Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Clinton to Obama: Let Americans Keep Healthcare Plans

That's Bill, as you know. USA Today, don't bother. I picked the one at the top only to have something to link, because you should be asking, "Who cares what Bill Clinton says to Obama?"

Switch things around a minute and pretend to be a progressive liberal and imagine the media all around deciding it is significant for all to know what George Bush Jr. has to say to Obama about the present day healthcare bill situation. As a liberal activist how annoyed are you? Or are you finding his opinion relevant? Interesting?

Why did I hear Bill Clinton's opinion five times? Why did I see his grandfatherly face so many times yesterday?

And what kind of advice is that to give anyway. How does ex-president Bill Clinton imagine it is possible for Obama to honor his oft-repeated promise to millions of Americans who have already had their policies cancelled? Bill Clinton is telling Obama to do something that is not possible to do.

And the Republican's legislation will not fix that. The plans are already gone. Any replacement will not be the same. Not only can that promise not be kept, it cannot be fixed. Not for the people who have already lost it. Nice try, Republicans, but again, too little way too late. The Republican party cannot even take advantage of a good crisis when it is handed to them like this. That is how enervated they are. Now is the time to make noise about straight up repealing this piece of poo and its eight foot stack of regulations and keep at it unrelentingly, but that would require spines and something more fervent than old-white-man energy and Versailles-minded seat-holders.

TPM, House Dems Oppose
HuffingtonPost John Barrow becomes first Dem to join Rep proposal
The Hill, Keep You Plan Bill Puts Obama in Bind

and more. [republic proposal keep your plan]


Lem Vibe Banditory said...


Shouting Thomas said...

No, there is no fix to the mess Obamacare has created.

Repealing it is very unlikely.

When is it that Obama will actually "focus on the economy like a laser beam?"

He's been promising to do that for 5 years. So far, nothing.

Michael Haz said...

Bill Clinton's remarks are a surprise, and they aren't a surprise. Not a surprise because it is inevitable that Hillary! must somehow distance herself dorm the Obama administration, and a surprise because of their directness.

Vladimir Putin demonstrated that someone can push Barack Obama around and Obama won't push back. That message was not lost on those in Obama's own party. We now have an ex-president acting as a surrogate for the (possibly) next president pushing Obama. And so is DiFi, and several other Dem senators doing likewise. And Dems in Congress have set Friday as a deadline for the WH to fix ObamaCare, or they will.

Game on. The elliephants just need to sit back and watch the Dems form the circular firing squad.

AllenS said...

BJ is just setting up Hillary! for the coup de grace to Barry.

AllenS said...
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Unknown said...

It's not about the plans or the people or the pain, it's about positioning.
Bill is positioning Hillary. Nothing more nothing less.

Unknown said...

Some longtime members of Clinton’s camp, however, said they did not believe Clinton was trying to create distance from the president's healthcare law, which both he and his wife have previously touted.


Shall we dig for the clips of the Clintons touting ObamaCare...?

Beady-eyed creepy celebrities like Will Ferrel show support for ObamaCare with propaganda to match.
@ 1:08 Bill Clinton touts ObamaCare.

Unknown said...

The media scrabbled to act as democrat protection agents. Wow - yesterday was a new low.

Matt Sablan said...

It is frustrating because they think they can put the horse back in the barn.

Unknown said...

Rand Paul drops a prescient truth bomb on Obama.

Unknown said...

What the GOP should do.

Media will do all they can to stop it.

Unknown said...

"The GOP should add a package including interstate insurance sales and Health Savings Accounts and assorted other improvements, and dare Dems to vote against it — or Obama to veto. He drove the car into the ditch; they’ll just be pulling it out." (insty)

eeeek no! The HillaryCare-ObamaCare single payer tax payer funded gov-run destruction plan must move Forward! The democrats know what is best, you will pay and you will like it!

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Clinton should prank call Obama at 3:00 a.m. and put it on YouTube.

Aridog said...

Nothing is going to happen. Clinton isn't proposing a solution or a replacement. See...Obamacare did "sell" but it turned out to be all scam. But...the "idea" did sell.

Until a solution & replacement for Obamacare is proposed, as Rep Issa has done with bi-partisan sponsorship, nothing is going to happen.

Nothing but the train wreck an author of Obamacare called it.

john said...

There is a timetable here. The dems and their enablers understand how and when bad news arrives and departs, and they will make sure that the American public will be tired of hearing about Obamacare by the end of the year, and Benghazi by 2014.

It doesn't even matter if either are resolved, it only matters that they are wrung through enough news cycles to become like old laundry.

The Clintons and Obama understand that. They are totally on the same page.

ricpic said...

The issue is not the political positioning going on, the issue is that the president is guilty of committing a massive fraud on the American People. At the very least Republicans should make the attempt to impeach. Contrary to the counsel of cowards the American People would reward them in 2014 and 2016 for finally showing a spine.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

As if he could just decree: You get to keep your plan.

The system they created destroyed those plans.

The only way to do what Bill is saying is to get rid of Obamacare.

Imagine if Hillary runs, gets the nomination, and the pledges to scrap Obamacare.

edutcher said...

Willie wants his third term as POTW and a new generation of interns (and MILFs) on which to graze, but he ain't gettin' 'em.

Not enough Demos really want Hillary! to the point they're even looking at Fauxcahontas.

Shouting Thomas said...

No, there is no fix to the mess Obamacare has created.

Repealing it is very unlikely.


bagoh20 said...

When you get scammed, you never get your money back. Sometimes the con man gets caught, and sometimes he gets punished, but you never get made whole. Ask Bernie Madoff's victims.

We got scammed, and it's gone. We can punish Dems, and they deserve it, but the best health care system in the world is permanently damaged. The richest and most powerful people on the planet didn't come here for medicine for nothing.

It could be fixed and reconstituted even better than before with free market reforms, including covering all without insurance, but not by our political class. There wouldn't be enough corruption in it for them.

bagoh20 said...

"As if he could just decree: You get to keep your plan. "

That's exactly what he did (illegally) for donors, supporters, and congress.

bagoh20 said...

The biggest problem right now in this country is the childish idea among so many in the electorate of the mean Republican. It like trying to get people to vote for the Grinch over Santa Clause. Even otherwise intelligent people are just retarded on this point, and there is a huge number of uninformed people with this cartoonish idea making them reliable Dem voters.

The Dude said...

I have no idea what the Santa Clause is, but it seems to get a lot of attention.

Perhaps it is the thought of the kindly old white guy patronizingly giving away things to children and those with the mind of a child that allowed that clause to become law.

Methadras said...

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Clinton should prank call Obama at 3:00 a.m. and put it on YouTube.

Yeah, but Urkel would never pick it up. He's already proven that.

Unknown said...

This is excellent. Excellent I say.

Bronze silver and gold are the new green yellow and red.

ampersand said...
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ampersand said...
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deborah said...

I agree they couldn't restore lost policies, but they could stop people from losing policies going forward. That would be those with employer insurance.

Also, they could allow companies to re-issue canceled plans. Would the companies re-issue, though?