Sunday, October 20, 2013

Petty Crime Is A Growth Industry

Have you noticed how merchants are starting to discount cash transactions while still offering the same product for more if a credit or debit card is used?  I see it at gas stations out here. More of them in fact than last year. The reason is that companies like Visa and MasterCard bill the merchants fees. Retail fuel is a low-profit, high volume business. So more of them are trying to encourage people to pay without credit cards. This means that such merchants will be handling greater sums of cash. Just wait for this trend to catch on with liquor stores.


Titus said...

typical sullivanist

Paddy O said...

Or debit cards. Thus, passing the charge directly to the consumer.

I use Arco gas a lot. No credit cards. There's a 45 cent fee to use a debit card or you can use cash. With Arco often 10 cents cheaper per gallon, it usually still makes sense, even for my Civic.

Aridog said...

I weep for these retailers. They wanted credit cards so they'd not have to handle so much cash, take it to bank, get robbed, etc. Hint: the credit card receipt is as good or better than cash for purchase of wholesale fuel, or account deposit in their bank. They just want you to pay for their convenience now.

I'm willing to pay the extra for the convenience, not needing to carry much cash, and not having to share gas station lobbies with urban loiterers....who eye a full tank $97 strangely as you fish it from your pocket...then set yourself up as a stooge target for a few more minutes at the pump.

Now...they want to reverse that? Good luck. You don't want my credit or debit card, kiss my ass. Only exception is wilderness areas where cards are not feasible...then I carry cash, and a side arm.

ndspinelli said...

The govt. hates cash and will @ some point eliminate it. That must never be allowed. I use cash more than just about anyone in my demographic. Always tip in cash, the person will appreciate it.

JAL said...

More cash in "gun free zones" (like the NH Shell station) = growth industry in robberies.

chickelit said...

This didn't really become a problem until interest rates were deliberately held so low for so long.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

My liquor store here in the DFW area, Specs, started giving a 5% discount for cash and debit card transactions six months ago.

Since I never use credit cards, I always shop there and smile.