs don't pretend that they're eating you for your own good.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Cohen and others like Joan Walsh must have typewriter time machines which regurgitate their thoughts and columns from the 1970's and 1980's.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Exactly Palladian.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


Chip Ahoy said...

He was doing okay until he projected his racism. I do not hear tea-party types concerned in the least about racism. That is a Democrat concern. A deeply Democrat concern. A Democrat obsession. A psychological distortion that warps every analysis. The article is dropped at that point. The fatal damning analytic flaw.

Know what is more interesting to me than that? My carpet, that's what.

I cleaned it. And, Man, is it clean. The water that comes out, and this is like an extreme shop vac, a professional carpet steam cleaner (no actual steam, bummer that, but it's an industry lingo thing they get away with legally. None of it is actual steam). And the soapy used water that is lifted up is not so bad. I was happy with that, satisfied I am keeping things up all right.

Except for two spots. Not good as the rest. So I mixed a batch of Oxiclean and poured it onto the two areas as sopping wet puddles and left it soak all night.

This morning mixed a new batch of regular cleaner, the usual carpet detergent. Went over the two areas again and now they match.

But the soapy used water that was returned was the blackest dirtiest shit water I ever saw alarming and dismaying. It makes me want to pour Oxiclean over the entire place like one giant puddle and leave it soak overnight.

I did that once with all my white clothes. Put them in the tub and soaked them in Oxiclean overnight. Then ran them through the washer the next day as a regular load. They all came out the most brilliant white I've ever seen. Blinding white. Wrote a song about it, wanna hear Okay,goeslikethis:bink Revved up like a douche.

Michael Haz said...

Vinegar, Chip. Go over it with warm water that has a bit of white vinegar in it. That will remove any residual detergent.

bagoh20 said...

Carpet is like living on a petri dish. Would you ever think of wearing the same underwear for months on end without washing them. A carpet is worse than that. Go commando - no carpet.

bagoh20 said...

I suggest going over it with moonshine (180 proof) and a torch.

Trooper York said...

Here's the thing. If the cops did stop and frisk to that knucklehead at the ice skating rink then that 14 year old kid wouldn't have gotten shot.

You are going to see a lot of that in New York City now.

It is De blasio time.

Palladian said...

Why don't we just assign a cop to each citizen? Then nothing bad will happen!

Palladian said...

Somehow, the solution for both liberals and conservatives is always: more intrusive government!

Synova said...

"I thought the gagging was caused by having authoritarian socialism shoved down one's throat."

Nope, racism.

There has NEVER been a conservative who opposed a socialist nanny state, NEVER, not in all of History, until a white man married a black woman.

Then BOOM!

JAL said...

(Anecdote alert)

What cracks me up is that I live in the South and regularly see mixed couples in passing -- in normal places where the rednecks hang out (and would obviously be spitting on them).

Places like Wal-Mart and McDonalds and my neighborhood. (Geeze we sometimes even go to church with those people!)

I see more mixed couples here around the county than I did in my 2000 mile tour up north a couple months ago.

Why are lefties stuck in the 1960s? Or when? They are certainly stuck someplace.

Such hatred is hard to maintain.

ricpic said...

It's not gagworthy that DeBlasio married a black lesbo? Of course it is! Klein and Cohen have to expend tremendous energy for a whole lifetime in order to NOT GO OFF THE RESERVATION! Well eff that. All kinds of things that are VERBOTEN to notice tell you all you need to know about a person. It's called the survival mechanism. Hey, let's all go over the cliff together thinking highly of ourselves all the way down to SPLAT.

Joe Schmoe said...

Cohen and Klein, what a couple of douche-nozzles.

Klein, you needn't try to finesse what he said. We all get it, and we recognize it for what it is: bigotry.

Trooper York said...

Look you don't need a cop for every citizen. You just have to have them hassle the criminal element regardless of their protected status. Giuliani proved that already.

De blasio will reverse that. Chaos ensues.

bagoh20 said...

I didn't even know about his interracial marriage. Maybe because I listen mostly to right wing sources where it never came up, and where do I hear it first? From a race obsessed leftie of course. That's nearly always the way it goes. I need a leftie to tell me who I hate, because I never get it right.

