Tuesday, October 1, 2013

"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste"



edutcher said...

Considering how Tiny Dancer has made nothing out of the Murder Crisis in the Windy City, he must not think the wholesale murder of black people is all that serious.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

There are probably some halfway decent this-is-the-moment-al-Qaeda's-been-waiting-for jokes out there but I haven't seen any.

betamax3001 said...

After We Sell Hawaii We Charge a 10% Protection Tax on the Entire Canadian Economy. They Freeload Off of Our Security, Like Living in the House Next to the Police Station. Except They Don't Pay Taxes to Our Police Station.

Canada: Nice Country You Have There, be a Shame If Anything Happened To It.

betamax3001 said...

After We Have Shown Hawaii and Canada We Mean Business We Get to the Big Stuff.

betamax3001 said...

There Were Communists then, There Are Communists Now: Minus the Threat of Nuclear War Things Seemed to Work Pretty Smoothly During the Cold War. We Re-Divide Europe, Splitting It Peacefully With the Russians.

The Russians Get to be a Big Dog Again, We Recoup Protection Money From Our Part of Europe (Now Known as American Europe to Differentiate it with Russian Europe, Maybe Donald Trump Buys Greece Since I Don't Think We or the Russians Really Want It.

Methadras said...

You guys know that nothing will happen right? That even though the government is technically shut down that people will still get paid, they will get back pay, so they really lose nothing. In fact, a buddy of mine told me that some federal employees won't have to pay taxes during this time, but we do. I can't verify that yet, but i'm looking into it.

Matt Sablan said...

Not only will they maybe get back pay, a lot of places are having give-aways to furloughed federal workers (according to Reddit.)

Frankly, those should count as gifts and be limited to incidentals no more than $5.00, but, hey, whatever, right?

Known Unknown said...

Darn, I can't get those security questions to work on healthcare.gov.

I was ready to supply some really funny answers.

Laughter is the best medicine, you know.

betamax3001 said...

The Europeans Love Their Socialism, Anyway: Those In American Europe Will Now Simply Be Paying For Our Socialized Health Care.

Matt Sablan said...

Hearing people talking about WWII Vets engaging in some civil disobedience. This could be interesting times.

betamax3001 said...

We Will Also Charge a Per-Country Surtax on Any Countries Wishing to Still Speak Their Home Language. The French Surtax Will be the Highest. England Doesn't Quite Speak American, But We Will Let Them Slide For Now.

betamax3001 said...

Now That the United Nations is No Longer Necessary We Have Also Freed Up Some Valuable New York Real Estate. Plus, the Police Can Get Back to Writing Parking Tickets for Everyone Again.

betamax3001 said...

America, Russia and China: Just Big Debt-Free Buddies, Chillin' at the Pool, with a Lot of French Maids and German Gardeners.

betamax3001 said...

Problems Solved.

Except for the Middle East, But I Have Some Ideas For That, Too; Perhaps Another Time.

YoungHegelian said...


Not only will they maybe get back pay, a lot of places are having give-aways to furloughed federal workers

Ssssshhhhhhhhh! Pipe down & don't queer the deal, Matt! The Mrs is a fed, & we need to use her ID to cop a free cup of joe come lunchtime.

Jeez, Mr. Kill-joy....

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Well, I looked at Covered California and downloaded their paper application. 36 pages.

Apparantly, we don't fit into any of their cute little boxes when it comes to income. Are we self employed? Well...yes and no. We have an S-Corp that employs us. So no we are not self employed. We are not technically self employed but have reportable wages from the S Corp.

Do we have "other" income. Yes. But the pass through income from the shares of the S Corp is not considered as an option. The S Corp could be owned by a lot of people. Since we own 100% of the shares, would that make us self employed?

So under other income we report Social Security. And the pass through income which changes each year. It is never the same amount.

Other things that aren't clear. Hubby will be eligible for Medicare in early 2014. Does he get fined if we just wait for coverage until then? Why bother going through this if the coverage doesn't start until Jan 2014 and we are in the process of getting a med sup plan to go along with the MANDATORY Medicare enrollment.

What a clusterfuck.

Methadras said...

Dust Bunny Queen said...

What a clusterfuck.

That's putting it mildly.