Amartel said...

The conventional left view is that the right is racist. Like, eek, interracial marriage ehrmagerd, lesbians.
The people who obsess about these topics all live on the left whether they care to admit it or not. And it's always 1963.

These sheltered gentlemen journalists really should stick to writing about what they know. Which is basically the inside of their hermetically sealed nonthinktank.

Amartel said...

What was the handle for that cheerful psycho who used to post at TOP and always ended his messages with "enjoy the decline?"

rcocean said...

Upside: Increased crime will drive away the Hipsters.

rcocean said...

De blasio isn't the communist NYC needs but the one it deserves.

test said...

Why are lefties stuck in the 1960s?

That's the only time they ever made a positive contribution to society. Glory Days.

Unknown said...

Let's see- Tell us, oh holy leftists, why do you hate Clarence Thomas so much? Is it because Mr. Thomas is married to a white woman and that angers you to your core? Or is it because leftists are ideological bigots?
Ideological purity mixed radical leftist racism is observable when it comes to this brilliant man who happens to have dark skin.

Why does Ezra call Clarence Thomas an "Uncle Tom"? I want to read about it in the NY Times.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Richard Cohen used the word "conventional" as a complimentary euphemism for "Tea Baggers who wave Confederate flags and adorn cartoons of Obama with watermelons and fried chicken while screaming that they want their country back from a man they claim was born in Kenya", but the ungrateful Baggers resented that the insinuation that their radical reactionary racist (and hateful) ways were simply good old fashioned traditions.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I never realized I hated Clarence Thomas so much (thanks, April, for telling me what I think!). After all, it's hard to feel much or say much about a guy who says and does as little as he does.

edutcher said...

Cohen's problem is, as JAL alludes, that Conservatives DON'T care one way or the other about Red Bill's home life.

It wrecks his worldview.

chickelit said...

I want to thank Ritmo for posting photos of what he considers typical Tea Party. I thought I'd rejoinder that by linking a photo of the handiwork of typical progressive sullivanists: link

Now awaiting Titus' latest chirbit-worthy screed.

Basta! said...

Amartel, wasn't that whores of the internet?

edutcher said...

Titus said...

Winter is cumming and so is our first bull-dyke president Hillary.

After that we will have a wise latino president, and then a flaming black homo

According to someone who went to school with him, that's what we have now.

As for the Hildabeast, she'll have to get past Fauxcahontas and Andy Cuomo.

Rhythm and Balls said...

Richard Cohen used the word "conventional" as a complimentary euphemism for "Tea Baggers who wave Confederate flags and adorn cartoons of Obama with watermelons and fried chicken while screaming that they want their country back from a man they claim was born in Kenya

You have something more than Pelosi Galore's botoxed word for this, one assumes.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, Pollo, why not make an agreement out of this mutual repulsion? If you (and I) have a problem with hanging in effigy, surely we can express mutual disgust (or fatigue, aversion or tedium) with people incapable of avoiding the use of Jefferson Davis' pet project for political inspiration or racist memes.

It may be a minority of people doing this, but these are telling things they're holding on to, and don't help and greatly hurt whatever sane cause any moderate and reality-minded wing of a faction could be said to have. Avoiding condemnation or substituting it with tu quoques prevents a political movement from coming to terms with and addressing the ill-begotten excesses it carries.

William said...

When southerners were really into racism and segregation, they voted Democrat. People forget that an important cog in the New Deal machine were southern racists. On many issues--albeit not civil rights--they were to the left of New Dealers. Fulbright, Ervin, Russell generally got a good press. Hardly ever inspired the gag reflex in liberal writers like Cohen....Liberals never like to examine the delicate nuances of their own prejudices.

Known Unknown said...

Well, Pollo, why not make an agreement out of this mutual repulsion? If you (and I) have a problem with hanging in effigy, surely we can express mutual disgust (or fatigue, aversion or tedium) with people incapable of avoiding the use of Jefferson Davis' pet project for political inspiration or racist memes.

It takes two to tango, R&B, and I haven't seen you employ too many dance moves of your own.